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-   -   The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. (http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f27-tattoos-piercings/t70-post-your-tattoos-piercings-picture-thread/)

Marionette. January 6th 2009 02:18 AM

The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
Thought we should have an 'official' one.

It's all in the title.
If you want, say if they have meaning and whatnot...

Enjoy (:
Keep all comments to PM.

BrittneyNicole January 6th 2009 03:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My first :]
I got it done the day before I moved to uni. It's a 'forever cross' on my right shoulder. I got it in memory of my grandmother who passed away in 2004. It means 'forever, unbreakable love'.

And I'm getting another soon!
And my lip pierced!

Lee January 6th 2009 03:07 AM

I got my navel pierced when I was 16, as an act of defiance against my parents and against my guardians, who were meant to be keeping a close eye on me.
Originally I wore a black titanium banana bar, but I've had a few other once since then. As a bit of a computer freak, my favourite is a power button navel bar.

(Sorry for largeness)


Tegan January 6th 2009 01:11 PM

I don't have a picture but i'll get one and post it up.
I've got my left webbing between my thumb and forefinger done.
It doesn't really have much meaning, I got it done very randomly in my friends bathroom (DON'T DO IT xD) and yeah, i like to play with it when i'm bored.

MetalManatee January 6th 2009 01:32 PM

I'm getting my first tattoo in 7 days time so I'll post a picture of that up when it's done :). I really can't wait! Booked my session months and months ago (the tattooist doing it gets booked up quickly). I'm so excited that the time's finally almost here!

guillotine_blades January 6th 2009 03:41 PM

ok. this usually takes awhile for me. lol. I have my nipples pierced (srry, no pics, read the rules!! lol) and my nose pierced on the right side, I also of course have three holes in each ear, but I don't wear jewelry in them and I used to have my Conch pierced, but it rejected :(

My first, it says Hope Dies Last. I got it a few weeks after my 18th bday and I thought it was fitting. After everything else in your life seems to be gone, you still have to have hope.

My second, Its for my angel (The baby that I lost) on Sept 11 2006 and I got it that october.
My third, My heart, I was married, hence the gold band, but he broke my heart over and over again hence it being so torn up and broken. the little K in the heart under it is for my son Kain
My fourth, My floral piece. I absolutely love it.
My fifth, Its a symbol from the TV show, Roswell. I am obsessed with it. ;)
My sixth and seventh, My six shooters. Ever since I was around 16 I wanted these guns on my boobs/chest but I always said I was going to wait until I got breast implants before I got them. I finally said "screw it" and realized that I am not going to have any kind of money for cosmetic surgery for a long long long long time.


supernoodles January 8th 2009 02:41 AM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
I'll post my lip piercing later but I can't post the other one.... It's in an intimate place.

jellyfish January 8th 2009 09:12 AM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
My Bellybutton =)

I also have my tongue pierced and 3 in each ear, but I odnt have any pics of those as I'm on my work computer!


smiles_and_such January 8th 2009 12:37 PM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
i have a side labret. i usually just wear a diamond stud, but sometimes i wear a circular barbell. i got it for my 15th birthday at the end july (bday is sep thou). i wanted a nose ring but that was out of the question so i got a lip ring :D

Ms Kayotic January 9th 2009 03:31 PM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
i got my eyebrow pierced about 4 months ago.

sushi_error January 9th 2009 04:48 PM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.

I might consider getting a small tattoo when I'm older.

ArtsyyRainbow January 10th 2009 12:07 AM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
I got this near my 18th birthday to rebel, lol, seeing as how 'ballerina dresses' are so horrifying to people everywhere.

I got this a few months after my 19th birthday when my parents were in seperate states. It wasnt that pleasent of a week once they got home.

i_am_me_again January 10th 2009 01:38 PM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
I got 2 tattoos and 13 piercings.

Plus another 2 piercings which have closed up.

