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Lumos. August 30th 2012 12:53 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I don't feel like going to school..
and i have to put on a fake smile for it..

Evanesco August 30th 2012 06:29 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I keep eating too much.

Maloo August 30th 2012 07:32 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Smashed my knee off the cash register at work today, then busted a can of Monster and it went everywhere. Still have 4 hrs of work left.

Magical Forest. August 30th 2012 08:48 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
He had a baby...

Tigereyes August 30th 2012 09:06 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I can't do this anymore.

.:PrincessZelda:. August 30th 2012 10:44 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
My back hurts :(

Jack Lowden August 30th 2012 10:52 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
These essay questions are so confusing >.<

blurryface August 31st 2012 12:48 AM

Re: Complaint of the day

Lumos. August 31st 2012 01:11 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
my allergies are driving me crazy!!!!

Chuuya August 31st 2012 01:22 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
My friend forgot the CD I wanted to borrow. :(

oldaccount August 31st 2012 02:30 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
C was rude to T. Little shit better stay the fuck away from me like he has or I\'m really lighting him up.
see what I did there? >.< :\'( am I over it? Do you THINK I\'m over it? HUH?!

better-than-ecstasy August 31st 2012 04:14 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Mom you said she wasn\'t spending the night! I can\'t go to bed cause she\'s in my room!!!!! I don\'t like her!!!! She made fun of me for having a Rascal Flatts teddy bear and yelled at me on the phone just because Liz wasn\'t home!!!! :mad:

And I\'m still dealing with trying to make things right again with Kayla. I miss her sooo much and I really care about her, but it seems like she doesn\'t see it!!!! :\'(

Tigereyes August 31st 2012 10:28 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Why do I have to have a history test today? I\'m not ready for it. I didn\'t study last night...

Disappearing August 31st 2012 10:58 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I don\'t know how I\'m going to make it through seven hours of school without crying or panicking. :(

Jack Lowden August 31st 2012 05:25 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Bad night last night >.<

Chuuya August 31st 2012 06:24 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I am reallllly cold D:

OmNom August 31st 2012 09:29 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I really dont want to clean my room, my brothers room, and both my little sisters rooms :/
Seriously mom?

.:PrincessZelda:. August 31st 2012 11:22 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I really hate doing laundry

oldaccount August 31st 2012 11:27 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I was really close to him and I didn\'t like it.

LisaLu046 August 31st 2012 11:50 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
After all the I Love You\'s and growing so close and making so many memories, you\'re still not hesitant to let me go and cut me off so easily. So thanks for wasting my time.

better-than-ecstasy September 1st 2012 12:13 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
That mall sucked!!! And I had to sleep on the couch, Kristen..I hate you! You don\'t control my room! All I wanted was a jacket!!!!! :mad:

escape♥ September 1st 2012 03:11 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I miss him..I can\'t even explain how much. I just, do. </3

Lumos. September 1st 2012 03:17 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I think i failed a test. And my friend at school cut again. :/

Celaena-Sardothian September 1st 2012 07:48 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I feel like cutting and I have no idea why :mad:

oldaccount September 1st 2012 08:16 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I went to bed at 9 and woke up just an hour ago to a message that said \'i love you with all my heart <3\'
He has no idea how much I feel for him and how frightening that is to me. I am so scared to love him. So afraid of getting hurt...

It\'s Killing Me September 1st 2012 01:37 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
i hate tragedies.........they kill my mood....wasted 2 whole days on good but tragic story........ugh!!!!!!!!

Chuuya September 1st 2012 03:54 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Nothin to do today D:

.:PrincessZelda:. September 1st 2012 05:01 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'m too tired to do anything today

escape♥ September 1st 2012 05:14 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
So tired and cramping :/ Ugh. Feel like cutting but no blade to cut with. great.

Tigereyes September 1st 2012 05:15 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Just found out my parents have been lying to me.... :\'(

Jack Lowden September 1st 2012 08:00 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'m so out of it :nosweat:

better-than-ecstasy September 1st 2012 10:18 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
WHHYYYYY????? High School sucks and it hasn\'t even started! Like what the crap! I have to start and end my day with Kim ughhh! Trying to avoid her!! and then of course the person I hate the most in this world, Angela is in 3 of my classes. Yeah I\'d love to get along with her, but she thinks I\'m going to set her up again!!!! Why?????? I want to avoid her too!!!!!!! And Kayla doesn\'t go to the high school yet :( and mr. Andrews doesn\'t teach there!!!!! Wow life just gets worse!!!! :mad:

Celaena-Sardothian September 2nd 2012 04:03 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
2 words: periods SUCK!!!! :mad:

Foreveralways September 2nd 2012 04:33 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Concussion make it bad. On top that I want to crawl up into a ball and cry.

Evanesco September 2nd 2012 08:13 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I feel really ill.

blurryface September 2nd 2012 04:15 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Legs hurt. I feel like that tweet was about me. Feel like I\'m falling apart. I really miss him. There\'s so many decisions and not enough time.

Ella.x September 2nd 2012 04:46 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
It\'s my day off but I\'m too tired to do anything

oldaccount September 2nd 2012 05:05 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
There\'s nothing to wear D:
And I might not get to see him today -_-

Jack Lowden September 2nd 2012 08:00 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Drowsy >.<

Chuuya September 2nd 2012 08:18 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I am so tired of trying to get this braid just right D: It\'s sooo hard D:

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