Good Days! Great days are always worth celebrating, so share your good times with us here!
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
November 8th 2024, 01:44 PM
G - For my lifestyle.
L - How to be more motivated.
A - Ticking off things on my to do list.
D - It's the weekend!
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
November 16th 2024, 11:09 AM
G - My parents dog keeping me company today.
L - Knowing when to be at home to recover.
A - Working on my to do list.
D - Staying at home and relaxing.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
November 21st 2024, 12:48 PM
G - For my support network.
L - How to stand up for myself.
A - My to do list getting smaller.
D - Watching cute videos.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
December 1st 2024, 12:12 PM
G - For my husband.
L - How to be better with time management.
A - Doing some OT at work.
D - Only a few more weeks until the holidays.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
December 3rd 2024, 12:38 PM
G - For my family.
L - How to make decisions more quickly.
A - Working on my to do list.
D - It's almost the holidays.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
December 7th 2024, 11:54 AM
G - For my family.
L - How to be more assertive.
A - Catching up on some much needed sleep.
D - Having some cuddles with my parents dog.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
December 11th 2024, 12:50 PM
G - For how beautiful the day was.
L - How to be more social.
A - Being more confident.
D - Having a good day at work.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
December 14th 2024, 01:45 PM
G - Spending time with my family.
L - The material for my exam.
A - Doing what I want.
D - Having the house to myself.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
December 20th 2024, 01:03 PM
G - Actually getting things done.
L - How to me more proactive.
A - Getting things done that I've been meaning to do for months.
D - It's the start of my holidays.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
December 26th 2024, 11:27 AM
G - For the people in my life.
L - How to be more proactive with my time.
A - Being more motivated to do things.
D - Ticking things off my to do list that had been on there for a while.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
December 27th 2024, 12:41 PM
G - Getting help.
L - When I actually need help.
A - Speaking to my doctor.
D - Making the relevant appointments.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
December 28th 2024, 09:47 AM
G - For my parents and husband.
L - How to be more organised.
A - Getting most of my to do list ticked off.
D - Listening to good music.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
December 29th 2024, 08:40 AM
G - For a nice lunch.
L - When and how to be more assertive.
A - Doing some studying.
D - It being a nice day.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
December 31st 2024, 06:37 PM
My last GLAD of the year, so let's make it about 2024 
1. G - my family and friends.
2. L - more about myself and the world around me.
3. A - passed my first academic year after a lot of struggle in the previous years.
4 D - lots of travels!
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Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 1st 2025, 09:27 AM
G - For a nice day with my husband.
L - How to be more positive for the 'scary' things in life.
A - Working on my to do list.
D - Spending the day with my husband at home.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 2nd 2025, 11:45 AM
G - For my mum and husband.
L - Not to show emotions in appropriate situations.
A - Spending time with my husband.
D - Having breakfast with my husband.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 4th 2025, 01:27 PM
G - For my parents.
L - How to see things in a more positive light.
A - Getting some of the housework done.
D - Spent the remainder of the day relaxing.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 6th 2025, 11:12 AM
G - For my husband.
L - How to learn from my mistakes.
A - Working on my to do list.
D - Having a nice birthday dinner with my family.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 7th 2025, 01:25 PM
G - For my parents.
L - How to use my time better.
A - Getting some of the housework done.
D - Getting some retail therapy.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 8th 2025, 01:06 PM
G - For my parents.
L - How to be more constructive with my time.
A - Getting a lot of work done today.
D - Being able to do some more retail therapy.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 9th 2025, 12:15 PM
G - For my parents.
L - How to work on my anxious thoughts.
A - Reaching out for help.
D - Catching up on some sleep.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 10th 2025, 10:00 AM
G - For my parents supporting me.
L - Revising math's equations.
A - Doing some revision.
D - Having dinner with a friend tonight.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 11th 2025, 10:18 AM
G - For my husband.
L - How to ace my test.
A - Getting some studying done.
D - Actually being motivated to study.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 12th 2025, 09:08 AM
G - For my husband.
L - To read my body better.
A - Doing the washing.
D - Spending the day with my husband.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 14th 2025, 11:26 AM
G - For doing a good deed.
L - How to be more proactive with my time.
A - Ticking off things on my to do list.
D - Having some more company.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 15th 2025, 09:21 AM
G - For my parents.
L - How to not be so stressed all the time.
A - Doing some of the housework.
D - Not having anything planned.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 17th 2025, 10:17 AM
G - For my parents.
L - How to be more productive.
A - Folding the clothes and putting them away in my cupboard.
D - Getting my nails done today.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 18th 2025, 09:53 AM
G - For my support network.
L - How to be more optimistic.
A - Getting out of the house.
D - Working on my to do list.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 19th 2025, 11:10 AM
G - For my life.
L - How to be better with my time.
A - Ticking off the bigger things on my to do list.
D - Having lunch with my parents.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 20th 2025, 11:55 AM
G - For my husband.
L - What is the best study resources to use for my test.
A - Getting some of the housework done.
D - It was a nice day.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 21st 2025, 11:27 AM
G - For my parents.
L - What I actually need to study.
A - Being motivated to study.
D - I had quite a productive day.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 22nd 2025, 11:34 AM
G - For my parents and husband.
L - How to switch my intrusive, negative thoughts to more rational ones.
A - Thinking more positively about my upcoming test.
D - I treated myself to a bacon and cheese roll.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 26th 2025, 08:09 AM
G - For my husband and parents.
L - How to offer better advice.
A - Going to the gym.
D - Going to dinner tonight.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 27th 2025, 08:18 AM
G - For everything in my life right now.
L - What I need to study for.
A - Being able to spend time at home.
D - Catching up with a friend.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 28th 2025, 10:35 AM
G - For having access to good mental health services.
L - How to open up better.
A - Having a good gym session.
D - Getting the most out of my psychologist session.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
January 29th 2025, 10:09 AM
G - For my husband.
L - How to improve my marks in the practice tests.
A - Getting through what I needed to do.
D - Having a nice dinner.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
February 4th 2025, 01:16 PM
G - For my parents. Always.
L - How to be more efficient with my time.
A - Relaxing for the evening.
D - Having nothing planned after work.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
February 5th 2025, 12:50 PM
G - For a supportive work environment.
L - Being able to have some sort of an idea of what will be in my tests.
A - Fitting in a study session.
D - Spending time with my husband and cat.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
February 10th 2025, 12:45 PM
G - For my husband.
L - Where I went wrong in my practise tests.
A - Being focused enough to study.
D - Listening to good music.
Laughter. Faith. Hope.
TeenHelp Veteran *************
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Re: How have you practiced GLAD today? -
February 11th 2025, 12:31 PM
G - Passing an assignment.
L - When to ask for help.
A - Doing the housework.
D - Having Maltesers.
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