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  (#521 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Screaming thread. - May 31st 2013, 11:13 PM

Originally Posted by Oracle. View Post
Who would want to be friends with the most antisocial person ever anyway?
Seriously. If I knew you in real life, I'd love to hang out with you. You're an awesome person, I really don't know why you don't have friends.

As for this thread, it's still miserably hot.
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 1st 2013, 01:04 AM

I knew doing this was going to be bad, and I only have 2 of my 3 syllabi, but I'm seriously thinking that IF I survive this, it will BREAK me. Somebody HELP

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 1st 2013, 03:48 AM

Fat. Ugly. Disgusting. Not skinny enough. Not pretty enough. Not good enough. Worthless.

Urges are so intense right now. Really want to cut myself right now.


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Re: Screaming thread. - June 1st 2013, 08:56 AM

Didn't win IC Title godverdomme...

Well then, I hope I co-main event UCW Gauntlet and get another IC Title shot, else I'm coming for Dan's TV Title

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 1st 2013, 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by Christabel View Post
Seriously. If I knew you in real life, I'd love to hang out with you. You're an awesome person, I really don't know why you don't have friends.
Thank you.

Back on topic, it's been a few weeks since it happened, but I still want to know what drove them to do that to me. They were a year behind me, and didn't even know me. I must look like a target.
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  (#526 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 1st 2013, 09:49 PM

why am I never invited. I always have to ask to come, then you look at each other before you decide, with all the uhhh-ing and oooh-ing before you come up with an answer. I do notice your hesitation. Just tell me the truth, I want to know why you never think about asking me to come. I want to know why people dont like me. I'll never belong anywhere. Sigh.
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 1st 2013, 11:47 PM

I don't care about what you want anymore, I don't care if you hate me for it. I'm going to do what I want with whoever I want and maybe I just won't tell you because you don't own me.

So dance if it moves you,
and jump in the fire, if it burns you.
I'll throw my arms around you darlin',
and we'll turn to ashes.

Kinda like the way you tell me,
"Baby, please come home. I need you here right now.
I'm crying underwater so you don't hear the sound."

What if I can't forget you?
I'll burn your name into my throat.
I'll be the fire that'll catch you.
What's so good about picking up the pieces?
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  (#528 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 2nd 2013, 05:30 AM

If my eye doesn't feel better soon, I'm gonna freak out.
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 2nd 2013, 11:30 AM

You said you were going to let me be more independent and that you wouldn't be forcing me to do stuff. I should have learnt by now that you suck for promises.
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  (#530 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 2nd 2013, 02:51 PM

I'm the worst fucking person in the world. You think I would've learned by now. Someone should kill me before its too late. Except wait.. That ship sailed ten years ago. Well fuck.

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 2nd 2013, 05:21 PM

Well, that was unnecessarily ignorant, Dad...
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 2nd 2013, 08:13 PM

FUCKING DRIVING, I bet i'm the only person on this planet who's had 100 hours worth of lessons and still hasn't passed, i feel so stupid and likea failure, i want my wasted time and money back! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

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  (#533 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 2nd 2013, 10:41 PM

Yay for eye styes!
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  (#534 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 3rd 2013, 01:54 AM

I don't know who you think you are - but you surly aren't better than me. One day you will realize it. One day.

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 3rd 2013, 02:08 AM

Stop it with the abuse jokes. I know your eleven year old mind doesn't get it, but stop!

If only I was worth it.

If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
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  (#536 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 3rd 2013, 03:31 AM

You're being stupid and unreasonable, Kat. Stop letting this hurt you so much. Stop it. You're going to lose what friends you have if you keep this up. Just stop being such an unreasonable bitch and maybe at least TRY and fix yourself.

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 3rd 2013, 04:58 PM

I could've sworn I sent that and now I might end up with a refund I can't retrieve or use. What the hell?!

And why am I now locked out of content?! It worked fine until I tried to go in and do stuff, somebody fix it! Okay, so this wasn't just me, which means he screwed something up. Either way, FIX IT.

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Last edited by Kate*; June 4th 2013 at 01:34 AM.
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 3rd 2013, 05:39 PM

I don't love you like I used to. I'm sorry.

So dance if it moves you,
and jump in the fire, if it burns you.
I'll throw my arms around you darlin',
and we'll turn to ashes.

Kinda like the way you tell me,
"Baby, please come home. I need you here right now.
I'm crying underwater so you don't hear the sound."

What if I can't forget you?
I'll burn your name into my throat.
I'll be the fire that'll catch you.
What's so good about picking up the pieces?
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 3rd 2013, 05:44 PM

Why is everyone ignoring me?! I guess I just don't belong anywhere... :/

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 3rd 2013, 07:20 PM

Guess who's gonna be on her period the WHOLE fucking time she's at the BEACH on vacation? Not my sister. Yep. Me. Just like last time.
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 3rd 2013, 07:24 PM

My day SUCKED!

Rage triggered

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 3rd 2013, 07:24 PM

My day SUCKED!

Rage triggered

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 3rd 2013, 08:02 PM

I wanna be beautiful; but I just binged on a half a dozen cookies. Note to self: don't eat.

If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 3rd 2013, 10:18 PM

Why do you exist, Gareth?! WHY?!?!?!
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 03:13 AM

I'm 200% fed up with being alive.

