Tattoos and Piercings This forum is to ask questions and discuss tattoos, piercings and other aesthetic body modifications.
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My 1st tattoo + pictures! -
June 28th 2010, 06:59 PM
A couple weeks ago I got my first tattoo! I'm so excited. I absolutely love it: how it turned out, the symbolism I put into it, and the fact that it's my own artwork on my body.
And here's what my design means:
Lilies are my favorite flower, and this one's a bit tattered. It's still pretty and alive, however scarred. That's me. I've survived a bunch of crap, but I'm still here. I'm all the better for it too.
The thorny vine is life. It's not an easy thing to deal with and it will hurt at times. I just noticed that I sort of drew the three vines in a triskel. For those that don't know, a triskel is a celtic symbol for birth, life, and death.
The angel wing is death (naturally). It's for all the past deaths in my life as well as the future deaths I'll have to endure. Grim, yes, but still very important. And you can't have life without death, which is why the vine winds around it, I suppose.
"We'll carry on" is a My Chemical Romance lyric from the song Welcome to the Black Parade (if you didn't know already). More recently, this means to me that I'm able to life my life as normally as anyone and I'm happy for the time I had with my dog. It also means that I can move past everything else.....being suicidal, being severely depressed, even just possibly failing a class.
Even the placement has a symbolic meaning. I want this tattoo on the outside of my left shoulder. For one, that's the side your heart's on. For some reason, all the scars I get from being clumsy is on my left side. The left side is the only side my cat likes being held on (odd I know). It'd be on my shoulder because I'm putting so much of my self into designing this tattoo, so it's like I'm putting my heart on my sleeve. I'm a really emotional person, but I don't know how to express myself unless I'm writing (like now). People can't usually read my expressions and I don't know how to talk about them, so I tend to talk to people in lyrics and quotes. This tattoo, as I said, symbolizes everything that's important to me, so it'd be another way for me to let people know about me. If it's on my shoulder, I know people will see it.

R.I.P. my sweet baby boy. I miss you so much more than you could have ever imagined.
"There was a moment in my life when I really wanted to kill myself. And there was one other moment when I was close to that. . . . But even in my most jaded times, I had some hope.”-Gerard Way
Last edited by Melody Pond; June 28th 2010 at 07:33 PM.
Reason: Merged in to existing relevant thread..
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
July 2nd 2010, 07:15 PM
This is my third tattoo and the longest and biggest one of them all. I just got it done on Wednesday and I absolutely adore it. This is probably my favorite one so far although it might have tied with another I have. This all together took 4 and a half hours 4 hours was of tattooing, all done in one sitting and the 30 mins of set up/prep and a mandatory break. It's along my left ribcage/side
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:) new metal haha -
July 10th 2010, 07:08 AM
Tell me what you think?
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
July 13th 2010, 06:34 AM
My Monroe piercing
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
July 19th 2010, 09:48 PM
Im getting my lip pierced I'll post pictures when I do I have my lobes too
I am only 15 so getting staves with a treble clef and 4/4 <I know theres no line between< when Im 17 cos my 2 sisters have the same with 1/1 and then the other one has 2/2 and my other sister is getting 3/3 were all big into music I also wnt to get "Hour Long Second" on my shoulder and a (proper) heart bursting out of my skin over my heart and also ribs with stuff hanging from it i.e breast cncer ribbon, a watch an eye ball a candle a pen etc
and I also want "the pen is mighter then the sword on my hip
and "Ask the blind man he saw it too" wrapped around my ankle
and my cartilage, tounge web, monre and eyebrow pierced
~Peace Out~
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
July 20th 2010, 04:06 AM
I currently have 3 tattoos, left side of my lip pierced and 1/2" gauges.
Lip and gauges:
Buddhist Mantra:
My Nerd Stamp:
I have so many more tattoos planned. Plus I'll hopefully be tattooing soon myself.
Tabula Rasa
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
July 26th 2010, 09:23 PM
Triple gauge in progress 
10mm, 6mm and will soon be 3mm
Hakuna Matata (:
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
July 26th 2010, 10:25 PM
I only have my nose pierced, here's the best picture I could find showing it:
Never regret anything because at one time, it's exactly what you wanted. PM me. (:
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
August 29th 2010, 03:37 PM
I currently have 2 tattoos :-) i don't have pictures yet the first one i got was 'CURRAHEE' 'WE STAND ALONE TOGETHER' the motto of the hundred and first Airborne :-) i chose that one after re watching Band Of Brothers the second one is more of a dedication to the bravery of the Tunnel Rats of Vietnam :-) and their motto 'NON GRATUM ANUS RODENTUM' or 'NOT WORTH A RATS ARSE' :-)
both of these mean something to me.
The third Tattoo i plan on getting soon is Deaths head badge im not sure whether to go with the one worn by the Black Brunswickers or the one worn by the British 17th Lancers.
i will post pics as and when i get them :-)
pain is a fabrication of the mind life is a regretable and unavoidable reality, which sucks ass big time.
Your afraid because you still hope ,Bly you have to admit you are dead then and only then can you function as a soldier is supposed to without fear, compassion or mercy'' amen Captain Ronald Spiers 101st Airborne E company 506th p.i.r
''Sister i wont ask for forgiveness my sins are all i have'' Bruce Springsteen
I currently suffer with Post Traumatic Personality Disorder :-)
sleep when your dead
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
September 27th 2010, 12:57 AM

