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Vaccination propaganda -
June 22nd 2021, 09:52 PM
I don't really like admitting that I feel low on here, but here we are.
Last year my assistant manager caught Covid and she lost her sense of taste and smell. Because that was all that happened to her, she's convinced that Covid is completely overblown.
During the lockdown she has clearly done a lot of 'research' into vaccinations and whatnot. However, it's clear that the information she's gathered is likely bias due to her perceptions from when she caught Covid. So her browser searches are likely to be directed in such a way in which she believes the whole thing is bad.
When I told her the other week I was getting my vaccination, she instantly sparked up saying, 'You know it's all experimental right? There's no evidence on how long it will last for, how how much protection it gives. No evidence on what it does to the body long-term...' And she kept going on and on and I was like, 'Well I'll just take one for the team then and have it' she replied, 'What team? There isn't any team here' I was already like, uh ok? I didn't realise how far into the whole propaganda side of things she was until I finally had the vaccination.
She came back off her week away yesterday and when I mentioned to her about my vaccination, she told me to keep my distance and whatnot. I was very confused because of the situation and why I'd need to do so. Another staff member also had the same vaccination as me, so she told him to keep his distance too.
It turns out she's so weirded out by the whole thing because of that propaganda going around that mRNA vaccinations cause a person to 'shet spike proteins' and 'causes other people to get Covid' and other stuff. She even said to me today she's 'rather get Covid again'. I said to her I genuinely wonder where she's getting her sources from. She replied, 'Multiple sources Sarah' as she smiled at me.
The whole thing and her trying to keep away from me because of some stupid conspiracy theorist online who's gained traction has really got to her. She must have been sat there for ages during lockdown just reading this sort of thing for weeks on end.
When she told me to keep my distance from her I genuinely felt quite hurt. Not because she asked me to do so as a manager but because of her own personal reasons. I've got quite close with her. I've shared all my past history including all the stuff I dislike telling people. She's been super supportive and wonderful to me.
I want to support her and respect her opinions, even if I disagree with them. The problem is that her belief on the matter is so strong that I feel like it's going to put distance between us and I don't want that. Even today, normally she'd say she's leaving but she didn't even bother doing that. She just left for the day as if to keep away from me. It wasn't a nice feeling.
I tried to stay open about it and thought maybe she was just really busy and needed to leave, but even then, I've never seen her bolt out of the gym so fast without saying bye.
The whole thing had me genuinely so upset I was actually in tears when I got home. I'd held everything in until then. I even spoke to a friend who was her client and has known her longer for me and even she thinks my AM is taking things too far.
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Re: Vaccination propaganda -
June 23rd 2021, 01:35 PM
Hello Sarah,
I am sorry about all of this that has been going on at work and I hope that you will be okay soon. A lot of people have gotten covid before they came out with this vaccination. Some people think that it is not a very big deal and then you have other people who have gotten it and they have passed away, then others have been sick for a while. Then you have other people who are getting the vaccination so they will not get it and they will be okay. Everyone has a choice on if you do or do not want to get this and it is totally fine. You have so many people who think and feel differently about this and that can be hard to deal with. I'm sorry she is treating you like this and hopefully she will stop. When you are at work try to stay away from her until she is okay again if you are able to. I know that sometimes it is hard to stay away from someone when you are working with them. Also when she says something to you, try not to get upset and try to stay calm. I know it can be hard, when we are staying calm and forcing on what we are doing, then we don't have to worry about what they are saying to us. When you get home from work try to do something nice to help you to relax and you are not thinking about work. For example putting on a funny movie or TV show or grabbing a book to read for a while or drawing or painting or writing or calling a friend or something else that you enjoy doing. I hope that you will be okay soon and work gets better for you as well.
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Re: Vaccination propaganda -
June 23rd 2021, 06:07 PM
I'm sorry that your AM's beliefs in vaccinations has put a gap between you both. I've spoken to a lot of people who have concerns over the vaccine program's safety, and I can understand why this sort of debate could cause polarisation. I think that you trying to maintain peace and respect her beliefs and concerns is a reallygood thing, and it's a shame if she would not feel like doing the same.
Do you think it would be worth talking to her privately about the matter? If she isn't comfortable face to face, maybe you could send her a text and bring it up if you feel comfortable doing so?
Hopefully she will begin to realise she can't keep her distance from everyone who has been vaccinated forever, because eventually that will be most people. I also hope she opens herself up to other view points on this, especially since vaccinations are our chance of eventually getting back to normal.
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Re: Vaccination propaganda -
June 23rd 2021, 11:18 PM
As someone whose whole job centers around Covid as well as promoting the vaccine, it often saddens me to hear the beliefs and fears people have surrounding the vaccine. Sometimes I even feel angry. But I have to remind myself that it’s a small minority that’s feeding the information to the public, and when people are scared and don’t know a lot they’ll latch on to that information. Of course we also have to inform people, but tactfully.
I’m not sure how vaccines are going in Wales but where I live it’s pretty hard to go anywhere and not find at least one vaccinated person! Maybe as more and more people in your area get vaccinated with nothing disastrous happens, she’ll begin to cool down a bit. I get that this doesn’t make things easier now though! You’re doing the right thing by respecting her beliefs. Like Hollie said, maybe you can try talking to her about it.
I’m sorry that you’re having this experience and I hope it gets better soon!
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Re: Vaccination propaganda -
June 24th 2021, 12:05 AM
Thank you for all the really great replies. I appreciate it. 
I decided to keep my distance a bit from her today. Normally I would come to the office and say hello. Even if I have a client in a short time. Today I just went straight for the staff room, got changed, and sat waiting for my client. My AM approached me and asked how I was today. I said I was ok etc. And she seemed her usual cheerful self.
After my client I went to the staffroom to eat before I went to exercise. My AM came in shortly after and the staffroom is quite small. I noticed that due to this, she seemed to keep her distance a bit. She kept her back to me when she needed to be close by, and when she was waiting for the microwave to cook her food, she sat on the seat furthest away.
The conversation went very well. We had our usual jokes and laughs about things. She didn't stay as I expect she had a lot of work to do. Though again, she kept her distance. I feel like she did so because of how small the room was, as she does it in the office because it's the size of a small bathroom. Whereas on the gym floor she has a lot of room to manoeuvre.
I decided to just continue being myself around her, but respect her wishes and keep my distance until she decides she feels willing to sit and chat with me in a closer proximity.
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Re: Vaccination propaganda -
June 25th 2021, 01:38 AM
Hi Sarah,
I'm sorry to hear how your AM is treating you because of her believes when it comes to the vaccine It can difficult to comprehend someone's believes when they are different from yours and it notably has been hurtful the way that she has been treating you. The only advice I can give you is to, as you mentioned, keep your distance and to remain as professional around your manager as you can.
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