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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
June 12th 2013, 07:33 PM
I've always wanted to be a doctor since I was little, and now, I'm really into neurology and want to be a brain doctor. I find it really amazing how the brain works.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
June 12th 2013, 09:06 PM
I wanted to be a 'pet shop lady' = a vet
I then realised I wasn't good at science particularly, so that was out of the window.
I then wanted to be a journalist for YEARS, I loved media and creative writing at school and had dreams of going to London for university to study it.
Sixth Form put me off media and because the fees went sky high, I wanted more of a challenge. I then picked Criminology and Sociology and went to a different part of England to study it. I wanted to be in the Police and now I have no idea!
God knows where I will be in the end...
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
June 13th 2013, 09:20 PM
I wanted to be a research scientist.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
June 14th 2013, 06:48 PM
I wanted to be an author.
I still want to be an author, though now I think I'll do something else (e.g. teaching or being a lawyer) and write in my spare time. At least, until my book becomes a bestseller, of course.
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"She said she had her own."
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
June 14th 2013, 10:14 PM
so many skater, astronaut, teacher, scientist, buddha, spy, detective, writer, artist, sociologist, therapist and the list goes on but I'm forgetting some  Still don't know what I want to do :P
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
June 15th 2013, 06:06 AM
At 1st grade I wanted to be a scientist, part-time author, later on I got my true calling and wanted to go into the field of computers/technology. Everything about it just fascinates me how artificial intelligence and automated systems work.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
June 30th 2013, 07:01 AM
Doctor or a vet
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
July 15th 2013, 02:15 AM
I want to be an animator when I get older. I want to make a show with lots of creativity and a legit storyline.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
July 15th 2013, 05:13 AM
I wanted to be a model when i was five, then when I was 10 i wanted to be a chef for many years. Now i have no idea what i want to be haha.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
July 15th 2013, 07:03 AM
I've always wanted to be a soldier in the military but was always told I wouldn't be able to join due to my vision impairment. Now - I still want to be in the military (I got corrected vision late 2011) at the point where I can join combat with my corrected vision, but I also have the feeling of not wanting to 'see' again which interferes with that. I have researched and have not been officially diagnosed yet, but have the symptoms of visual agnosia.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
July 21st 2013, 11:00 PM
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
July 27th 2013, 01:44 AM
When I was little I always said I wanted to be a mom and have lots of kids and pets. Now I actually am going to have my first kid and I am really happy about it but I also want to be a baker/pastry artist.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
August 15th 2013, 12:10 AM
I've always wanted to be a teacher
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
August 19th 2013, 02:17 AM
I want to be a herpetologist!
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
August 19th 2013, 06:30 PM
A cop when I was younger lol! But now a computer programmer as I have skill in that area, and also haven't found a computer problem I can't easily fix, so maybe a computer tech
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
August 20th 2013, 07:19 PM
I would like to be a paramedic
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
August 20th 2013, 08:34 PM
when i was really little i wanted to be an entomologist. then a ballerina. now i'm not sure.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
November 24th 2013, 01:59 AM
I want to be an international tour guide. That way I can travel the entire world and meet new people every day!!
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
December 9th 2013, 03:18 AM
I have always wanted to be a fiction writer or perhaps an international tour guide. I want to inspire people with my writing, if I could.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
January 12th 2014, 05:00 AM
When I was younger, I had too many ambitions to count. Some of these included being a pizza chef, and a dancer despite never taking one class in my life. The one career choice that has most stuck with me though has been a teacher, but as high school came to an end, so did any ambition toward any career which brings us to now. No longer am I the girl overwhelmed with career possibilities, but rather underwhelmed!
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
January 12th 2014, 06:41 AM
I used to be into computer stuff at an early age, maybe 7-10 (it runs in the family), but any job in computer programming will be gone in the next 15 years. Nowadays, I'm looking at being some sort of specialized medical surgeon/doctor. I've also recently taken up an interest in nuclear engineering and various fields of chemistry. I still have plenty of things on the table for me.

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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
January 12th 2014, 10:21 AM
When I was little, I wanted to be everything possible, singer, nurse, actress, film director, model, fashion stylist, dog trainer, a vet, teacher, tv host, designer of all things, a composer or artist with all kinds of arts considered, a factory worker, assistant, secretary, computer hacker, spy, detective, philologist, animator, economist, baker, theologist, philosopher, illustrator, storyteller, psychologist, matchmaker etc etc. I had way too many. And it wasn't hard to dream of everything and live those dreams passionately as a child. For some reason as well, the older I got, my ambitions grew more irrational, about to reach the peak of all irrationality. Let's say I started thinking of jobs that don't exist on Earth. Yet.
The one job I also stuck to (for almost a year) was travelling agent, but that one got rejected by reality before I experimented with many other jobs in my head. During one point in my life, I didn't want to have a job but the dream of being a student for my entire life. Ironically after that, I wanted to own an organisation. Didn't stop there.
I moved back while
my head was turned.