newest, done today just a few hours ago. sparrow.

arm quote, bob marley.

dragonfly, wrist.

my koi fish. adding a sunset going up my ribs on that soon.

japanese symbol for love, on my ankle. matching tattoo with my best friend.
annnnd theres another one, a lotus rib piece that i can't find a picture of. oh well. i've spammed this page enough for today.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
October 17th 2010, 11:06 AM

My new cartilage piercing.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
October 24th 2010, 06:48 PM
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
November 14th 2010, 05:12 PM
I have both lobes peirced twice.. 2nd time was done with a safety pin by my friends - NOT the best idea.
I also have my bellybutton done and i loveeee that, hate my belly without it now.
And I really want my nose done soon!
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
November 20th 2010, 05:18 AM
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
November 30th 2010, 07:29 PM
I feel like I'm hogging the thread
I've had the left side of my lip pierced for nearly 2 years and I got the other side done yesterday.  My husband wasn't entirely for it but once he saw it afterwards he loves it now.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
December 13th 2010, 04:48 AM
Star Made out of Treble Clefs (Right Shoulder)
Crossing Hatchets (Lower Neck)
Double Spider-Bites
My Friends Say the Darndest Things
"I'm so wary right now that I'm slightly levitating!"
-SirNavi AND Myself
"...i can go frolic freely with the leprechauns..."
"If Santa can squeeze through chimneys,
then Santa's spawn can squeeze through a urethra."
"Are you suggesting later would be a good time to cadoodle?"

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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
December 13th 2010, 05:01 AM
BellyButton (There's no blood or ANYTHING, so I figured this was fine to post? Won't gross anyone out? =/)
My Friends Say the Darndest Things
"I'm so wary right now that I'm slightly levitating!"
-SirNavi AND Myself
"...i can go frolic freely with the leprechauns..."
"If Santa can squeeze through chimneys,
then Santa's spawn can squeeze through a urethra."
"Are you suggesting later would be a good time to cadoodle?"

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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
January 19th 2011, 04:01 AM
I got both my traguses done, but its hard to take a photo of my ears, so once I got one successful photo, I figured that was good enough to show it.

Its the silver ball closest to my head. The dangly bit underneath is the earring the piercer used. I just got this done the other day as a belated birthday present from my friend.
Dare to be Different, to be Weird, to be a Freak.
Overall, Dare to be yourself.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
January 21st 2011, 02:47 AM
Morgan - your tattoo is fantastic. The colors are amazing. That's some really nice work.
I have a ton of piercings and tattoos, this is a just a few of them. Piercings include snakebites, nose, septum (I have it turned up, so it's not visible here), plugs, industrial, and both nipples. And you can barely see the diamond tattoo on my chest, but I have tattoos pretty much covering my arms and back.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
January 21st 2011, 04:12 AM
Thank you  I love the diamond on your chest btw! I keep bouncing back and forth between ideas for my chest piece but I'm getting a tattoo on my leg finished tomorrow. It's a peg leg pirate bird with about 6 hours into it so far.  I have one of my arms planned out (the one above) and the other I'm not 100% sure on yet.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
January 21st 2011, 06:48 PM
Hey everyone,
As stated by the rules at the beginning of this thread, let's try and keep all comments on each other's tattoos and piercings to PM please. 
Thanks in advance.
Take care,
Last edited by Kitty.; February 7th 2011 at 12:13 AM.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
February 6th 2011, 05:33 AM
I dunno why I'm posting so many pictures tonight. Anyways, Here is my industrial and my tattoo (I designed it myself, it's one of three I'm getting of these little fairies) I have many tattoo plans and hopefully within the next couple of years I'll be able to get them all done. I used to work at a tattoo shop, I miss it when I look at tattoos.
I used to have a TON of piercings, lip rings, brow rings, etc. Now all I have is my ears and my industrial.
I think I want to gadge my ears, though. I love those spiral earings. So awesome.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
February 10th 2011, 09:18 PM
this is my first tattoo and just had it done today
he saved my life countless times thru my childhood.. my doctor shall be immortalized on my skin as long as i live.
Last edited by The ANTI-Troll; February 11th 2011 at 08:23 PM.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
February 16th 2011, 07:44 PM
I have one tattoo and I just got it recently. It's not done yet, the total design will take up most of my back, but this is just what I started with. Primarily because it's the part I wanted most, but mostly because I'm doing it in $50 increments so it's more affordable over time.
i am not my scars and my history
i am, i am, i am who i am...i am who i am.
there are true things inside of me;
i have been afraid to see.
Last edited by kitkat_kate; February 16th 2011 at 07:46 PM.
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In that order...
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
February 27th 2011, 12:30 PM
Previously Mommy.Wife.Student
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
February 28th 2011, 12:54 AM
Both of my ears looked like this before I stretched my first 3 holes a bit. ^-^
"Although only breath, words which I command are immortal." Sappho

