Recovery Stories Recovery can be a long and difficult path, and we may forget to rejoice in our accomplishments. Share your recovery stories here, from self harm, to drug, or alcohol addictions, and anything else you are proud of.
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Recovery Support and Achievements! -
January 6th 2009, 03:00 PM
Edit by Jessie: Welcome to the "Recovery Support and Achievements!" thread, a combination of the "Recovery Support Thread" And "What have YOU done for recovery today?" threads!
Please feel free to post here for the following:
- Support with recovery.
- Achievements on your road to recovery.
Please do NOT post:
- Weight numbers, calorie intake, or anything else that violates TeenHelp's Terms of Service.
- Asking for advice. Please create a new thread for this purpose, to ensure you receive responses.

I thought i would start a Recovery Support Thread on here, since the last one was lost. This is for SUPPORT Only! Please don't give out any weight numbers, calorie intake, diet tips, etc. I am doing good with my eating problems,a nd i'm proud of myself.
Last edited by Rob; July 24th 2011 at 12:08 PM.
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January 6th 2009, 05:41 PM
Hi again!
im doing great too! i actually dont remember when i stopped. couldnt have been more than a month ago. i think increasing my ADD meds dose helped a lot. i felt a lot more in control of myself. today i badly wanted to purge, but i DID NOT; because id made it this far without doing it.
i WILL stay strong!
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I'm proud of you! -
January 6th 2009, 05:47 PM
Good job girl! I'm proud of you. Let's keep it up, Okay? We can do it!
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January 6th 2009, 05:51 PM
i still find it impossible not to obsess about anything food related. ie. cals, quantities,calculating, feeling full= "bad", not satisfying; 24/7.
am i still doing "okay"? what if it just turns into something else?
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January 6th 2009, 06:37 PM
I think your doing okay, what do you think? It all depends on what you think on how your are doing. It doesn't depend on my thoughts, it depends on how you Perceive the definition of the word “Okay."
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January 6th 2009, 10:59 PM
hey laurax.. it'll be ok (: you're strong and you can overcome all those thoughts that are simply bringing you down. talk to someone k hun?
for me.. i am bulimic... i've my relapses but i'm doing relatively ok since last year when i normally purge up to 8 times a day... now it's like.. only 3 times a week!  but i still get depressed over food, and hate myself for eating.. but i'm still fighting it..
stay strong everyone!
God, give me the strength i need...
and the voice of truth tells me a different story
the voice of truth says "do not be afraid"
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 7th 2009, 07:21 AM
I'm proud of you floatingangel. That's really good. Keep it up, Everyone!
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 9th 2009, 07:30 AM
Well... Yesterday, I was struggleing, considering i had to attend a funeral for my uncle, well he's not really my uncle, but a family friend. I only had some posta a chicken leg, and some cookies and that was all at the funeral last night. today, i have had nothing so far, but i'm about to go to class so i will eat there.
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 9th 2009, 06:34 PM
It's okay, Kaylee. Do your best and that's all you can do! :) Good job everyone. The road to recovery may not be smooth, but you'll get through it. <3
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 9th 2009, 07:45 PM
okay so i guess i made it.
i got past needing to purge. but i hate how i only recently managed to say loud and proud that id stopped, and now im seriously wanting to. i havent, but ive had a bad day of badly wanting to, because i ate "too much". i cant honestly say that "too much" is actually too much. but one step at a time, right? im just glad i made it through the night. tomorrow is a fresh new day.
thank you kaylee!!
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 9th 2009, 08:13 PM
Read my signiture!
I hope it helps you get through this tough time, i really do.
Originally Posted by laurax
okay so i guess i made it.
i got past needing to purge. but i hate how i only recently managed to say loud and proud that id stopped, and now im seriously wanting to. i havent, but ive had a bad day of badly wanting to, because i ate "too much". i cant honestly say that "too much" is actually too much. but one step at a time, right? im just glad i made it through the night. tomorrow is a fresh new day.
thank you kaylee!!
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What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 11th 2009, 06:37 PM
I found this on a different site, I think it's a really great idea.
"What this does is it allows me to focus on my progress instead of the things I perhaps didn’t do so well at.
So i invite you all to start doing this with me. I think it would be healthiest if we didn’t include numbers, or specific foods and though this may sound like it limits what you can post I promise it does.
For example there is no need to say ‘I ate X amount of calories’ or ‘I had <specific food> for breakfast’ but rather it would be healthier for us to post things like ‘I ate a healthy amount today’ or ‘I ate out with a friend’ or ‘I found out my weight is back in a healthy bracket’. it would even be great if it wasnt food, weight or anything of the sort related such as... ‘I wore a pretty dress that made me feel GORGEOUS’ or ‘I really worked hard in therapy’"
Okay, so I'll start.
I ate 2 whole meals today [=
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Last edited by Marshmello Kid; January 11th 2009 at 07:47 PM.
