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Why Me? Here is a safe space to let it all out, where you can rant about all the bad things life throws your way. Sometimes it just helps to ask "why me?"
Re: Screaming thread. -
December 30th 2018, 10:30 AM
I don't know if fantasy has kept me alive, because books and games have always been an escape, or if it has ruined me, because through fantasy I know how boring my life in this world is. Had it not been my for my parents and family, I would be long dead. I know it may sound really ungrateful, but sometimes I prefer they just... weren't there. Not dead. Just not there. So that I could peacefully fade away.
Re: Screaming thread. -
December 31st 2018, 01:28 PM
Why is suffering always a fucking competition>?????? I want to fucking die if it's only going to get even worse so stop fucking saying that or I might actually go through with it.
"Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful..." ~Sixx:A.M.
Re: Screaming thread. -
January 1st 2019, 07:20 PM
I have to go to school tomorrow. Seems like a nightmare. I feel my mind fighting to stay home, but it's as if kept in a cage of my body, which won't listen. My body will go and my mind will have to suffer. How horrible.
Re: Screaming thread. -
January 4th 2019, 09:48 PM
I'm so afraid of everything. Of life. Of what I should achieve but I'm not going to. Of other people, of being judged by no one but myself, of... the world, it seems, and the atrocious way it works.
Unless I could be one of those badass characters in books and games, who begin as gifted but defiant youth, live through countless adventures and learn wisdom from the wiser to become the wisest in the end, I am content with only following these characters' stories. But I want nothing more demanded from me and that's the fucking problem.
Re: Screaming thread. -
January 5th 2019, 05:40 PM
I'm going to an escape room tomorrow. As if this alone wasn't enough for me to freak out, it's gonna be a horror one, Jesus fucking Christ, what was I thinking when I agreed on that shit? I'm panicking so much now...
Re: Screaming thread. -
January 6th 2019, 02:26 AM
I have next to no support. It's only going to keep getting worse. I see no hope for me. I'll never be okay again. I wish I had just killed myself already. It'd be better for everyone if I had never been born because my failed efforts just hurt everyone I love. I'm sorry.
"Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful..." ~Sixx:A.M.
Re: Screaming thread. -
January 9th 2019, 12:54 PM
ive been told high school's supposed to be the best time of my life, well fuck no it's like the worst so what are the other parts gonna be like? not sure if i wanna check that myself to be honest
Re: Screaming thread. -
January 9th 2019, 06:11 PM
I screwed up. Hopefully I don't get fired for this.
Everything makes me worried I'm gonna get fired but this worries me most.
Second guessing that job I applied for. I said I wouldn't like it cause I'd be on graveyard shift etc but I think I'm going to go for it and if I get an interview I'm going to ask all my questions.
What shifts are available
What is expected of us on the job
It's more money any might not be as stressful as this. It might be worse but it can't hurt to go for it can it?
Re: Screaming thread. -
January 10th 2019, 01:18 AM
I feel like I should take extra hours, especially now that it's so slow, but the times you want me, I don't want. I would much rather do a short shift on my day off than extend a 5 to an 8, especially on a weekend I know I don't have to, but I kind of do. I really wish you had offered it next week when you cut me by a whole day. I really have to think about this.
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
Re: Screaming thread. -
January 11th 2019, 03:53 AM
The more I think about 2 extra hours at work tomorrow, the less I want to do them. It's not a weekend, it's not 3, and this is our slowest time. Hopefully, tacking one on at the beginning and one at the end will help it not be so bad and if she is there, she should be gone and I'll have instructions. I hate needing overrides, but I would've needed them anyway. And YES this was manager approved. He said if I waned to come in early either tomorrow or Saturday, "feel free" so I'm coming in an hour early and leaving an hour late. But I swear, if you give me any hassle or I end up bored, I won't help you out again.
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
Last edited by Kate*; January 11th 2019 at 04:41 AM.
Re: Screaming thread. -
January 11th 2019, 04:07 AM
I am tempted to ditch the pot luck tomorrow.
I will bring the items I said I would and then just leave and go sit in my car. These pot lucks throw me off because I don't get to de-stress for an hour. I have to interact and do stuff I have no desire to do.