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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 9th 2017, 09:55 PM
I'm fucking miserable and I don't know why.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 10th 2017, 04:16 AM
If not wanting to associate with Trump supporters makes me selfish, then fuck me, I'm selfish lol byeeee
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 10th 2017, 06:36 AM
My roommate's cat shit on the living room couch and she's leaving it for tomorrow. WHAT?
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 10th 2017, 11:33 AM
What is going on with my head!! I need it to stop hurting, I don't feel well!!!
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 10th 2017, 02:15 PM
I wish I could enjoy my free time without my anxiety taunting me all the time...
The risk I took was calculated, but boy, am I bad at math.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 10th 2017, 04:03 PM
I hate that it's rainy and wet today. I'd rather some sunshine, though I should be glad that it's cooler out than what it has been.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 10th 2017, 07:09 PM
You know what, I'm tired of trying for you. You don't want to forgive me? fine. I don't need any of your damn forgiveness. You're being the shit person here. And that possibility of forgiveness you put over my head is crap. You can't just completely ignore someone and give them some false sense of hope. Screw you. You weren't good to me anyways on many things. It makes me sick that you drop me everytime i make a fucking mistake. GUESS WHAT PAL, I'M HUMAN. I'm so done with this shit....
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 10th 2017, 09:14 PM
Spent ten minutes trying to pronounce C's town. Why, Jenna. Why? Idiot. Get over it already, she has.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 10th 2017, 09:58 PM
I really need sleep. I hope that I can get a lot of sleep tonight!!!
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 10th 2017, 10:03 PM
I wish I were different. I wish I didn't suffer so much.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 10th 2017, 10:52 PM
No one cares about me. If I disappeared or died, no one would care. I am just a mistake. I should have never been born.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 11th 2017, 01:21 PM
What's going on with everyone. No one is acting like themselves. I don't get it.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 11th 2017, 04:06 PM
I hate how rainy it is outside! We wanna do water balloons! Go away, rain!
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 11th 2017, 11:53 PM
I feel so weird lately.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 12th 2017, 01:52 AM
My roommate is the laziest fucking person on the planet.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 12th 2017, 02:59 AM
My body is begging for the food my mind can't stand to give it. I feel as if I'm in a haze; I know I'm slowly starving myself to death but I can't stop.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 12th 2017, 04:05 AM
You don't care. It's fucking annoying.
I know I should get a therapist, but I'm super nervous and might chicken out.
I like you, but I'm busy on getting you a girlfriend. You liked me, and now the crush is gone. Shit.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 12th 2017, 05:29 AM
I feel foggy.
Wish I was dead.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 12th 2017, 01:19 PM
You can do this. Just believe in yourself!!!!
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 12th 2017, 04:19 PM
I hate how you treat me. You're always willing to allow me to take you somewhere you want to go, and will allow me to treat you to things like that you want to do, but you aren't willing to set aside some time just to do something that I'm really wanting to do. You aren't willing to help out anyone but yourself, and it makes me sad.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 12th 2017, 06:32 PM
I feel worthless. I feel like it would be best if I died.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 13th 2017, 02:56 AM
I hope it will be ok.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 13th 2017, 03:46 AM
Even if we decide that that was the one split second decision that acted as the final straw for my program (and I seriously doubt it was), considering that I didn't even know I was disabled until hours before (and therefore not well-versed in navigating the maze that is having a disability in academia), and my diagnosis means that I'm socially impaired, and you technically and clearly offered to HELP me, how the hell was I supposed to know it was a bad idea?!
People can be so fucking ableist and ignorant about it it's disgusting. YOU don't make the decisions for ME! I'm sorry if your world won't be okay unless I make the decisions you think I should. That's a terribly sad way to live considering that you can't make me do what you want me to.
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"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
Last edited by Kate*; August 13th 2017 at 02:11 PM.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 13th 2017, 10:17 AM
It's 3 in the morning and I've been awake since 4:30 yesterday morning and I still am waiting to hear when I need to pick up my sister who is an hour away.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 13th 2017, 01:16 PM
I'm so tired, why am I not sleeping. My cat just jumps all over me at night. You need to sleep when I sleep, I love you so much. Just sleep at night. Okay!!!
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 13th 2017, 02:30 PM
I had to stop watching a video today because someone in it started eating a cheeseburger. I couldn't help but feel so disgusted, and even though it wasn't me eating it. I feel the need to purge, but I haven't even drank water yet today. How did I get this far?
Outside, huh? **********
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 13th 2017, 02:36 PM
As much as I'm looking forward to the therapy I desperately need, having to get up for it means I've gotten very little sleep. And I really hope I don't get locked out like those other people did, since there's no one to open the door or answer the phone if you call!
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"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 13th 2017, 04:38 PM
I want to die. I feel like it's the best and only solution to all of this.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 13th 2017, 05:28 PM
Why are you so mean!!!! Your not a great sister all of the time. Why do you have to be like that??? Just stop and be nice!!
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 13th 2017, 06:18 PM
I feel like I have made the biggest mistake in my life.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 13th 2017, 06:46 PM
I have no idea what's going on
Like I don't even know how to phrase the questions I have, that's how lost I am
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 14th 2017, 03:47 AM
I'm a disappointment to everyone lmao can't do asinine things without pissing off mom and step dad and can't do anything beyond my dad and stepmom's comfort zone without pissing them off. Fuck all that.
Think, and solve problems!!
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 14th 2017, 08:30 AM
No more. Not anymore
Do my best at everything I can to live a happy, perfect life.
Happy life won't come by being happy everyday. Struggle and always work hard.
Forgive other's imperfection, they will work hard about it once I point it out to them, just like what I should be doing.
On the other hand, never tolerate with my own mediocrity. Never slack and always strive improvement.
Never settle. Never give up.
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Jeez, get a life! ***********
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 14th 2017, 11:43 AM
It's going to be ok.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 14th 2017, 07:50 PM
I feel overwhelmed. I was excited for next week and now I'm dreading that shit. 6 hour days for five days really isn't a huge deal.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 14th 2017, 10:34 PM
I'm really bummed that Jordan is leaving for a work trip tomorrow morning. He will be gone a week. I hate it when he goes on these trips. I always end up getting super depressed after he is gone.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 14th 2017, 11:30 PM
I don't want to fight with you.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 14th 2017, 11:51 PM
I'm not taking advantage of anyone. It's hard to be self sufficient when you're suicidal. But fuck me, right?
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 15th 2017, 02:03 AM
My head and neck hurt so much right now!!! I need it to stop soon.
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Re: Screaming thread. -
August 15th 2017, 07:11 AM
I feel worthless
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