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Good Days! Great days are always worth celebrating, so share your good times with us here!
One day closer to Christmas and being able to give the kids their gifts!
Also, one day closer to the day I get to watch my Brother's puppy for a few days. She is precious and I am hoping she won't be AS annoying as my boyfriend's parents dogs are.
Dog sitting for a family member.
Their dog is absolutely precious. She is curious and wants to play with my cats. The cats aren't certain what to do with her because the other dogs we watch don't want to play but do like to bark at them.
well i was telling my mum how there is never enough space to put everything in and on christmas day, she got me a stack of plastic drawers, so now i have something else to put things in and don't need to have a bunch of stuff out on my bedroom floor. It felt great.
It's ok to give in to an urge or make a mistake. You are only human and we all have our flaws. We all have our weak moments and we all make mistakes. Thats what makes us human.
Thats what makes us unique and beautiful
Courage isn't always a loud roar. Sometimes it is a quiet whisper at the end of a day saying: Tomorrow I will try it again!
I ran further than I ever have, and even though it really isn’t that far, I’m amazed that I could do that much. And I want to run more, but not in the compulsive, anorexic state of mind that keeps me at the gym for hours at the time. I want to run more because I’m thankful for my body that can run like that. I’m thankful for my body. I’m proud of my body. What? I haven’t said anything like that in - y e a r s - but running is helping me say that. Maybe running isn’t the greatest thing for me to do because I do have an eating disorder, but if it improves my confidence, why not? I’ll at least keep running until I get back into therapy. I’ll talk to my therapist about it and she can help me determine if it’s healthy or not for me.
The girl my best friend is seeing is super lovely and regardless of my own insecurities, she's treating her so well and that makes me really really happy.
i went to see my sister and brother in law at their place, so it was a change of surroundings for today and the meal their did was that nice I actually finished every bit.
I received two of my packages. I only have one or two more coming.
I passed another test. Means I'll have another interview at some point. Exciting but scary. I have to perfect everything.
(also calling a supervisor about my counselor because I haven't really heard from him since middle of September. He only kind of messaged me when I said I was gonna complain)
Last edited by DeletedAccount69; January 2nd 2018 at 11:05 PM.
so 99 percent of the people who i go up to to talk to are female (other males is a new thing in that way for me) but i did see two boys who i liked the look of and brought myself to talk to one so very glad i did
I ate three meals today. Granted, none of them are large and I’m struggling through dinner, but I’ve eaten today. I know I have to eat more to compensate for the run (that I know I shouldn’t have taken, but the voice wouldn’t shut up until I did), but I’m eating. That’s progress?
It took me over four months, but I finally finished the book I was reading. I haven’t read a book for enjoyment in so long, and with how much my EDhas impacted my cognitive abilities, I’m proud of myself for finally getting through this one.