"Sometimes I feel nothing at all. Sometimes I feel everything is my fault.
Sometimes I feel the hate break my mind. Sometimes I feel they deserve it this time.
May the bridges I burn light my way." - I, Alone - Otep

Yo No Sé
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
April 12th 2011, 08:48 PM
I do not have a camera to take a picture but I have Evangeline, my sister's full name, tattooed on my left forearm and a scaffold piercing.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
April 13th 2011, 02:51 PM
My Camera is not working with my computer but this is what mine basically looks like only with color. Now the computer is not working.
Clicky Here to see it!
Mine has the heart fading from yellow to orange and the wings have green to blue tips. Just over 3 months old now. Got it for my B-Day, February 4th. It also has "Best" in cursive on top. My friend since we were born has "Friends" but she has a music note.
The tattoos symbolize that we both have different paths in life and different interests but our friendship will always remain the same and we will always be friends no matter where life will take us.
Morgan Lynn 5/15/2010
Henry Thomas 12/15/2010
I love you both unconditionally
Let go of the fear Let go of the doubt
Let go of the ones who try to put you down
You're gonna be fine Don't hold it inside
If you hurt right now, then let it all come out
Breathe - Ryan Star
Your Helpful Tattoo Enthusiast Ask Away!
Last edited by Ashes2493; April 13th 2011 at 03:01 PM.
Reason: The pic was WAYYYYY to big, and added some details
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
April 25th 2011, 03:28 AM
[Edited by Kitty.]
The First
Last edited by Kitty.; April 25th 2011 at 04:36 AM.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
June 28th 2011, 06:58 PM
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
July 12th 2011, 04:56 AM

Snug piercing. The bottom hole hurt miserably and felt like it took forever, but the top one is the one that hurts most now.

Conch piercing. My most anticipated, and probably most painful at the time, but now it's quite tame.
I don't really like how the conch sits now, but that's only because it's not fitted yet since they give you huge jewelry while you're healing.
"Love me for me, accept the fact I'm true, live like I want, fufill my dreams,
Dream of me, run out free, capture your words and never let them go."
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
July 23rd 2011, 05:11 AM
Here are my 2 tattoos
Sorry its a bit small gota get a new picture! Anywho it says
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
July 23rd 2011, 10:02 PM

Sorry about the large size, for some reason the second picture won't resize :/
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
July 28th 2011, 03:34 AM

Left Wrist.

Right Wrist.
Razors pain you Rivers are damp Acid stains you Drugs cause cramp Guns aren't lawful Nooses give Gas smells awful You might as well live.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
August 5th 2011, 07:54 AM

My smiley piercing. I had to take it out because I pierced it crooked.
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Last edited by Eternal; August 5th 2011 at 10:51 PM.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
August 6th 2011, 10:06 AM

My lip piercing with a cheerio on it.
I'm just that cool.
something burning?

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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
August 6th 2011, 11:59 PM
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
August 14th 2011, 09:10 AM

Tongue web piercing
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
August 17th 2011, 02:43 AM
Hehe, just got my monroe pierced today, and this picture is only a few hours after so yeah.
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Re: The Post your Tattoos and Piercings picture thread. -
August 23rd 2011, 02:56 AM

I just got my ear cartilage pierced today. I also have a piercing on each ear lobe.
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