Upside down
closer to the end.
Afraid of the dark
within future times.
I'm drowning there,
my final chase.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
January 12th 2014, 10:30 AM
A workless bachelor, yeah, I was THAT lazy!
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
January 12th 2014, 02:10 PM
I wanted to be a lawyer/legal advisor because of legally blonde, the movie haha
and now a few years later i'm studying Law and loving it <3
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
September 1st 2014, 08:19 PM
When I was 7, I wanted to be a veterinarian.
When I was 9, I wanted to be a writer.
When I was 12, I wanted to be a musician.
When I was 14, I wanted to be dead.
Now, I am 15 and I still want to write!
Writing makes me feel like life is going to be okay.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
October 31st 2014, 12:28 PM
I think I have replied to this thread back when I first joined TeenHelp, but everything hs changed so I am going to put a new answer here.
When I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian, but when I got into high school, I wanted to be musician or a chemist. When I got into college and declared my major as chemistry my freshman year, I really wanted to be a chemist. However, when I got to the spring semester of my sophomore year, I decided that chemistry was too difficult for me and changed my major to biology. Now when I graduate college, I am hoping to get a job where I am working with something that has something to do with the environment, conservation, and/or biotechnology.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
November 1st 2014, 07:39 PM
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
November 2nd 2014, 01:57 AM
Age 2-5: Pilot
Age 6-10:Astronaut
Age 11-14:Scientist(couldn't specify at the time)
Age 15-now(and prolly forever... i hope, wll i really want it):Physicist
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
November 9th 2014, 12:23 PM
I still want to be a software developer or engineer of some sort.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
November 30th 2014, 11:13 AM
I wanted to be an actress. But then I thought that when your character died, you died too so I didn't like the idea of being an actress anymore. The mind of an 8 year old.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
November 30th 2014, 02:25 PM
Promise me you are not laughing when you read this. 
When I was a kid my aspirations varied from Astronaut, doctor, veterinarian, model, actress, writer, taster in a chocolate factory, pet shop owner to garbage collector. (Don't ask. )
But I think for the last 5-6 years I have wanted to get into the finance/ banking sector and I am studying for it.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
November 30th 2014, 02:26 PM
I've always liked the idea of being a comedian/comedy writer. I started writing material at school and I read somewhere that if you tell people your goal you're more likely to achieve it so for about two years everyone who asked what I wanted to do after school was told 'comedian'. Unfortunately I haven't done anything to achieve it so whenever I talk to those people I hope they've forgotten about it
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
January 29th 2015, 10:37 PM
I remember the earliest thing I wanted to be was a paleontologist. After some time, probably about 5, was when I first became really interested in weather and climate, and decided I wanted to be a meteorologist (researcher, not on tv). About 8 years old, I decided I wanted to be an astronomer as well. I wanted to be a pilot for a brief period of time during 3rd grade because Charles Lindbergh was my hero at the time. I wanted to be a particle physicist in middle school.
Still considering going into meteorology, chemical oceanography, particle physics, or behavioral analysis. In general, it's always been my ambition to be a scientist. I've also thought about becoming a surgeon and specializing in either trauma or neurosurgery.
Commitment is an act. Not a word. ~Jean-Paul Sartre A bird does not sing because it has an
answer. It sings because
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
January 30th 2015, 11:42 AM
i wanted to become a doctor )) but... i am a teacher  what an irony))
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
January 30th 2015, 05:12 PM
I seriously wanted to be a vet, then changed it to someone who specialises in dogs (does that career even exist??).
I have also wanted to be: an author, movie star, train driver, interior designer, wolf researcher.
For the last decade I have wanted to be a teacher (primary school) and still hope to accomplish that. But I am also developing a keen interest in psychology...
Oh and when I was 5, I wanted to be a dog
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
February 21st 2015, 10:08 AM
For a few years I wanted to be a police officer. Then two days into my program I found out I didn't like it, and swapped into a General Arts and Science program, and now I'm starting to look for what I want to do.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
February 21st 2015, 10:18 AM
I always dreamed of being a musician. Vocalist or bassist... I've given up on this however. Then I wanted to be a professional gamer, gave up on this as well. Right now I don't know anymore.
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
February 21st 2015, 10:24 AM
I always wanted to be a DOCTOR .
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
February 21st 2015, 03:14 PM
at first i wanted to be an astronaut or a pilot then i realized i wasnt good with physics and i cant have a stable lifestyle as a pilot..then i wanted to be a biochemist but then i figured i dont want to give lectures and work in an academic im 16 and i finally made up my mind...i want to be a doctor... psychiatrist to be specific...i have three years until medical school in my country...its going to be a long journey but it will be so worth it..
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Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? -
February 21st 2015, 10:48 PM
When I was four I wanted to be a podiatrist (foot doctor) after one of them removed a piece of glass from my toe. Then I wanted to be a teacher, then a biologist, which went out the window now that I'm taking biology and it's easily my worst class. And now I want to be a journalist.
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