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Rivière January 5th 2020 11:25 PM

What are you proud of?
I was just watching a video of people reading what strangers are most ashamed of. We all end up focusing on negativity more than positivity, which is why it got me thinking, 'What am I proud of?'.

I'm proud of pushing myself out of my comfort zone and going to university.
I'm proud of pushing myself to talk to people despite my social anxiety.
I'm proud of the fact I managed to survive university with a first class honours despite my final year being quite possibly the hardest, and most difficult time of my life in so many years.
I'm proud that I pushed myself for 6 months, despite my ups and downs, working towards getting a job as a personal trainer, because if university taught me one thing, it's that I love physical activity. I want to be able to pass on all that I've learnt to many others, and improve their health, lifestyle, and confidence, whilst empowering them in a way I never got to.

What are you proud of?

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ January 5th 2020 11:43 PM

Re: What are you proud of?
Great idea for a thread!

I am proud that I finished undergrad and am almost done with grad school.
I am proud that I got a research fellowship for my thesis.

I can't really think of any others but I'll be back.

DeletedAccount69 January 6th 2020 04:54 AM

Re: What are you proud of?
I'm proud of myself for applying to my current job despite getting turned down a year ago.

I am proud of myself for making the decion to go back to school.

I am proud of myself for coping with my anxiety.

Mindfulness. January 6th 2020 06:41 AM

Re: What are you proud of?
This is a really nice thread. :)

I'm just generally proud of what I've achieved in my life at a 'young' age. :)

Odyne January 6th 2020 10:27 AM

Re: What are you proud of?
Great thread ^.^

I’m proud of it’s almost 3 years since I was inpatient last time.
I’m soon 3 years free from harm.
I’m so proud to be my boyfriends girlfriend.

Starseeker January 6th 2020 01:26 PM

Re: What are you proud of?
I'm proud because I haven't harmed myself for a whole year.
I'm proud because I rarely skip school.
I'm proud because my self-esteem has been getting better.

Celyn January 9th 2020 06:35 PM

Re: What are you proud of?
This is a great thread!

I'm proud of the fact that I managed to get a degree (first generation to go to uni!) despite going through some difficult times.
I'm proud of the fact that I am working towards a masters, despite more difficult times and mental health problems the other year.
I'm proud of the fact that despite the times where it feels the odds are against me, I try to persevere anyway.
I'm proud of my ability to figure things out (takes a lot of effort mind) and to change how I view situations.

DeletedAccount59 January 9th 2020 10:39 PM

Re: What are you proud of?
I don't have much to be proud of... yet!

Went two days in a row with something that I hope to commit to long-term. Know it's not much, but it's a start.

Odyne January 10th 2020 08:36 AM

Re: What are you proud of?
I’m proud of you all too :clap:

hocus pocus January 10th 2020 10:47 PM

Re: What are you proud of?
I'm proud of earning my first degree and getting into another school to get my next two.
I'm proud of searching for a doctor until I found one to listen to me.
I'm proud of my siblings, especially my younger brother.
I'm proud of standing up for myself and changing my school path.
I'm proud of my animals, especially ones I took in or raised from babies.

Everglow. January 11th 2020 09:44 PM

Re: What are you proud of?
I love this idea!

I'm proud of myself for getting a degree - first person in my family to go to university, let alone graduate.
I'm proud of myself for pushing myself to volunteer 3 years ago - it's one of the absolute best decisions I've ever made.
I'm proud of myself for succeeding at my job and coming out of my shell enough to really do well there.
I'm proud of myself for getting onto a masters degree.
I'm proud of my family because they're still going and still coping despite the last 3-4 years being really difficult.
I'm proud of myself for challenging my anxiety every single day.

Odyne January 13th 2020 08:46 AM

Re: What are you proud of?
Tomorrow it’s 3 years since I was inpatient at the closed ward!
So proud ^.^

DeletedAccount53 December 19th 2020 04:54 PM

Re: What are you proud of?
Trigger warning: Violence. Please, if you susceptible to violence stop reading now. I have made a gap.

My late father was a belligerent alcoholic, terrifying us with his drink fueled rages when my twin sister and I were younger. I kept getting in his way, constantly blocking him from attacking Julie. As conflict invariably happened in the kitchen, the only weapon at hand was my reaching for a saucepan and it was full, and its contents hot.

Having did for our father well and truly proper, I grabbed my sister and we we ran away. We'd planned to leave and this was the right time. We fled down the road to a woman's villa. We knew her. She was friendly, the only one who ever spoke to us. That night she was in, and took us in.

Maman which I call her here for the sake of privacy instead of her first name, filed for our custody. We were living in Monaco where we were born. The law there for protecting children, the Monegasque, was such that we were permitted to stay with this lady. That same night our father was taken to hospital with irreversible cirrhosis of the liver. He had been warned if he didn't stop drinking, it would kill him. That night it did. Also that same night our mother dropped dead. Cause of death, cardiac arrest.

Two years later we continue living with Maman, but in the UK while she does business in London. In the New Year, sometime, we will return to our home in the Mediterranean.

I'm not proud for defecting our father's violence, neither am I proud that both our parents are dead and that we came through all the violence and remain survivors. Whereas I don't hvae anxiety except Julie, she and I have an amazing mother, full of gentleness and caring. There are not many mothers who have the courage to take on two teenage twins and maintain patience and understanding, and a whole lot of love, and for her we are very proud.

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