Ugh, I don't know whether to damage myself in rage or sit and cry.

I'm so fucking sick of the people I live with.
I don't want to find a shitty job, so I can work with shitty people in this town, have a shitty home because I'm not getting anywhere, and deal with the shitty people in my life. I have no motivation or will to even do anything. I don't want to do anything. I didn't sign up for "life".

Thanks mom for keeping that abusive prick around my whole life. Thanks for being just as shitty yourself. A+ job to my family for constantly putting me down because I'm not doing what they all were at my age. SORRY, but maybe if you knew anything about me I do have several issues of my own that I can't handle, and your comments do not help.

This whole weekend has pushed me waaaay over the edge. I feel like I'll be staying over it for a long time...

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 03:17 AM

I'm so tired all of the time. Whenever I'm not sleeping, I have a migraine. Lately, I've heard voices again. So, I log in to my school yesterday to find that I didn't have the extension that I thought I had and that my course was closed, with an F. A well deserved grade, an F for the failure. I played video games one day and my mom says that I'm playing video games all of the time. Okay. Maybe I am just perverting my own thoughts so that I can make myself seem like less of a piece of shit? Probably. Sometimes, I wish there were more than one option; the option that stares me in the face every time I do something wrong. But, it seems like the only one. I cause pain to other people, and that's not fair, but I can't be fixed. I really wish there was another way out, though.

Last time I self-harmed: 20 May 2013
Last time I had a suicidal thought: Tonight
Last time I lost sleep: Tonight
Last time I used: 13 April 2013
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 04:18 AM

"You were just boring..." she said as she talked about my scene. I don't care if she meant me or the guys around me. It hurt. It... hurt.
So much homework.
Kill yourself Tay.
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 04:51 AM

Grrrrrrrrrrr. Headaches. I just have to starve myself.
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 04:59 AM

Shut your fucking face, bitch. I need HELP. I'm severely fucking depressed, I have social AND generalized anxiety, and OCD. How can you not fucking see that? Moreover, how can you say I'm wrong? I'm always by myself. I don't fucking sleep. I can't fucking talk and I can't fucking be out in public. This is fucking TORTURE! WHY ARE YOU NOT PUTTING ME ON MEDICATION ALREADY? I CAN'T FUCKING DO THIS BY MYSELF!
Dumb fucking bitch!

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 05:13 AM

Damn, that hurt. It was a hit in the face, literally. And it's still swollen. Fuck you. I can't believe you said those things. You pushed me over the edge.

If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 06:26 AM

I'm such a fail of a best friend.
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  (#552 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 10:38 AM

I'll never be able to escape.. It'll always follow me. Wherever I go.. Whatever I do.. It'll always be there, haunting me, tormenting me, calling me, hurting me, whispering I me.. It's got me locked in a cage, and I'll never be free.

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The world will bleed its bloody tale. People will throw their stones. But the one thing you must always remember is:
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 12:19 PM

You clearly don't understand me, you don't understand us. But you will. And it'll be to late by then.

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 03:29 PM

Okay, that's it.

I'm 19. I like Winnie the Pooh. There are plenty of adults who love Pooh Bear. I see an excellent quality classic Pooh plush that I think is adorable, so I try to give my mother money and ask to order it for me. Response? Laughter, ridicule, and another "you need to learn to grow up, Winnie the Pooh and plush toys are for children! You are too old to be filling your room with a bunch of stupid toys!" rant. I try to say it's my money? More laughing and saying I got that money from her. Yeah, I got it from her. After I cleaned the house, weeded the garden, and took out the garbage! It's money I EARNED! What the hell is the point if I can't use it how I please? I'm tired of this shit.

I love my Big Sleepy Bear.
I still fill my panties; do YOU?
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 06:03 PM

It wasn't anybody's fault, but if it's not fixed in time it will be our responsibility to make up for the time lost from technical difficulties that we had no control over. I HATE technology. I REALLY hope somebody fixes it.

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 4th 2013, 10:07 PM

I know I'm not alone, but I feel more lost than ever.
I just wish I had a way to fix it.

formerly snowstorm, GoneBeyondRepair, and Breathless in Love
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The world will bleed its bloody tale. People will throw their stones. But the one thing you must always remember is:
You no longer walk alone.
-Blake Bliss
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  (#557 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 5th 2013, 11:10 AM

Christabel, why must you be so ugly?
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  (#558 (permalink)) Old
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what the hell is a FixYou♥
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 5th 2013, 02:19 PM

Did I just hear you correctly. Seriously.
"Why does everyone have to like me? Seriously, why do all of the guys like me?"

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Re: Screaming thread. - June 5th 2013, 02:55 PM

Randomly triggered. Fuck. On the verge of doing something pretty dangerous. Fuckedy fuck fuck.
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 5th 2013, 03:14 PM

My bf is going to Japan for almost a year in August. :| Gonna miss him.

So dance if it moves you,
and jump in the fire, if it burns you.
I'll throw my arms around you darlin',
and we'll turn to ashes.

Kinda like the way you tell me,
"Baby, please come home. I need you here right now.
I'm crying underwater so you don't hear the sound."

What if I can't forget you?
I'll burn your name into my throat.
I'll be the fire that'll catch you.
What's so good about picking up the pieces?
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