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Music Discuss your favorite musicians and music, whether you listen or play, here.
Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!
Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless.
Re: What Song Is Stuck In Your Head Right Now? -
October 19th 2011, 10:15 PM
Sexy and I Know It - LMFAO
"..And if you're perusing the social media networks, I urge you to keep your fucking opinions to yourself. If you're going ruin someone's day, ruin your own."
- Bert McCracken
Re: What Song Is Stuck In Your Head Right Now? -
October 19th 2011, 11:54 PM
Lollipop Luxury by Jeffree Star. xD
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Re: What Song Is Stuck In Your Head Right Now? -
October 20th 2011, 12:42 AM
Beautiful soul by Jesse McCartney
You and Me By Lifehouse
Heck I got ike 10. Other songs but those 2 stick out
to love someone is such a beautiful thing,
Keep it in your heart forever
And show it when you need to
Re: What Song Is Stuck In Your Head Right Now? -
October 26th 2011, 02:09 AM
37mm by AFI.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Re: What Song Is Stuck In Your Head Right Now? -
October 26th 2011, 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by craz33me
Things ain't like they used to be- Black Keys
Don't know that one but the Black Keys are pretty cool. "Rubber Factory" is my fave album.
I have "Seamstress" by Dessa stuck in my head. Pretty unique song.
I'm not gay, but this applies to the women in my life
Well at least I tried
With soft drugs and seam ripper
Tough love and a tape measure.
Stitching up boys is different that way
You fix a bird, you buy it a cage
You fix a man,
You fix a man, and he flies away.
The neon burns a hole in the night, and the Freon burns a hole in the sky.
You can find my kind living right on the fault line, eyes on the seaside, lives on the B-side, kites on the power lines.
Re: What Song Is Stuck In Your Head Right Now? -
October 31st 2011, 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Ella.x
Ghost Town by the Specials. Epic song
You listen to the Specials? Nice!
The neon burns a hole in the night, and the Freon burns a hole in the sky.
You can find my kind living right on the fault line, eyes on the seaside, lives on the B-side, kites on the power lines.
Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!
Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless.
Re: What Song Is Stuck In Your Head Right Now? -
November 1st 2011, 04:55 PM
I'm with you by Avril Lavigne
the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place, as maladapted to your surroundings as a seal on a beach—lumbering, clumsy, easily distracted, huddled in the company of other misfits, unable to recognize the ambient roar of your intended habitat, in which you’d be fluidly, brilliantly, effortlessly at home.
Re: What Song Is Stuck In Your Head Right Now? -
November 3rd 2011, 09:34 PM
"Super Bass" by Nicki Minaj
(Personally, I find that song super annoying, but after watching the halloween episode of Ellen where they had those two little ballerina girls it's been stuck in my head Does anyone else have this same problem? )