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nothereanymore May 19th 2018 04:54 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Why can’t you just be happy for me? Why do you have to jump down my throat and compare me to my brother first? Fucking bitch.

DeletedAccount69 May 19th 2018 05:27 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I am tired of having to deal with all this. I am tired of being overlooked. Wish I could leave but I know I wouldn't be able too. I'll just have to sit back and deal with it all.

DeletedAccount106 May 20th 2018 01:55 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Everyone is still fighting!

DeletedAccount69 May 20th 2018 03:31 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I hate myself. I hate this all so much. So much good stuff going on for me and I still can't be happy or stop hating myself.

Kate* May 20th 2018 04:56 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Just when I think I've moved on, it hits me again. I knew that it would never fully go away, but I was hoping it would eventually stop hurting this badly.

And a few hours later, I'm feeling ridiculously empowered. I REALLY hope this is normal because it's super weird!

DeletedAccount69 May 21st 2018 02:03 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I am having anxiety and I feel like I am an absolute failure.

Tigereyes May 21st 2018 02:04 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Fuck recovery bullshit. It doesn't work. I'll never get better. I don't want to try anymore.

DeletedAccount69 May 21st 2018 04:48 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Had a ton of stuff I wanted to get done and now my head is killing me. I think it might be an stress headache but cannot be certain.

Tigereyes May 22nd 2018 03:46 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Today was a very shitty day. You really hurt me, and I'm really not okay.

Phantom_Girl May 22nd 2018 05:01 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I feel really bad about not caring about your class in high school. It still really bothers me to this day. Mostly because I was actually really good at it. I think I’m mad mostly at myself for being difficult, fucking up, using every excuse in the book to fuck up things for everyone else. I really wish I could go back and change things, try harder, and commit. I’m so sorry. Maybe we could have succeeded if I had just tried harder. It’s my one biggest regrets in life and I honestly don’t know why it still bothers me.

Kate* May 22nd 2018 06:14 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
There is suddenly a sore spot in my throat when I swallow. If the entitled sick bitch who threw my stuff everywhere got me sick, I give up on humanity.

Everglow. May 22nd 2018 11:22 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
One of my rats died Last night.
And the only person home is my brother who didn't even stay out his room long enough for me to take him out the cage.
I hate life i fucking hate it

Tigereyes May 22nd 2018 01:04 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
How can you already be demanding that I come back? I can't handle being at the house again for a while, and not that long--or did you somehow fail to see that when I had to leave early last week?

Everglow. May 22nd 2018 11:28 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Urges keeping me up.
Struggling tonight.
Want to make you proud but I'm going to end up nowhere.
I need help.
Nowhere to go

Kate* May 23rd 2018 06:07 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I could pay this off now, and leave myself with almost no money, or I can wait. I HATE the fact that I could, but I don't have enough cushion to actually do it.
And it may be considered "good" by professionals, but after I went through I want it off my back. Nothing "good" resulted from it. It was all wasted.

TraitorBaby May 23rd 2018 04:04 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
My brothers an asshole. My feet STILL hurt.

Kate* May 24th 2018 06:54 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Fully aware,world doesn't revolve around me, but sick to DEATH of mine revolving around HER

TraitorBaby May 25th 2018 01:30 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Wish I was drunk. Would love some vodka

Everglow. May 25th 2018 12:03 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Idk what's wrong with me today. Can't shake the feeling that somethings wrong.

Kate* May 26th 2018 05:41 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I don't love my job anymore. I can't tell if it's the management changes, the fact that it's getting repetitive as hell (which I used to not mind), if there's a medication issue, if we're getting busier, or if the novelty has just worn off. And I'm back to 6 hour shifts next week after dealing with her on Monday, which means it doesn't count as a day off. At least if I was forced to work it, I'd get away from her and get paid time and a half.

DeletedAccount69 May 26th 2018 11:41 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Woke up due to a nightmare and probably won't fall back asleep. It's 4am...

Starseeker May 26th 2018 04:14 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I'm really anxious about going to the pub tonight. But it was my fucking idea. Only I thought about it two weeks ago, within a safe distance from the date itself. Dumb.

DeletedAccount69 May 26th 2018 05:27 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I don't see the fucking point

Lunar May 27th 2018 12:46 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I hate you.

.:PrincessZelda:. May 27th 2018 02:29 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
My own friends didn't even wish me happy birthday.....

Kate* May 27th 2018 07:49 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
The more I hear about this, the more I want to avoid it, and I didn't want to go in the first place. I'd love to get out of it, or refuse to go, but is it worth the yelling I know you'll do?

Melatonin failed me last night, ugh.

Tigereyes May 27th 2018 05:38 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I can't fucking take this anymore. I'm sorry for having emotions and that I'm not good enough at completely suppressing them.

Lunar May 28th 2018 03:44 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I can't stand how you treat me. I've had enough.

DeletedAccount69 May 28th 2018 11:59 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I almost gave up being self harm free. So close to 2 years. Not certain what caused the urge other then seeing a tool I could use. Please let me make it to two years!

Tigereyes May 28th 2018 07:13 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Why the fuck do my neighbors always have to smoke weed into the vents so it gets into my room and bathroom?? And why always when I want drugs?

Lunar May 28th 2018 07:26 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I hate the fact that you refuse to help me with anything. I understand that sometimes life gets in the way, but I go out of my way to help you sometimes, and I'll I'm asking for in return is a little help fixing something and you avoid me like I'd give you the flu.

DeletedAccount69 May 28th 2018 09:05 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
My headaches have been bad this week and that's not good since I start working in a week. Going to lie down and hope that helps this one.

Kate* May 29th 2018 12:56 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Back to 6 hour shifts tomorrow and all of next week. The upside is more money, but it's really not that much more, especially after taxes. It doesn't help that I'm nauseous and getting a headache now. And my favorite manager is gone.

TraitorBaby May 29th 2018 02:19 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
It took everything i had to shower and shave and not use the razor for something else.

At least I know he's gone now...

DeletedAccount69 May 29th 2018 11:29 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Anxiety woke me up. Not sure I'll be able to get back to sleep.

Everglow. May 29th 2018 01:37 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I'm literally so sick of constantly being unhappy and exhausted.

Lunar May 29th 2018 04:19 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Forget you and everything you think is okay to say to people when it isn't.

DeletedAccount39 May 29th 2018 05:09 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I feel so unworthy of anyone’s time. That’s why everyone keeps canceling their plans with me, right? I’m not worthy of their time. They keep canceling last minute. This is the third time in less than 24 hours

DeletedAccount69 May 29th 2018 11:52 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I am not sure what I am feeling right now...I just feel unsafe?

nothereanymore May 30th 2018 04:30 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Someone actually looked me in the face tonight and said “you just need to take better care of yourself”... because it’s just that simple. my identical twin sister died just over four months ago when an impaired driver ran her over while she was walking on the sidewalk and I was forced to get a full-time job and become self-sufficient because my dad can do that, so I can too, right? my health is suffering because this shit is stressful, and because I’m actually suffering, not because I’m not taking care of myself. And when I take care of myself poorly, don’t you think I have a pretty damn good reason to?

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