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Why Me? Here is a safe space to let it all out, where you can rant about all the bad things life throws your way. Sometimes it just helps to ask "why me?"
Re: Complaint of the day -
March 16th 2013, 07:19 PM
so much to do
so fat
gained even more even though im trying so hard to lose
eyes are dumb as fuck
feel like im having a mid life crisis at SIXFRIKINTEEN
dont know what to do
feel like a failure
wanna just dissipear for awhile and change my life
formerly snowstorm, GoneBeyondRepair, and Breathless in Love
Re: Complaint of the day -
March 16th 2013, 08:51 PM
My mom yelled at me and made me feel guilty for asking for a necessity that I needed and had to have today, not wanted. I asked 2 weeks in advance as well so it's not a last minute thing. Now I'm just sitting here crying while she's of course, slamming stuff down and breaking stuff in the kitchen. She's gonna go the whole day making sure to make me miserable. Then when dad gets back... Gotta put on my smile while he makes negative remarks and my mom's shooting me cold looks and mean remarks. I haven't even finished my coffee yet and this day is crap.
Last edited by DeletedAccount17; March 16th 2013 at 08:58 PM.
Re: Complaint of the day -
March 16th 2013, 10:09 PM
A boy in my theater class killed himself. He was a senior, graduating in 2 months... He was cast in the play... He could sing, play guitar, dance, act, and make everyone laugh and smile. And he killed himself. Rest in peace...
Re: Complaint of the day -
March 18th 2013, 11:09 PM
Gained alot of weight. Even though I'm trying to control how much I eat, my dad still tells me that I can't eat a flipping egg. *Sigh* What kind of concoction do you think I'm making to make be gaining [Edited] ? What's wrong with eating one boiled egg???
Last edited by Adam the Fish; July 25th 2013 at 12:48 PM.
Reason: Edited out fully \ Weight numbers are not allowed - refer to CoC
Re: Complaint of the day -
March 19th 2013, 05:42 PM
I miss you. I miss you so so much... You were like a brother to me... I miss youu... I miss you... Fucking war... You had to go... Rest in peace brother...
Re: Complaint of the day -
March 20th 2013, 03:54 PM
I thought it was bad when Mimi and you would make out.
But you and Zoa..... its like I'm being strangled. Shot, strangled, ripped apart and sliced to pieces. With the blades that you look away from me.
I love you and you kiss me, you do all of this shit with me, and then... and then...
Re: Complaint of the day -
March 20th 2013, 10:35 PM
I got picked on even more than usual today. I'll be bloody delighted to get out of school for two weeks. Bloody well delighted.
Home isn't much of an improvement either. Can't go ten minutes without an argument with my parents, usually over nothing as well.