Starlett January 10th 2009 01:43 PM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
I have my bellybutton pierced since I was 13 or 14 but not got any pics I'd be willing to put up here :p

I've two piercings in each ear lobe and my right tragus done too:

I have a star tattoo on my right hip with a micro dermal implant inside:

I have this tattoo in the centre of my lower back:

I have a micro dermal implant in my baby finger of my left hand [this pic was taken when it was just done, it looks a lot less swollen now!!] :

I've also had the cartilage on my left ear pierced, my nose pierced and my tongue pierced but they've all had to come out due to infection and bad healing :mad:

la fille de l'ombre January 10th 2009 01:49 PM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
I've had my right cartilage done four times and both my lobes done twice! I'll post a pick when my camera starts working! xxx lisa

Guy_Fawkes January 10th 2009 04:53 PM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.

1st tattoo of my little brothers name :] (Jonathan)
got this done on December 20th '08

Grizabella January 11th 2009 01:27 AM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
I like the idea of tatoos and piercings, but I'm too terrified of needles to get one :( Seriously lol, I faint. I wouldn't even have my ears pierced if my mom hadn't had it done when I was little.

Marionette. January 11th 2009 01:36 AM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
Pictures soon

Star tattoo on back of my neck.
3 left lobe, 2 right lobe
both tragus' done
Industrial on right ear.
Helix and rook on left.
2 microdermals on hip/stomach.

I had belly, nose twice, wrist and two frontal helixs (daith like) but they're all closed up now ):
Anddd labret but gone

Chelsea. January 11th 2009 07:50 AM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
ill get a pic at some point =]
but i have 9 piercings on my left earr
5 on my right ear
my belly (was twice but it grew out =[)
and my nose
and my tattoo is comingg whrn i can be bothered to drive to the place :]

*lonelyXheart* January 11th 2009 08:06 AM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
i have just one in each ear, and my bellybutton done :) i guess it was an act of defiance against everybody that thinks im an innocent lil girl! lol
i want a tattoo soon just above my hip and going up my tummy.. i have a design, its mainly stars and swirly bits :P i have abit of a thing about stars, they mean a lot for me..
Marie *

Jaymz404 January 11th 2009 08:15 AM

Re: The 'post your Tattoos and piercings' thread.
I'm boring and just have a ear plug (12 mm). I'm not allowed to have visible tattoos due to my future job, although to be honest Tattoo's never really interested me that much.

Marionette. January 13th 2009 02:14 PM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
Here we go, tattoo. Just done.

MetalManatee January 13th 2009 03:00 PM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.

Whatsername January 13th 2009 05:12 PM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
Wow Sarah, that's a stunning tattoo! :o

I only have my lobes done the once at the moment, although I've been planning on getting them done a second time for aaaages. Just haven't got round to it yet XD I would love a tattoo, its just a case of where & what of. I'm not gonna do it without thinking it through first.

WashoutThePain January 13th 2009 05:27 PM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
Jade, I LOVE your star, it makes me want to get one too :P

I am more boring than all of you, I just got my ears pierced... One small little hole in both ears :)

i_am_me_again January 15th 2009 04:36 PM

Dont have any piccies, but I have this (without the writing) on my left shoulder


And this - again different colorings.


Gemm January 18th 2009 03:57 PM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
My right ear.

Muh left ear.

And one of my tattoos. It's a bad photo, but getting pictures of your back is hard. I've also got my septum pierced, a centre labret, and another tattoo on my right shoulder, but I'm already on the brink of overloading with photos, so this will do for now.

ETA: I have my tongue pierced too! It's such a part of me that I even forget it's there now.

x-x-xblackx-x-xrosex-x-x January 22nd 2009 06:48 AM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
2 Attachment(s)
Mah tongue and belly!!!
I put it in the wrong place first time round, sozzy!!
Also sozzy for the flabby tum tum =]

Jesus Christ. January 22nd 2009 07:52 AM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
I have my lip pierced and my lobe pierced with a 3mm stretcher (ill post pictures later if i get round to it)

I want a scaffold piercing and t'other side of my lip perhaps and 2 more piercing on my left lobe (above the stretcher)

I want a bat tattoo on the back of my left shoulder

and my gf wants me to get a pubic O.o... like no way

iHEAVENn February 1st 2009 11:45 AM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
I have 3 tattoos... But I'm going to get two of them covered up in a few days..
One's going to be covered up with baby blocks that spell out Logan's name, and it'll have either a baby dragon, or a teddy bear by it. (it'll go on my upper back)

The other is going to be covered up with a heart and a floral arrangement. (That one goes on my lower stomach)

I'll post the pictures of those as soon as I get them done.

