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Technology, Gamers and Gadgets This forum is for discussions about your games, technology, the latest apps or cool gadgets
Re: Best game of 2024? -
December 4th 2024, 10:30 PM
Honestly my favorite game is Uno for the Switch but it's definitely not a new game haha.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Re: Best game of 2024? -
December 5th 2024, 01:26 AM
It's not a game from 2024, but I played Life Is Strange for the first time this year, which was an amazing game. I've also been getting back into The Sims, which has been a lot of fun.
wanderlust consumed her;
foreign hearts & exotic minds compelled her.
she had a gypsy soul
and a vibrant heart for the unknown.
-d. marie
Re: Best game of 2024? -
December 5th 2024, 02:52 AM
So it's not a game from this year, but the game I played the most this year was fallout4.
I don't tend to buy games the year they come out as they expensive, however a-lot of my friends have played FC (Fifa) 24 and said its very good but there's a-lot of additional costs to it etc.
Sometimes newish games become available on game pass, and I will play those but they won't necessarily or usually be from the current year.
'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''
Re: Best game of 2024? -
December 27th 2024, 09:55 PM
We love playing Clue and Monopoly, we have a lot of fun playing them together as a family.
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"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat,
It’s the rhythm
of your life.
It’s the expression
in time and movement,
in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.
-Jacques d’Ambroise''