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Music Discuss your favorite musicians and music, whether you listen or play, here.
Re: What is your favorite classical music? -
January 12th 2021, 02:48 PM
I hate classical music but — looking at the note for January 12th on the calendar — I absolutely love the "Soundscapes"/"Sounds of Nature" station that's available through Comcast Music OnDemand. Not sure if other cable providers have them; but it's basically non-stop sounds that you'd only find in Earth's natural environments.
I think of that, my favorite would have the be the sound of a stream running. I form this beautiful image in my head and it's a fantastic way to get lost from the world and to de-stress. But, there are some sound elements that can be jarring.
Re: What is your favorite classical music? -
January 13th 2021, 04:39 AM
Playing or listening to classical music has a wide variety of benefits. Both playing or listening to music can be a great stress reliever. ... Since music education stimulates your emotional and cognitive abilities, it can allow our brain to think in new and different ways. One of my favorites is Rota - Love Theme, from Romeo and Juliet