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Wiggle your toes!!! - August 6th 2021, 05:04 AM

I enjoy wiggling my toes! I find it fun and entertaining trying to get them all to wiggle at different times. I also tend to do them when I'm bored and anxious. I also love wiggling my toes in the grass, I know many people love the feeling of sand between their toes.
How about you? Are you able to wiggle your toes? If so what's the favourite texture to feel between them?

Also.. did you know it’s wiggle your toes day?!

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Re: Wiggle your toes!!! - August 6th 2021, 08:05 AM

I like to wiggle my toes as well!

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Re: Wiggle your toes!!! - August 6th 2021, 07:21 PM

I can wiggle my toes but without being gross, the skin seems to peel a lot so it just feels gross LOL

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Re: Wiggle your toes!!! - August 6th 2021, 10:00 PM

I always wiggle my toes when I’m watching tv or playing Xbox

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Re: Wiggle your toes!!! - August 9th 2021, 06:49 PM

Never knew there was a day for wiggling your toes!

I notice I wiggle my toes when I'm feeling comfortable...which is often lounging around watching TV with a blanket over me

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Re: Wiggle your toes!!! - August 12th 2021, 11:25 AM

Every time I see this thread I end up spreading my toes in my shoes. It's actually an interesting concept and a great reminder to stretch things out from time to time.
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