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Why Me? Here is a safe space to let it all out, where you can rant about all the bad things life throws your way. Sometimes it just helps to ask "why me?"
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 25th 2013, 03:02 AM
Man, work sucked today. I was stuck with my micromanaging department supervisor from 1-10pm. Wish I could get a transfer and become a department head, or a different job altogether.
The neon burns a hole in the night, and the Freon burns a hole in the sky.
You can find my kind living right on the fault line, eyes on the seaside, lives on the B-side, kites on the power lines.
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 25th 2013, 06:56 AM
If I didn't go to school today, it would not have lead into a reaction of thoughts that make me feel like shit. And I try hard to overcome those thoughts but there's no avail.
What lies ahead is unknown. However, in some times, I've sighted several smooth pavements. I myself am the mender of roads, and it is with these we work on.
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 25th 2013, 10:31 AM
Thinking about negative points about my mother (Childish jokes, getting away with it while she is angry, but when I am, she says it's unacceptable and making it look like she DOES NOT want me to become an adult and independent)
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 25th 2013, 06:17 PM
Everyone's choosing my roommate over me. Sorry I don't have control over when I get sad, that kind of happens to someone who's depressed. All I want is someone to show they care.
Sorry I couldn't be there, I was tied to a rocking chair.
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 26th 2013, 03:56 AM
I don't know what's wrong with my wrist. It's been mildly hurting for a few days if I move it a certain way and now today I'm able to crack it sometimes if I move it certain ways. >> The mild pain's become more common.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 26th 2013, 07:56 AM
Gr, my little brother is a blanket hog
On a more serious note,
I have a headache, as I seem to do every night.
I recovered another memory today; but with no face.
SH urges are driving me crazy.
Since he had that seizure I'm checking him every five minutes to make sure he's breathing.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 27th 2013, 01:47 AM
Randomly triggered out of nowhere? Okay.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 27th 2013, 03:45 AM
My hip I killing me.
I ripped my pants.
I ate a lot.
I have to pee like crazy.
I think my period is coming.
Nine days left d school.
Haven't done my hw.
Super fat.
I want to be something I don't think I'll ever be again.
formerly snowstorm, GoneBeyondRepair, and Breathless in Love
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 27th 2013, 08:40 PM
I'm usually afraid to talk to people, so you'd imagine it's an achievement when I push myself to do so, but then when I do push myself to do so, I end up saying something stupid and alienating the person I talk to.
y u do dis social skills? T_T
Last edited by Catharsis.; May 27th 2013 at 09:07 PM.
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 28th 2013, 01:13 AM
Mad at myself for dwelling on little things. Mad at things for being there in the first place. Want to throw some sort of dramatic hissy fit over several different problmes at once, but I'll restrain myself.
Starting to realize that I'll never look feminine enough to myself. That's wonderful.
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 28th 2013, 09:54 AM
Eyes hurt
Hip kills
Throat hurts
Cries myself to sleep
Nightmare in which I was crying
Not ready for the day
Stepdads brother is deff moving in
Nothing killed me in my sleep
I feel like ill start crying again any second
formerly snowstorm, GoneBeyondRepair, and Breathless in Love
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 28th 2013, 05:35 PM
The second I come out of my bedroom after waking up this morning, it's immediate "clean the kitchen, wash the dishes by hand, sweep, wipe down the counters, blahblahblah." I clean that kitchen and do all those things every damn day, can I have one day off?
I love my Big Sleepy Bear.
I still fill my panties; do YOU?
No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist. -Oscar Wilde
Buddy since 12/25/11 Self Expressions mod since 4/23/12 Helplink mentor since 5/9/12 . . . . . .Skittlify.
I was blessed by your companionship from 12/24/01-6/27/13
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 28th 2013, 10:11 PM
He's here already.
Cries all night.
Presentation tomorrow.
Made simple mistakes on my French quiz which I had suspected were wrong but didn't change
Nonstop need to piss
Fucking every damn thing cuz the universe hates my cursed self.
Not that it shouldnt
formerly snowstorm, GoneBeyondRepair, and Breathless in Love
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 29th 2013, 03:05 AM
They won't shut the fuck up. Yey won't stop insulting me. Oven died on top of the fridge. Can fuckibg do this. Alter day too much. About to fuckibg explode and kill someone.
formerly snowstorm, GoneBeyondRepair, and Breathless in Love
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 29th 2013, 03:22 AM
Numb. So so so so numb. There's an itch under my skin and in my head feels fucking radioactive and my heart.... it's dead.
I'm dead.
Fucked Up.
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 29th 2013, 04:24 AM
All I asked was if he could call me tonight and talk. Because I missed it. All I said was I missed having late night phone conversations and he got all upset. I can't even pinpoint what I'm doing wrong anymore, since it seems to happen every time I open my mouth. So I'll just be fucking quiet.
Re: Complaint of the day -
May 29th 2013, 07:35 AM
Random crazy lady that could hardly speak English spazzed at me at work today. Calm your farm lady, it's only my third day! And you don't need to be inconvenient by asking to pay for all of your items separately, or forgetting you PIN like a billion times! Ahhhh