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 11th 2009, 07:44 PM
Today, I reached out to someone I care for. And, gained another close friend. :]
(great Idea by the way)
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 12th 2009, 05:04 PM
okay so ive had another bad day. but i made it through the last one, so i know i can do it again.
at least now i know that i particularly need to focus during times of stress.
im beginning to be able to rationalise with myself when things get tough, and to force myself to calm down when i start panicking. its hard, but itll get easier, i know it.
every day that i consciously reject binge/purging is another battle won.
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 13th 2009, 01:50 PM
I'm proud of you Laura! Good job!!!!
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 13th 2009, 02:02 PM
Today, I'm working on a fictional story about my problems with food. I also offered to talk to someone if they needed to talk.
This is a great Idea, and this thread should be stickied
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 13th 2009, 02:10 PM
Today I joined this great site
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 13th 2009, 02:26 PM
I told my bf about my ED
And this is going to be really helpful...great idea
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 13th 2009, 03:05 PM
I promised him I would stay strong.
"Years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices."
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 13th 2009, 03:06 PM
I told my best friend my weight.
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 13th 2009, 04:46 PM
I talked to my counsilor and she's going to help me get funding to go to remuda ranch! I'm really gonna recover! YAY!
Like a diet of the mind, I just choose not to indulge certain appetites; like my appetite for patterns; perhaps my appetite to imagine and to dream. - A Beautiful Mind
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 13th 2009, 06:27 PM
I'm from Indiana too! I'm talking to my friend Cortnie, who knows about my problems with food.
You are beautiful just the way you are.
Looking like a fallen star.
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 13th 2009, 06:29 PM
I remembered my promise to stay strong.
01 // 10 // 11
Baby stand tall. You can have it all.
Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine..
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 14th 2009, 11:42 AM
i ate breakfast! and lunch!
probably not what qualifies as "breakfast and lunch foods", but i ate a reasonable amount at both times.
its hard. very hard. im slightly scared of what ive done, but im proud as well. i was with someone, so i couldnt exactly lose control, which was good.
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 14th 2009, 12:33 PM
I ate a full meal without purging
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 14th 2009, 01:08 PM
Today I managed to eat some lunch and fruit.
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 14th 2009, 01:42 PM
i also just ate dinner
thats THREE MEALS today!
still feeling a bit shaky, but its the first day ive had three meals for a while..
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 14th 2009, 04:13 PM
I'm proud of you! good job!
Originally Posted by laurax
i also just ate dinner
thats THREE MEALS today!
still feeling a bit shaky, but its the first day ive had three meals for a while..
You are beautiful just the way you are.
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 16th 2009, 05:33 AM
Im actually proud of myself & everyone else fighting an eating disorders. Well done. You can beat it.
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Our lives are like music.
It hits its high and low notes,
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 16th 2009, 06:17 AM
I can't get over my ED. I just wanna give up and let it kill me... I hate my ED but I can't keep it under control, I wish I was dead....
February 14th, 2009; The day I set my heart free, forever.
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live and let love...
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 16th 2009, 01:45 PM
Taylor - YOU ARE SOOOOO STRONG!!! Don't let a stupid little thing like food bring you down, eh? You're simply too wonderful, and that's final. PM me?
Recovering from my ED is super painful. I can't stand ingesting food without getting it out of me later (which I haven't in about 7 months), but people around me are suspicious that I'm back on an ED because I exercise a lot, so in order to counter that, I eat fattening food, and it hurts my psyche so badly... GAAAAH!!!!!!
peace and love
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 17th 2009, 05:07 AM
so, i slipped up bad on tuesday, and it felt like it was back to square one.
today, to celebrate my birthday, im going to a film with my boyfriend, and we're going to lunch as well. and ill be eating dinner with him too. which means that ill be eating TWO meals today, and no chance to regret it cuz he's there =]
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 18th 2009, 06:46 PM
I went swimming in a two piece and it made me feel really great about myself. [=
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 18th 2009, 07:58 PM
Today, I told MJ that next month will be six months since the last time I purged.
I can't believe where I'm at today. I've also had a lot of foods that were previously on my bad list and I'm proud that I can now eat them and be okay with it.
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 19th 2009, 08:20 AM
Today I ate lunch.
Not for the right reasons, but I ate it. I freaked, but still I ate it right?
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 19th 2009, 12:20 PM
I've not binged or purged. This is good. whoop.
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 19th 2009, 12:43 PM
Ate three meals.
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 19th 2009, 02:10 PM
i ate dinner today. and some food earlier, but not at a particular meal time.
plan for tomorrow: eat breakfast!! so as i can concentrate fully on my english exam!
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Re: Recovery Support Thread -
January 19th 2009, 02:22 PM
How is everyone doing on their Recovery? I'm doing good, I haven't purged in nearly four months now. I'm so proud of myself.
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Re: What have YOU done for recovery today? -
January 19th 2009, 09:15 PM
Today, while I was having a snack I sat and reflected. 9 months ago, six months ago, I wouldn't have been able to eat that snack. If I would have slipped and eaten it, I would have thrown it up and then exercised.
I've come so far really. Sometimes it shocks me even.
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