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udontno October 31st 2009 02:27 AM

Belly button ring will NOT come out
So, I bought a new belly button ring and I was really, really excited about changing it. However, I can NOT get the ball unscrewed for the life of me. I've tried wrapping a towel around it and unscrewing it, I've tried using my fingers, and I just tried the Band-Aid trick (something I found on Google :rolleyes:). I know everyone is going to tell me to go to the piercer and get him to change it, but there is a slight problem. The place is an hour away at the mall and I go there about twice a year.

A friend told me to get a pair of pliers and get someone else to try to unscrew it for me. I'm thinking that might be my only option but I won't have anyone that would do it until tomorrow morning. So I guess I'll have to see.

Anyone else have any suggestions? Or comfort? I'm disappointed. :sad:

losing touch. October 31st 2009 02:37 AM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
try getting someone else to have a go. i'm not sure about using pliers.. i know if it was me i'd end up pinching my skin or something, but i guess you could try that if you're careful.. if all else fails then you'll just have to go back to the piercer unfortunately. don't try anything too risky. and it might sound stupid.. but are you sure you're turning it the right way?

ForgetMeNot9 October 31st 2009 02:37 AM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
If you can't get the ball off at all after attempting anything...safe lol that you can think of, I'd suggest going back to the place that pierced you, or because you mentioned it's kind of far away, maybe find somewhere that's closer to you? You could also ask someone else to try cause the oils on our hands can make it almost impossible to get them off! I always had to ask my mum to help lol :$

udontno October 31st 2009 02:43 AM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out

Originally Posted by xxEllexx (Post 260937)
try getting someone else to have a go. i'm not sure about using pliers.. i know if it was me i'd end up pinching my skin or something, but i guess you could try that if you're careful.. if all else fails then you'll just have to go back to the piercer unfortunately. don't try anything too risky. and it might sound stupid.. but are you sure you're turning it the right way?

My best friend is coming over tomorrow morning and I'm going to make her try to get it off. I wanted her to be there tonight (I just had a feeling something would go wrong) but I ended up having a lot of people at my house (grandmother, mother, sister, her, baby cousin, 7 year old cousin, the kids that I used to babysit--Hope [8]; Morgan [11], and their mother) so she left before all of the company did.

Righty tighty, lefty loosey. I'm pretty sure I'm turning it the right way. I thought I was being crazy and tried both ways. I've also tried unscrewing the bottom ball, thinking that this one was defunct or something. Ha.

I'm quite fond of the thing, so I'll definitely go back to the piercer before I do anything stupid. I just don't trust myself with pliers and I'm afraid all of this pulling and tugging might mess it up. :-/


Originally Posted by Megan (Post 260938)
If you can't get the ball off at all after attempting anything...safe lol that you can think of, I'd suggest going back to the place that pierced you, or because you mentioned it's kind of far away, maybe find somewhere that's closer to you? You could also ask someone else to try cause the oils on our hands can make it almost impossible to get them off! I always had to ask my mum to help lol :$

The place that I went to is actually the closest. I live in the middle of nowhere. :p I've actually wrapped a washcloth around my hand (kinda like a barrier, like you need a grippy thingy when you open a jar) and I had no luck with that...

daddys_lilsoldier November 1st 2009 04:45 PM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
I had that problem with my bellybutton ring as well. It made me so mad haha. But I used latex gloves and got it unscrewed. I did have to try to unscrew it for about 2 mins then stop then try again, I repeated that like 4 times haha. But its bc I was already so frustrated I couldnt focus. So yeah, try latex gloves.

udontno November 1st 2009 05:19 PM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out

Originally Posted by daddys_lilsoldier (Post 261632)
I had that problem with my bellybutton ring as well. It made me so mad haha. But I used latex gloves and got it unscrewed. I did have to try to unscrew it for about 2 mins then stop then try again, I repeated that like 4 times haha. But its bc I was already so frustrated I couldnt focus. So yeah, try latex gloves.

I'm going to have to look for some latex gloves. Hmm. The only time I've ever seen them is in a big box and I'd hate to buy a big box when I only need like, one.

I had my friend take a pair of pliers to the ball yesterday. No luck. I tried it myself. We had the ball in a good grip and I was holding the bottom to keep the bar from moving around. I couldn't hold it still, she only succeeded in twisting the piercing instead of getting the ball off.

I'm going to get my aunt and another friend to try. After that I'm going to give up and go to the piercer. When that will be, I don't know. The place is like an hour away and I go to the mall about twice a year, so it'll be a pain to go. We might go before Christmas to pick out gifts so maybe I'll get it out then. I'd hate to take a special trip though. :-(

i_am_me_again November 1st 2009 09:25 PM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
If you have a belly ring, then the ball doesnt unscrew, it pops off. If you have a belly bar, then have you tried unscrewing both ends. Sounds stupid I know, but its worth a try.

WashoutThePain November 1st 2009 10:39 PM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
Put some ice on it... maybe getting it cold will make it shrink so that it will be looser.

udontno November 2nd 2009 01:41 AM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out

Originally Posted by i_am_me_again (Post 261762)
If you have a belly ring, then the ball doesnt unscrew, it pops off. If you have a belly bar, then have you tried unscrewing both ends. Sounds stupid I know, but its worth a try.

It's a bar. I've tried popping it off, doesn't work. I've also tried unscrewing both ends, no such luck.


Originally Posted by lost-myself (Post 261795)
Put some ice on it... maybe getting it cold will make it shrink so that it will be looser.

Ice? Hmm, haven't thought of that. I'll have to see how that goes.

daddys_lilsoldier November 2nd 2009 08:43 PM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
Well I recommend the latex gloves. Your school nurse should have one you could use, or someone that works in the medical field?

udontno November 3rd 2009 12:30 AM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out

Originally Posted by daddys_lilsoldier (Post 262274)
Well I recommend the latex gloves. Your school nurse should have one you could use, or someone that works in the medical field?

I've thought about the school nurse, but I doubt she'd be willing to give me one. We're dirt floor poor and they even ration the gloves when we do dissections. Ick. My grandmother is a nurse, but she's very conservative and has no idea that I have it done. :rolleyes:

I had a friend try to get it out today and no luck there either. :-/

x-gothic-princess-x November 3rd 2009 03:59 PM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
i had this trouble when i was changing mine for the first time... i got my mom to do it... she got a wet cloth and unsrewed it. seemed to work.

losing touch. November 3rd 2009 10:49 PM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
i thought it was heat, not ice that is meant to make things easier to unscrew. like when you can't open a jar and you run it under a hot tap?

udontno November 4th 2009 01:10 AM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out

Originally Posted by x-gothic-princess-x (Post 262625)
i had this trouble when i was changing mine for the first time... i got my mom to do it... she got a wet cloth and unsrewed it. seemed to work.

I tried that earlier tonight and no luck.


Originally Posted by xxEllexx (Post 262824)
i thought it was heat, not ice that is meant to make things easier to unscrew. like when you can't open a jar and you run it under a hot tap?

I've tried hot and cold water, so neither of them worked. :sad:

daddys_lilsoldier November 4th 2009 11:35 AM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
Hrmm..maybe ask your mom to get one from your grandmother? Or tell her you need it for something at school.

udontno November 4th 2009 08:09 PM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
That's a good idea. Next time I see her, I'll tell her I need it for something at school.

daddys_lilsoldier November 6th 2009 04:23 AM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
Okay, let us know if that works or not!

udontno November 7th 2009 09:05 PM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
Well, today I took that trip to the mall. After having to wait an hour because the piercer was doing a corset piercing on someone, she was able to get the ball off. Guess what? It was the bottom ball that unscrewed! I had tried the bottom one, but not nearly as much as the top one. She says it is very rare to find a starter ring that unscrews at the bottom. I guess they don't usually pierce with them there.

She got my new ring in, I tipped her, and all was well. :-)

losing touch. November 7th 2009 09:31 PM

Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out
glad you got it sorted! :]

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