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THE FAPMAN May 22nd 2013 11:20 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Well fuck you all.

Jordioa18 May 22nd 2013 12:13 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I hope I get a planned match on UCW this week... The new GM isn't that generous about giving people matches :mad:

DeletedAccount20 May 22nd 2013 02:00 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Get off the fucking phone. It's ten now so my five minutes of peace is over.

Thanks. Not.

Catharsis. May 22nd 2013 04:32 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Lord, give me patience. Do you realise how difficult you make things for people who are genuinely trying to help you?

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ May 22nd 2013 04:52 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
At lunch my flavored water exploded everywhere. >> I'm wearing khakis.

Kate* May 22nd 2013 05:42 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I'm seriously about to call you and BITCH somebody out. How hard is this really?!

Molz2015 May 22nd 2013 11:47 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
F this f my f'd up life. I'm tired of this. I wish I was dead then I wouldn't have to deal with this sh**. F you doctors who are forcing me to go to longterm treatment. I don't want to go!!!! I'm just going to get worst there. I'm not going to ever get better..what;s the point?! :'(

blurryface May 23rd 2013 01:00 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I don't know who I am and what I want and I need someone's help figuring it out.

Le Papillon May 23rd 2013 02:07 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
This hurts me.. It's too fast, even though its much too slow for you. I'm sorry.....

.Sunnieshine May 23rd 2013 03:09 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
You just don't give a fuck about anything I say. Now you're angry you found out differently, yet I said that to begin with. Fuck you! I'm not just a figure of your imagination.

Reign. May 23rd 2013 02:41 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I don't understand why you never know what you want.
But I'd appreciate you taking into consideration the fact that you might hurt me in the process.

Symphony. May 23rd 2013 04:04 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I ruined it.

Reign. May 23rd 2013 04:32 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Just because I'm not going to wait around for you to make up your mind doesn't make me a horrible person. Don't you dare say anything to me when YOU are the one who's done all the damage.

.:PrincessZelda:. May 23rd 2013 06:23 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
My legs hurts. :(

Le Papillon May 23rd 2013 06:59 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I can't take this.. It just too much. I don't know how to handle this, and nothing anyone does can change it. I'm a time bomb, and every little thing shortens the fuse

Slash May 23rd 2013 09:10 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
This thread is very useful. (By the way when I say stuff like society I'm not talking about this society and I'm not talking about this at all in the stuff below.)

Why the fuck does society always treat me like shit! SCREW YOU FUCKING SOCIETY! FUCK YOU SOCIETY FOR THIS:


leavemealone May 23rd 2013 09:49 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I'm TIRED of you yelling at me all the time, I'm TIRED of having to run across the house when you call because I know you'll get angry if I don't get to you quick enough to do what you want me to do, I'm TIRED OF ALL THIS BULLSHIT!!! I can't stand it when you yell and scream and treat everyone around you like shit, it drives me crazy when you think that it's alright to disrespect everyone around you but then you think it's mandatory for everyone else to respect you. You KNOW that I'm a wreck, but you don't care! You treat me like dirt, you remind me everyday that I'm stubborn and hard to deal with, don't you think I know that?? You don't think I know that I'm an irrational teenager with issues? You don't need to remind me! You don't need to yell at me with your eyes so big like that, like you're staring into my soul and ripping it out piece by piece. You make me so angry and upset all the time, you make me cry on a daily basis, you cause me so much stress and anger, and you butt into EVERYTHING in my life. I WANT to be able to talk to you, but you make it too hard.

blurryface May 23rd 2013 10:04 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Listen, bitch. I worked my fucking ass off to get my grades where they were. Two months ago, I had two F's, 2 D-'s and a D. I finished sophomore year with a D-, two D+'s, and two C's. I nearly doubled my history grade in two months. It was a 39% and I finished with a 74%. Why can't you fucking say you're fucking proud of me?
And by the way, cunt, it is not my fucking fault my grade in English didn't go up. That is my teacher's. My grade should have gone up, but no, Mr. Fuckface puts more emphasis on WWAs then on the final. Do not fucking blame me.

DeletedAccount17 May 23rd 2013 10:11 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I wanna be pretty.

.:PrincessZelda:. May 23rd 2013 10:16 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
God, I am such a fucking fat ass, disgusting cow.

Reign. May 24th 2013 12:17 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I just wish I meant enough to you to where you wouldn't play games with me.

