I feel embarrassed to be asking this because I don't really conform to gender norms, but when it comes to hair, it matters so much. I am planning on getting my hair cut short on Monday (and buzz short in August for personal reasons) but I am worried about how I will look with short hair.
Is there a way to style shorter hair that it doesn't come out looking a certain way or doesn't have people presuming things about me, if that makes sens. I honestly can't bother with a curling iron and my hair is already straight, pun totally unintended.
I am wary about using barettes because they pull strands of hair out and that gets really painful. Unless they've made improvements on barettes over the past 16/17 years, but are they even in style anymore?

I can wear headbands, but it's always falling off my head.
If I use gel, won't it get dirty? Would that still qualify as feminine? I hate saying it like that because I do
not conform to gender norms in the way I dress or act.
I guess the other option would be try to dress a little less casually and more in a style? I know that doesn't belong in this particular part of the sub-forum, but ideas welcome!