Here's the tat I have on my ankle:
It'll be touched up eventually.
Ignore the baby bottle lol.

Army Fighter February 1st 2009 12:11 PM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
Well alas I have no tattoos and no piercings, Angel on the other hand I'll post for her as she is sick and unable to come to the computer. She has her right cartilage pierced, has had her lip, tongue, right eyebrow, belly button, left webbing between her index and thumb.
As for tattoos, none yet due to her current occupation but will be getting some soon.
The tattoos she will be getting are as follows: her name in Chinese down her neck; an Iraqi field cross with Angel wings and the words "All gave some" above and "some gave all" below with a pair of dog tags hanging from the lower G with her ex's name, DOB and DOD plus KIA; the marine corps emblem (EGA) on her right shoulder; a hummingbird with a lilly on her left shoulder; our kids names in a ribbon on her right leg; and her other ex's name on her neck below the chinese.
I'll post pictures of the drawings in a bit I just have to find them again.

caraluvsfirbies February 18th 2009 01:20 AM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
i have my right cartilage pierced, and both lobes pierced three times/

BrittneyNicole March 12th 2009 02:20 AM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
1 Attachment(s)
My newest addition! I got it Saturday! :D


Smudgey March 28th 2009 12:10 AM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.

pablothedrugmule March 28th 2009 02:10 PM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
Wow Smudgey! I love your mods :smile

I don't have much now..

Lip piercing
7mm tunnels in each ear

I used to have my tongue and my left cartilage, but I took both out. I got bored of my tongue bar, my cartilage rejected.

Future plans..

Further stretching, probably about 14mm in each ear I reckon.
Possibly another lip piercing (spider bites)
Tongue web
Targus and anti tragus
Also hoping for some microdermals, possibly wrist and neck.

I have so many tattoos planned it's unreal, I wont even begin to list them.

kayduh2010 April 11th 2009 04:37 AM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
my tongue:

my nose:

my lip:

first tattoo:
on my lower back. [[pay no attention to the stretch marks...lol.

second tattoo:
on my right shoulder blade.

third tattoo so far:
on my left calf.

DeletedAccount43 April 26th 2009 05:10 AM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
I posted this in the religions thread to help explain my spirituality/beliefs, but I decided to post it here and explain it as well. Hope you guys don't mind. :embarrassment


This is a lotus flower with a Tibetan mantra on it. It's a hindu lesson that I thought was a very valuable lesson that everyone in life could learn from.

In actuality the lotus flower is a flower that grows on top of muddy and murky water and at night it closes and sinks to the bottom and by morning rises again and opens just as beautiful as the day before.

The lesson the hindu teach is to strive to be the lotus flower. That no matter how ugly and hard life can get, to always rise above your problems and remain as your true self. To not allow the murkiness of life taint your heart.

I'm not Hindu, and I don't believe in a god, but that's a very important lesson to me.

Also, I figured if I was going to get a tattoo I wanted something I could always learn from, like a reminder. :p

Kumagoro April 28th 2009 07:53 PM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
I have two piercings in each ear lobe. The first pair I had done when I was 13 and it hurt more than I expected. The second pair I had done recently and they didn't hurt at all :grin: i want my nose done next but I'm having second thoughts due to severe hayfever :sad:

Marionette. May 7th 2009 02:27 PM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.
All nicely healed :D
Do tell me what you think through VMs or PMs ;)

annabelle May 12th 2009 03:45 AM

Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread.

This is my first and I love it :)

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