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Why Me? Here is a safe space to let it all out, where you can rant about all the bad things life throws your way. Sometimes it just helps to ask "why me?"
Re: Complaint of the day -
November 5th 2014, 04:51 AM
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I'm officially done with insomnia. Not even tranquilisers are helping tonight. I'm SO uncomfortable and I can't sleep. Then I have to turn around and go to school in a few hours if I even sleep. Yippie! Not.
Re: Complaint of the day -
November 5th 2014, 07:11 AM
GAH. My English professor moved up the due date to a week earlier..which means I have freaking 8 hours to start and finish a 6 page research essay. Lovely.
Re: Complaint of the day -
November 6th 2014, 04:16 PM
My head hurts.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
Re: Complaint of the day -
November 6th 2014, 07:40 PM
This morning I realized that I've not had a childhood.
Meaning, I've never taken the opportunity to get myself into trouble. I've never directly disobeyed a rule. I've never left the house without authorization. I've never gotten into a fight.
Really: What sort of life is life, when you never do anything against the rules?
Re: Complaint of the day -
November 6th 2014, 10:21 PM
I'm having a really difficult day.. i feel like shit
From day one I talked about getting out
But not forgetting about
How all my worst fears are letting out
He said, "Why put a new address on the same old loneliness?"
When breathing just passes the time
Until we all just get old and die
Re: Complaint of the day -
November 7th 2014, 12:13 AM
I will never be good enough.
And will probably never be able to go to my dream college because my grades aren't good enough.
I will never be good enough.
I will never be good enough.
I will never be good enough.
"Don't tell me you're not beautiful. You're the kind of beautiful the blind would see if we could figure out some way to give them three seconds of sight." -- Shane Koyczan
Re: Complaint of the day -
November 9th 2014, 03:44 PM
I'm fine. That's what I'm going to tell everyone from now on. I'm going to lie and say that everything is great when it's never been worse. At least then I won't annoy everyone with all my problems. That's why they hate me. This is proof of why everyone hates me. I'll never be okay anyway. I don't even remember what being okay feels like. I'm done with people. When I stop answering, they won't even notice. I just wish I wasn't a coward.
"Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful..." ~Sixx:A.M.
Re: Complaint of the day -
November 9th 2014, 08:31 PM
I really wish people would pick up after their dogs.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
Re: Complaint of the day -
November 10th 2014, 01:53 AM
I'm not sure if this counts as a complaint..
I tried to cut when I shouldnt be, I thought I was past that... and now I just might fail my promise to someone...
Re: Complaint of the day -
November 11th 2014, 01:44 PM
I welcomed you into my home, hoping to resolve any hatred for whatever you've done, but instead of talking, we argue all day, hurt me, hurt my animals, what kind of mother are you?!