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Good Days! Great days are always worth celebrating, so share your good times with us here!
even though we went through some really tough stuff recently, she still comes to talk to me today can and tells me she loves me.
it doesnt fix the situation at all, but it does make me alot happier about it because I felt like she was distancing herself from me to brace herself for the pain that might come soon. She is so amazing!
I'm happy because I rediscovered this thread and for the first time in a while I feel...idk calm..it's an amazing thing.
I only have one more day of classes this semester before final exams...while exams stress me out I'm just trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel of stress and school work. I'm also happy because I think I might actually get an eight page essay written tonight and handed in tomorrow.
...my best friend texted me to tell me she loves me and misses me. I can't wait to go home and see here during Christmas break.
..my friend Shawn texted me too. It made me feel good. *shrugs* He also suggested we do another phone conversation sometime soon which I'm pretty excited about. I'm starting to realize that even though Travis doesn't text me back and seems to not want much to do with me Shawn still does. Plus...it's just nice to have friends. I've been missing hanging out with them.
...the marks on my arm are healing finally and I actually think they might be gone by the time I go home. I haven't hurt myself in 3 days after doing it for like 4 days in a row...I think I might actually quit.
...I've kicked myself off facebook for the week and it's kind of refreshing
...I stayed up most of the night and despite getting only a couple hours of sleep I'm not that tired. Plus my essay is now handed in and I can focus on studying for final exams
...My best friend texted me today and my cousin Payton texted last night.
...I'm not coughing as bad and my chest doesnt really hurt because I havent been coughing so much. YAYS!
...my Aunt sent me a package in the mail. She bought me a shirt for Christmas
...despite my freakouts and problems my boyfriend has been around for just over two months now. BF you give me hope.
...I'm finally starting to see the end of this miserable semester.
Re: I'm happy today because... -
December 13th 2010, 02:52 AM
I'm happy today because... I had an amazing weekend with an amazing guy. <3
Dare to be Different, to be Weird, to be a Freak. Overall, Dare to be yourself. Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred and Intolerance Everywhere
The Sophie Lancaster Foundation
I'm happy today because I had a good day Went out with friends, came home and napped with my brother, then we drove through the beautiful city. My day was lovely, it's only my night that hasn't been so lovely.
PM me anytime, I love helping people and will do my best to help you <3
And if I bleed, I'll bleed knowing you don't care
~ Evanescence, Missing
I’m catching stars in the sky because I am fixing the soul within me. May it be from the heart a girl broke years ago or my soul simply repairing itself as it was shattered on my walk on this earth. May the stardust fill those cracks within my soul making me brand new, but never forgetting who I once was.
Re: I'm happy today because... -
January 3rd 2011, 12:15 AM
things are getting back to how they were and I can be happy again, and worry if I made another bad choice another day. But I am happy with her again now and thats all that matters
And I have someone else I can talk to about stuff :3