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DeletedAccount81 January 30th 2022 10:38 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Who the fuck schedules inspection first thing in the morning on a Monday?! Madness.

Mindfulness. January 31st 2022 07:48 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I hope this doesn't interfere with my love for the job.

Kate* February 1st 2022 01:56 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I REALLY hope I get a better offer, the amount of hours I'd need to stay off of Medicaid would be ridiculous.

And when the subject of your e-mail says "Phone screen," and you don't respond again asking me to come in, then I will assume you're calling, or you're going to tell me soon enough beforehand that I need to actually show up.

Mindfulness. February 1st 2022 07:38 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
When is it every going to stop?

DeletedAccount81 February 1st 2022 06:06 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Why isn't anyone coming at me with writing opportunities?!

Soda_Voxel February 1st 2022 06:50 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I just want these stomach problems to go away. I have constant fear of the pain becoming worse again, I think I've developed algophobia from it.

Kate* February 1st 2022 07:57 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
3 hours of work is stupid, but at this point I'm only there for the money. You screwed me and I'm trying to make up where I can until I can get out. Had an interviewer blow me off already, but they're sweet so we'll try again tomorrow. So, can't relax tonight or tomorrow, Thursday is laundry day and then back to "work" for the 3 days. Life fucking sucks right now.

DeletedAccount81 February 1st 2022 09:34 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I wish I could hit the reset button and do everything over so I'm not icky.

Mindfulness. February 3rd 2022 07:40 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I can't wait to get out of that place.

Starseeker February 3rd 2022 03:44 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Not only have I been feeling depressed for weeks, now I also have super painful period, a headache and I want to vomit.

Kate* February 4th 2022 04:59 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
THAT'S interesting, but it probably wouldn't do a damn thing for me since I've already been replaced, and I don't think anything can be done.

Mindfulness. February 4th 2022 08:45 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Why can't they just take the hint?

Soda_Voxel February 4th 2022 08:41 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
What if this isn't worth it? What if I can't keep it up and it's all in vain and I go back to square one and then I just fucking die and it's all for nothing? All that effort, all that money and hope, would be for nothing.

I know I can't lose hope so easily. But it's fucking hard, even despite all these tools I have now and all this stuff I've learned.

Mindfulness. February 5th 2022 12:54 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I hope I get through tonight.

Starseeker February 5th 2022 07:33 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
To be honest, I stopped caring what happens to me at all. Move? Yeah. Work? Sure. Be with you? Whatever.

Mindfulness. February 6th 2022 04:10 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I really hope this goes away.

Kate* February 6th 2022 04:19 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Given how the job search is going, I almost have to hold on and hope that once she's gone, I can plead my case to her replacement and hope I get back to a livable paycheck.

Starseeker February 6th 2022 05:42 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself

Soda_Voxel February 6th 2022 09:14 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I really don't want to have that nightmare again. In the end, it's only a dream, but it was horrible. It was sensory overload and apocalyptic hopelessness all in one.

DeletedAccount81 February 7th 2022 02:07 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
The fact that I'm just learning this at an age where people begin to die in Africa due to lack of education about it.

I am disgusted, I am appalled, I am infuriated. I want to yell at them. Say what the actual fuck?

What were they thinking? What the actual fuck were they thinking showing us nastiness and not teaching us logic?

Everglow. February 7th 2022 09:20 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I have a week off work, which means a week where I don't have to do covid tests every single day. And what happens? I get contact traced, and have to do a lateral flow every day for 7 days. Literally so annoying.

Kate* February 8th 2022 02:01 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Here we go again. Am I staying, am I using it as leverage, should I even bother thinking about it considering none of them have worked out? I need more money and I deserve a manager who won't stab me in the back.

Mindfulness. February 8th 2022 08:59 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I feel like I don't have much time to myself anymore...

Kate* February 8th 2022 07:16 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Well, I can't tell how that went. I'll be disappointed, but not devastated if I don't get it. And, they straight out said they would be willing to work around the availability if I want to stay, but never gave me a pay rate.

Edit: I'm HIRED so now we deal with the anxiety of THAT, the fact that I don't have all the information I wish I had, that I left my middle name off the form and what if I hate it?!

I guess subconsciously I'm hell bent on sabotaging this.

Soda_Voxel February 8th 2022 08:22 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I can't even enjoy things I do like anymore!! All my existing interests now make me anxious and/or depressed for one reason or another! It's not fair. I miss liking things! I miss having that passion! But no, I'm just too scared to do anything for the stupidest of reasons and so I haven't enjoyed them in a month or more. UGH

Starseeker February 9th 2022 05:03 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I'm so frustrated
I'm so frustrated
I'm so frustrated
I'm so frustrated
I'm so frustrated
I'm so frustrated
I'm so frustrated
I'm so frustrated
I'm so frustrated
I fucking hate my life!!!!!!

Mindfulness. February 10th 2022 03:39 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
It's always one thing after the other. When will it stop?

Starseeker February 10th 2022 04:26 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
My life is a piece of fucking shit

Mindfulness. February 12th 2022 01:35 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Why is there no down time?

Kate* February 12th 2022 06:05 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
The timing of everything is absolutely eerie, and it's making this extremely stressful because I don't know what to do.

Mindfulness. February 13th 2022 07:54 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I really hope my life settles down.

Kate* February 14th 2022 07:26 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I'm not fully ready and/or willing for this job, so I guess whatever happens happens

Mindfulness. February 14th 2022 08:47 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I honestly don't have time for myself anymore.

Mindfulness. February 15th 2022 07:27 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Lets hope I won't go under...

Kate* February 15th 2022 11:51 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
It's beyond obvious now that you'll ignore my availability and even over pay me when you NEED me, so give me the PT 30 like you SHOULD'VE done in the first place, it's common sense and it's NOT THAT fucking HARD

Mindfulness. February 16th 2022 07:26 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I don't understand why people just don't respond...

Mindfulness. February 17th 2022 07:30 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Why do I do this to myself?

Soda_Voxel February 17th 2022 02:58 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I'm losing interest in all my, well, interests. Everything upsets me or just bores me. I want that joy back. But it all just makes me grumpy now.

Kate* February 18th 2022 04:59 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I need to stop eating, but I can't tell if I'm hungry or nauseous

Starseeker February 18th 2022 09:51 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Nice. So nice. I can't decide if I want to be in a relationship or not. Who can decide if I can't?

I sometimes think I would be better off alone.

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