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Why Me? Here is a safe space to let it all out, where you can rant about all the bad things life throws your way. Sometimes it just helps to ask "why me?"
I still have 9 more days of studying left before finals are over and I get a vacation. I am already at the end of my ability to handle stress and the workload. Now to hold on for 9 more days!
Say it with me: I am not pregnant. I have had three periods since the last time I had sex. No babies. No.
if I am/ever was pregnant I fucked UP. I've gotten wasted three times and smoked weed and I've taken mental health meds all this time
But tbh if it had to happen I wouldn't mind having his baby
How cruel would it be to be pregnant, my health being what it is. I can't even take care of myself. Loooord help me I don't want to wait until Friday to ask for my stepmom to buy a test but I'm broke and Friday will be five days post missed period sooo I'm just gonna sit here with my fucking head spinning waiting for The Shining to start
I'm scared. I can't be pregnant. Please. Cravings, food aversion, breast tenderness and swelling, change in body odor... I don't notice a change in my body other than my breasts. If I am I'm at least twelve weeks along. That. Just. Terrifies. Me.
I keep feeling little pangs. Feels like my ovaries. So here's hoping it's just cysts fucking up my cycle and not the presence of a human because apparently cysts can do that.
I'm gonna feel so stupid for this if I'm not pregnant. I'm just scared. I did a lot of things pregnant people shouldn't do.
I hate how you treat us, and then expect us to be there for you, or want to be around you. You seriously don't talk to us at all, like ever, then you want to just show up and pretend like everything is okay, when it's not.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
I can't have a life because I have to stay in with the dog. Even though I'm not the only person who lives here. I'm the only one walking him though, and I'm the one worrying that he's got into the bin and eaten something.
When your lecturer tells you that you didn't understand the case studies, your references, the explanations or..you know..anything. Cheers lad. Cheers.
I hate that I'm going to have to make this choice. I want to be there to support you, and it's going to be hard to have to deal with this, but I think we can do it, and I just hope that everything works out the way it's supposed to.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Like a Stone was one of the first songs I ever loved. I'm heartbroken that Chris Cornell has passed away. He's suspected to have killed himself, and that hurts. To be fifty-two and sober... just to end your life... makes me wonder if it's worth the effort. I don't want to fight for the next thirty-two years just to give in and die in pain. I'd rather die now.
Yeah, just what I needed to see, someone around my age who killed himself over our shared diagnosis, from an ADVOCACY organization. Fucking awesome
How wide exactly is my "area" because if I have to go to the address I'm seeing, it's 2 hours away. That's not even almost going to happen.
OMG NO In theory I should give you more than one session, but I don't think so. I feel so much worse after that that I don't even want to bother trying with someone else. And I know better!
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
I'm sick AGAIN? Good gosh. PHP is going to drop me from the program if I keep missing days. I bet they won't even believe I'm sick, but I have got a 101F fever. Blah.
Edit: I'm scared. The fever is getting much higher. I don't want to have to go to the hospital tonight and drag S along with me.
Last edited by DeletedAccount71; May 20th 2017 at 02:30 AM.
And you did get me to do things in less than 5 sessions. You convinced me in less than one, to never go back to you. Good job And while I'm at it, your theory is bullshit. Watch me go back to you anyway, because that's what I do. I'm over being told to "take responsibility" that isn't mine and being blamed for "failing" when it wasn't even almost my fault
No, you can't "Do anything you set your mind to" technically, no one can. You've had a different experience, but you will hit road blocks, you will and the fact that you can work full time doesn't make you better than those of us who can't.
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte