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Tattoos and Piercings This forum is to ask questions and discuss tattoos, piercings and other aesthetic body modifications.

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Could anyone help me design a tattoo - September 15th 2009, 09:13 PM

Hola guysies

I'm thinking of getting a tattoo.

I know what I want, but I'm hopeless at drawing, so if anyone's up for a wee project then read on!

Reading on? Yay! You're a wee star

I'd like a dragon around my wrist, I've always had a thing for dragons. I'd like it with its tail curling around my wrist, quite small. Not too ferocious, but not a cute dragon. Maybe mouth closed with two wee bits of smoke coming from its nostrils?

If you have any free time feel free to go wild! I'm up for lots of ideas!

Thanks so much if you're still reading and considering.

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Re: Could anyone help me design a tattoo - September 16th 2009, 01:16 AM

Hi Deedlit,

I'd just like to let you know that I've read your post, and I am really interested in posting a design when I get the time to complete one. I draw dragons all the time, and this would be a really fun project for me.

So, I'm not sure when specifically I could get a design to you (when are you planning on getting the tattoo done?) but I'll do my best to try for the next week or two. If this thread is closed by then, then I will be sure to PM you the design, if that's cool with you.

Hope I can help.

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Re: Could anyone help me design a tattoo - September 16th 2009, 11:13 PM

Hi there Nat!

That would be really good thanks! Take your time, but you sound perfect for the job haha. If you'd like me to measure my wrist or post you any pics I like or anything just give me a shout, anything to help!

PMing the desgin is ok, if you want my email address to discuss or anything that's fine as well, but if you'd rather not that's ok too

Thanks!! xx

Oh yeah, and not sure when I'm going to get it - no set date, but I'd like to be completely sure that I like the design and stuff before.
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Re: Could anyone help me design a tattoo - September 16th 2009, 11:17 PM

If you have some pictures of a style of dragon you like, that would be very helpful. Maybe you could post a few? I've just been playing around with ideas at the moment, but if there is something specific you like about a certain dragon, let me know. Also, is this going to be all black, or coloured?

As for the size of your wrist, I don't know if that is okay to post on the forum or not. Maybe PM it to me to be on the safe side.

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  (#5 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Could anyone help me design a tattoo - September 17th 2009, 08:07 PM

Alrighty, prepare for lots of pictures

I'd likeeee..

The wings of that one (but not as muscly body) ^

The head of that one

The body of that oneee, but without the sticky out neck bit

I dunno, keep asking questions haha

And I'd like it all coloured, although not 100% sure on colour, I know I'd like a dark colour but not a red, or a bright pink, maybe a purply red? Do you get purpley reds lol..?

Thanks so much for your help againnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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Re: Could anyone help me design a tattoo - September 26th 2009, 04:10 PM

Hey Deedlit,

Sorry it took me so long to get this to you, but here is the rough design of the dragon so far. Now, this is only the rough sketch of the dragon itself- not the tattoo- because I want to know if this is what you are looking for (still keeping in mind that this is a rough draft). So if there are any changes you would like me to make to the dragon itself, this is the best time to let me know. So if you don't like the eye- tell me! The tail? I can change that! You just need to let me know

Rough sketch: http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/7...dragonscan.jpg

Alright, after I know if you would like anything changed, I'll work on the pose of the dragon. I know you want the tail curling around your wrist, so I'll make sure that happens. But I also will draw a few pictures of the dragon sitting, lying down, crouching, stretched cat-like and stuff. Then after you choose which pose you'd like, I'll finalize it and colour it (and I'm sure I've got a purpley red somewhere, so no worries ).

I know this is only a design and that you are thinking over getting a tattoo still, so if you do change your mind about it that is perfectly fine- I wont be upset. What I will do, is design it anyway . If you like it, you can use it, if not, then don't worry about it.

Sound good?

The great artists of our time are the ones who created something timeless. But it was never them defining it that way.
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