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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 25th 2018, 11:48 AM
I lost more weight. I understand I need to gain, and I thought that I was in a good enough mental place to start gaining but eating enough to maintain is difficult enough, how am I supposed to eat enough to gain?
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 25th 2018, 02:52 PM
I am frustrated. I feel like I am just waiting to be rejected over and over again. Sitting here trying to be hopeful and I am probably already rejected
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 25th 2018, 05:22 PM
My original plans for lunch exploded (literally) so I bought soup from the bookstore (which the manager actually ordered for me (perks of a small university?) but now it’s heated up and in front of me but I can’t do it. I can’t eat it. I want to throw it away and run back to the library. But I need to stay in the student center and eat this. I have to. I need to at least attempt to keep myself alive. If I want the blood work to come back saying that I’m allowed to run, I have to eat.
why is it so hard just to keep myself alive?
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 25th 2018, 09:02 PM
being a girl who plays video games fucking sucks
no girls who play get loads of friends just because they're females
they get loads of hate and threats just because they're females
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 26th 2018, 12:39 AM
I ate a ‘normal’ amount of food and I panicked so I purged. But I stopped halfway through my purge and just sat on the floor of the shower and evaluated my life. There has never been a moment that I’ve been so torn about this disorder. It wants me to die, I want to live. It feels like the only way to live is to do what the disorder tells me to do, but I know that will only kill me. I never wanted this. I just want to be healthy and okay.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 26th 2018, 02:06 AM
I feel like everybody I know who is in a relationship takes it for granted. Meanwhile, I truly believe that there's an over 50% probability that I'll die alone.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 26th 2018, 03:15 AM
I'm so fucking frustrated. Why the heck am I like this? Why am I so fucking useless and unmotivated to be responsible or do anything productive? What is wrong with me..?
"I'm not a piece of cake for you to just discard
While you walk away with the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back what's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that I gave to you last night." - "Cake" by Melanie Martinez
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 26th 2018, 03:56 AM
I'm anxious.
Feel terrible.
Already know how it's gonna end.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 26th 2018, 10:49 AM
That's encouraging.
I'm waiting for a rejection
They are probably giving the job to another person and I'm the second or third candidate.
I have to wait till next week to message and ask but I'm just so damn tired.
Waiting waiting waiting to hear 'we regre to inform you...' since they always send something.
~One Skittles Minion~
Jeez, get a life! ***********
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 26th 2018, 07:14 PM
PMS sucks.
Guess I needed a dose of reality anyway. Otherwise I'll just be daydreaming my life away. Sucks that daydreams can't be real.
Last edited by Celyn; January 26th 2018 at 10:40 PM.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 26th 2018, 07:22 PM
I am not okay.
I just want to know what is going on!
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 26th 2018, 07:39 PM
Appreciate the sleep, but I lost my whole day off to sleep and laundry. And something is wrong with the scheduler which means it just scared me to death!
I applied and I have proof, so why do you have no record of it? Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?! And I just realized we put an asset in my name when it should be in hers. Do I know how to fix it, no,
and will that affect my eligibility, probably! FUCK
You have 3 weeks to do your FUCKING jobs before I have to cancel things!
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"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
Last edited by Kate*; January 27th 2018 at 04:48 PM.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 27th 2018, 07:11 AM
How dare you put your familial relationship with your son over the fact that he violated your daughters. How could you stil love him?
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 27th 2018, 08:43 AM
I talk to much
I deserve to be dead
I can't breath
I failed
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 27th 2018, 03:59 PM
The fact that I talk so much and people notice makes me insecure.
The fact that I talk too much but never talk about emotions is upsetting as well.
Not sure why talking too much triggers me like this
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 28th 2018, 05:52 AM
I don't like the fact that I'm giving up my entire paycheck, but at least the amounts will eventually go down and I'm actually paying this off. It's not like I was going to spend it on anything else.
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"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 28th 2018, 07:07 AM
I spent the entire Christmas season wishing for Christmas to be over so the food would all go away. I wouldn’t say I’m in a good place with food right now, but it’s better than it was for the entire month of December. I regret spending so much time wishing away my favorite time of the year.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 29th 2018, 01:22 AM
I feel like I need to isolate.
I feel like everyone is talking about me
I need an excuse to isolate and can't think of one.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 29th 2018, 09:52 AM
Tired of living. Too much pain.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 29th 2018, 03:04 PM
I am feeling really angry.
No one would care if I were gone.
Not really appreciated anywhere
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 29th 2018, 08:54 PM
I have had more than ENOUGH of you people. I'm dealing with a human being and you WILL tell me what the fuck is going on and then fix it. I am capable of going ape shit, let's hope I don't have to. 30-45 more days before we might have coverage again, are you serious?! I guess we're paying out of pocket for meds again, and cancelling that appointment.
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"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
Last edited by Kate*; January 29th 2018 at 10:44 PM.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 29th 2018, 09:39 PM
I'm so tired of not knowing. Two weeks and then I can place a call.
Did you miss me?
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 29th 2018, 10:19 PM
I'm so tired. And I hate myself more and more every day.
"Why want another universe if this one has dogs?"
Matt Haig - The Midnight Library
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 30th 2018, 04:47 AM
I'm feeling done with everything
I'm not a good person
I'm not appreciated
I allow people to walk all over me
I'm a God damn doormat
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 30th 2018, 11:05 AM
I just want getting dressed to be an easy experience. No more panicking.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 30th 2018, 12:41 PM
I just want my anxiety to go away
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 30th 2018, 03:02 PM
I’m tired of feeling like I’m in the wrong for getting annoyed with you. I don’t want to apologize for being annoyed.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 30th 2018, 05:08 PM
What's happening today?
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 30th 2018, 09:42 PM
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 30th 2018, 11:28 PM
I wish I could just disappear. I wish I were important.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 31st 2018, 12:17 AM
Yes, you’re right. It’s not fair that people ask you to change your behavior when you don’t ask the same of them. You’re totally not in the wrong for screaming at your husband like he’s an idiot and a burden and making your life worse and somehow beneath you. You’re not the only person who talks to other people like that. Nope. Not at all. Noooot at alllll. How DAAAARE we ask you to change that behavior. Fucking bitch.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 31st 2018, 01:55 AM
I don't feel good and I'm foggy
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 31st 2018, 02:08 AM
I have no interests, no passions, and no desire to do anything at all. I never did. I don't know what to do...
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 31st 2018, 07:27 AM
I know you're desperate to go, and I hate that that is the main thing holding me back, but it's bad enough when it happens here and it's happened in another state, so I would be doomed and I'm terrified of it happening.
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"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 31st 2018, 10:15 AM
I hope I am not having one of those weird allergic reactions
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 31st 2018, 07:10 PM
I hate the fact that I'm not meeting people because I want. I do it because 'you don't want to be left out your new class do you'
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Re: Screaming thread. -
January 31st 2018, 10:19 PM
I can't fucking do this anymore, but no one will listen, and I see no way out. I need this pain to stop. The suicidal thoughts were getting better, but they're coming back because this is too much and I have to deal with it alone and there's no way out.
"Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful..." ~Sixx:A.M.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
February 1st 2018, 12:16 AM
You are such a selfish fucking person and I wish you'd just get the fuck out of my life.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
February 1st 2018, 04:47 AM
I fucked up. I’m sorry.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
February 1st 2018, 05:16 AM
My heart hurts
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