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Good Days! Great days are always worth celebrating, so share your good times with us here!
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 4th 2018, 05:58 AM
Made a call (didn't get a hold of the person though)
Was able to get a few TH things done
Will be reading --Didn't accomplish it yet but was able to accomplish setting aside the time to do so
Was able to pay most of my bills
I was also able to buy one extra thing this month
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 5th 2018, 02:24 PM
I drove home! I've never driven on the roads and I've been learning for months but I finally drove on a dual carriageway and did roundabouts and 4th gear. I'm so proud of myself.
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 11th 2018, 01:48 AM
I got the typing certificate done
Rsvped to my nephews birthday
Got my prescription refill taken care of
Got individual therapy scheduled for next month
Cancelled the other typing test
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 13th 2018, 02:48 AM
Finished my book and picked out another to read
Did a lot of resume stuff...although I still have a lot more to do.
Went to the used bookstore and got a few books. Had store credit so didn't spend a ton!
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 14th 2018, 03:08 AM
Got some interview stuff done. Will be doing the bulk of it tomorrow and Monday.
Read through the job specifications to get familiarized and relate it to experience I might have.
Read 5 chapters of my book (might attempt to read more)
Haven't self harmed even though I have been overly depressed and overly anxious
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 16th 2018, 02:37 AM
I got pretty much everything done. Now I just have to do some tightening up of things tomorrow.
I was able to get my book finished AND I was able to pick out another one.
I am feeling optimistic...no matter what ends up happening.
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 19th 2018, 03:55 AM
I got my chores done
Was able to get some rest
Was able to read close to what I wanted. I am five pages short but I don't know that I want to read another chapter and hate stopping in the middle of chapters...
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 20th 2018, 12:09 AM
I got my books taken to the library
Dropped something off at the Bank
Now I have the rest of the night to relax and read. Might watch a movie with my boyfriend too.
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 24th 2018, 04:32 AM
I was able to get to the hospital to visit my dad
I was able to pick up the graphic novel at the library
I was able to get some other chores done
Hoping to get the three chapters read tonight as well
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 27th 2018, 02:26 AM
Was able to get a fair bit of reading done. I think I want to try and read a bit more before bed though.
I was able to get through the appointment. Hoping that it goes decently so we can work through everything
Was able to go to the bookstore which was nice
Was able to send an email I had been wanting to unfortunately I didn't hear back from the person
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 29th 2018, 08:38 PM
I was able to get through one of my graphic novels. I might start the second soon too.
I was also able to get some paperwork done. I wasn't overly thorough but don't care too much.
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 30th 2018, 08:57 AM
I took my dog for a walk, even though I was exhausted, and it was actually quite good. We even ran for a bit, which we haven't done since before her surgery. I'm glad I made the effort to get out of the house despite how I was feeling.
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
January 31st 2018, 03:55 AM
-I got 21% of my book read (76 pages). I am hoping to try and read a bit more tonight or the same amount (or more) tomorrow.
-I was able to try something I have been wanting to for a while
-I was able to drop some books off at the library
Re: What have you accomplished today? -
February 1st 2018, 05:53 AM
I'm not sure if these are accomplishments, but I got sent some nudes in my bio class and a homeless lady offered to have sex with me for buying her a cheeseburger.
Huh... maybe this should go in the screaming thread.