Kate* May 24th 2013 03:42 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Let me get this straight, you arrogantly admit to doing it, but if other people do it, it's completely unacceptable. Your opinion and view, right or wrong, is absolutely right and the only one, and anyone who disagrees doesn't have a defensible view; even when YOU'RE the one who has NO IDEA what you're talking about and therefore no business commenting on such things because if someone else does that it's wrong?!

Some people need to GROW UP, some need to SHUT UP, and some just need to admit when they're WRONG and DEAL WITH IT!

hocus pocus May 24th 2013 04:45 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I'm wasting my teenage years; I want a life. What's supposed to be so great about your teen years, anyway? :?

Le Papillon May 24th 2013 10:04 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
Why the duck can't he just live in his trailer someplace? Why the fuck does he come to come here because he's ducking retarded and refused to pay his bills u til it was too late? I can't stand him anymore than I can stand Eric.. They're pretty much exactly the same.. I can't do this. I can live ere like this. I can't take it. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfu ck.

Reign. May 24th 2013 05:40 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I hate the way you use me.

Haruhi May 24th 2013 06:12 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Why is it always me life throws problems at?!

Fed up of perverted men and drug abuse.
I can only dream of normality these days.

Reign. May 24th 2013 07:55 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I wish you would text me.
I miss you and I don't want to seem clingy. :|

DeletedAccount17 May 24th 2013 09:23 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I'm really sorry... I didn't know how to act at that time. I regret it greatly.

Reign. May 25th 2013 12:45 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I'm trying to be positive, but it isn't easy with all the people who bring me down in my life.

Slash May 25th 2013 02:36 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
I've had enough of you society. Day in and day out I have to deal with your shit you give me. I'm fucking tired of it. I now know what hell is like. It is like my life. Its some stupid piece of shit.

Koharuchan May 25th 2013 02:35 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
What the hell is wrong with it?! Why do you care so damn much about what other people think?! I am 19 damn years old, you can NOT tell me what I can and can't wear anymore! But you do it anyway, and for some unknown reason, I have to listen or suffer like hell. It gets COLD in this house! My meds make me sensitive to cold! So why the HELL is it so ridiculous for me to wear a scarf in the house?! You say I can't wear it because it's summer and I look ridiculous. It's not like I'm wearing it out anywhere, and guess what?! It's 50 fucking degrees outside anyway!!!

Luke.J May 25th 2013 04:22 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Gettin' real tired of your shit, life ... Hurry up and improve !!!

.:PrincessZelda:. May 25th 2013 05:32 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Nobody gives a shit about me anymore. Maybe I am better off dead.


Le Papillon May 25th 2013 06:00 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Why can't I stop this? I'm just a huge ass fuckibg failure. I can't do anything right, ever. I fuckibg suck and I shouldn't be her ruining it for others

oldaccount May 25th 2013 07:40 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
You've been nice and polite to me since I've been dating your son, but now I think I've lost all respect for you. You're a selfish bitch. Your son graduated, you didn't show any emotion, you never once told him you were proud of him, and you made him feel like a complete piece of shit because your stupid youngest son couldn't take a damn picture. Instead of getting mad at him, you got mad at Alex. Over a picture. You told him taking a good picture with him didn't matter to you. I was the only person who told him I was proud of him last night. You locked yourself in your room and didn't speak to him and told your husband to tell him to go over to someone's house. My mom cares about him more than you do. You're not a very good mother. You hardly try. I have enormous pity on your other three children. God bless them.

Jordioa18 May 25th 2013 09:24 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
Godverdomme... Ik wordt nog eens hier kk para...

Just the tought of it, just unleashes a inner beast of me with a sprinkle of madness... :'(

DeletedAccount17 May 25th 2013 09:44 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I need to talk to you. You\'re perfect, I\'m flawed.

.Sunnieshine May 25th 2013 10:53 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I need you :\'( You lied to me.

Reign. May 25th 2013 11:40 PM

Re: Screaming thread.
I\'m done waiting around for you.
I know I said I wasn\'t going to move on, but I\'m not going to let you hold me back from being happy.
I\'ll always love you, but you won\'t even say that I\'m yours.
You won\'t even claim me.
Yet, you "love me."
It\'s time for you to learn your lesson.

Kate* May 26th 2013 01:04 AM

Re: Screaming thread.
How much more arrogant can you get? Not only do you think you know everything when you DON\'T, but you have to parade around rubbing it in people\'s faces and rudely pointing out that they\'re always wrong. Yet someone does that to you and you simply made a mistake. What the hell?! Some people really need to grow the F*** up.

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