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Chuuya July 27th 2012 11:16 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I hate having no air conditioning in either vehicle! D:

Celaena-Sardothian July 27th 2012 11:43 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
The earthquake people are kicking us out of our house :'( And I don\'t wanna move . . .

Tigereyes July 28th 2012 02:02 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I feel really lost and confused....

Eternal July 28th 2012 05:11 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I hate how easily I get cold.
Its July and I\'m freezing. Something is wrong with this picture.

Mercyfall July 28th 2012 05:46 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'ve made a huge mistake and it may have cost me a friendship..

Storyteller. July 28th 2012 06:28 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'ve literally been looking for this notebook for months and I still can\'t find it. >.<

Age of Ignorance July 28th 2012 11:22 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Speak to me. You\'re going to drive me insane!

Le Papillon July 28th 2012 05:31 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
my mom. is still. ASLEEP. nd my eyes hurt, giving me a headache. still. blah

Moxie. July 28th 2012 08:08 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'m just not feeling it today.

craz33me July 28th 2012 08:10 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I have nothing to do!

Imafrendly July 28th 2012 08:17 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
life is being a fucking bitch :I

George^^ July 28th 2012 09:00 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'m too afraid to take chances.

Chuuya July 28th 2012 10:14 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Sick...I hate being sick :(

Le Papillon July 29th 2012 12:32 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
the shirt didnt fit right, so i couldnt get it. cuz im too fat :\

Agony July 29th 2012 04:53 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Confused. Sick of people putting me on this high pedestal that I don\'t belong on.

Mercyfall July 29th 2012 05:06 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I thought we were closer. I guess I just want to be her friend too much, but she doesn\'t seem to really talk to me. What the hell do I do?

Celaena-Sardothian July 29th 2012 07:25 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'m sick . . . AGAIN! What the heck is with this? So I feel like crap . . . again. And I\'m meant to have school tomorrow . . .

Kumagoro July 29th 2012 12:40 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I always feel angry about stupid stuff that shouldn\'t matter anymore.

Lumos. July 29th 2012 01:48 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
My mom only cares about herself.

Foreveralways July 29th 2012 05:22 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Can\'t play this year:(

Imafrendly July 29th 2012 05:55 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
my grandmother has been asleap for 3 years 4 moths and a bunch of days i miss her :(

Chuuya July 29th 2012 07:09 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
It\'s sooo hot. Everything outside is like dead D:

Evanesco July 29th 2012 08:47 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
My head hurts.

better-than-ecstasy July 29th 2012 10:13 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I hate you grandma! :\'( Why would you go along with my mom? You hate her!

Le Papillon July 29th 2012 10:24 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
im fat, and my family fucking sucks. :(

Kindred July 30th 2012 06:10 PM

Re: Complaint of the day

Zay iz hurtin\'!


joeblow9999 July 30th 2012 06:18 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
504 Gateway Timeout errors are annoying.

Celaena-Sardothian July 30th 2012 06:33 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'m really scared about performing today . . . :\'(

Agony July 30th 2012 06:43 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
So frekin tired. After sleeping for...11 hours and I\'m still tired. I blame the dreams >.<

George^^ July 30th 2012 06:54 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I just honestly feel like crap, and there is nothing anyone can do because all their help doesn\'t make it better.

Le Papillon July 30th 2012 07:13 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
all i wanna do right now is punch her in the face. and stuff mine.

Tigereyes July 30th 2012 07:41 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'m exhausted and I\'m tired of living my miserable life

Chuuya July 30th 2012 07:44 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Ugh. I\'m just frustrated.

Beautiful Disaster July 30th 2012 08:27 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Why is my family so messed up at the moment?

Lumos. July 30th 2012 09:05 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Im depressed :\'(

Chuuya August 1st 2012 11:06 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
My last class on my schedule...is the worst class ever. fudge.

Le Papillon August 1st 2012 11:38 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
i had terrible nightmares last night. again. and im still not sure what to think... and my eyes are reallllyyy bugging me, but in a slightly different way. im not sure whats going onnnnnnnn, and i still dont have an appointment >.<

Jack Lowden August 1st 2012 11:44 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'m sick :(

Mercyfall August 2nd 2012 12:33 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I get distracted so easily and I can\'t afford to do this. I\'m so afraid of forgetting the material so quickly. :(

Tigereyes August 2nd 2012 12:43 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I can\'t focus because the pain is just too much

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