Originally Posted by Proud90sKid
Anorexia can kill you and even damage your brain. I would get help for this immediately. If you are worried about an apple sauce, are you even eating enough to remain healthy? Do you feel light headed or have a racing heart? If you arent eating, at least take vitamins (especially B vitamins) and drink coconut water for potassium and traditional electrolyte drinks for sodium. You can die if your potassium and/or sodium gets too low.
I'm definitely not eating enough, I'm getting really underweight. I've tried getting help and everyone tells me to toughen up so I don't know what to do. I'm always lightheaded because I have NCS (Neurocardial Syncope) and I don't have a racing heart, I've got the opposite, ridiculously low blood pressure.
Thanks for the advice. /gen