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Name: Katie
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Work is about to go one of two ways -
April 19th 2022, 11:27 PM
For context start with this thread:
The job I mention being passed over for was reposted today. On my day off, and I wasn't told (again.) Basically, this is all looking very familiar. Only I saw it this time and immediately applied, so at least they can't claim I'm not interested. I will change my availability (so it can't be used against me again) ASAP which is first thing Thursday morning. I'm trying to decide whether to talk to them about it then saying that "My availability was just changed, I want this.", or just change it, keep my mouth shut, and see what they do. Obviously, it feels like they're trying to screw me, so they probably won't bring it up. But, if they're going to stab me in the back again, I deserve to at least be told to my face.
This is going to go one of two ways, either they're going to give it to me, or it'll be a repeat of last time with a bullshit excuse in which case, I plan to quit on the spot. Because if they're hiring and I don't get it, then not only have I been screwed over twice, but my hours will be cut again and NEVER go back up to enough to live on.
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
~One Skittles Minion~
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Holly
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Re: Work is about to go one of two ways -
April 21st 2022, 04:53 PM
Wow, that's awful that they reposted the job (which they passed over you before) and didn't even tell you that the job was going again. Then again, you probably aren't surprised that they did that.
If you really want the job, then you could let them know that your availability changed and that you want this job. At least then they can't claim that they didn't know that your availability has changed.
How would you feel if you got the job? Is there a risk that relationships within the company could get worse for you? It may be more hours and money but you'll have to weigh that up with any negative issues that might crop up. If you don't get the job, then it makes sense you would want to leave...the company haven't treated you well at all and it's not right that they have passed you over for the job and then reposted it without even telling you the job was going in the first place. And not only that but they messed about with your hours too so I'd say you're well within your right to leave. Hope you are able to have other jobs and things lined up if this doesn't work out.
Keep us updated
Outside, huh? **********
Name: Katie
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Re: Work is about to go one of two ways -
April 22nd 2022, 12:12 AM
I'm not surprised at all, at this point it's clear that there's a reason she doesn't want me to have it, which I will probably never find out. I check the jobs daily for this exact reason.
According to what the general manager told me last time this happened, she makes the decisions and "doesn't have to tell me anything" the HR manager just processes them. So, I changed the availability and in the notes section of the form put in writing that it can be made effective immediately and I'm interested in the job. I thought about talking to HR, but if she can't do anything anyway and is, according to another manager "two-faced" then I'm not going to waste my time.
I don't overlap with the GM until Saturday, which is when I plan to mention this to her. Plus, if I do end up walking out, I want it to be in front of the big manager who wants to own the decisions, but pass the consequences off to everyone else, I already have a reference from the manager who knows me and my work, so no problem there. One of the reasons the GM is horrible is that she sits in her office while basically barking orders or criticizing. So, could it get worse, not really. The job is fine when she's not there, and when she is, she leaves me alone for the most part. Since it's the same job with more hours, it's not like she'll be hovering, and she's the only one who doesn't see what was wrong with this whole thing, so as far as relationships go, I should be fine. I was screwed and EVERYONE knows it.
As soon as I applied for this job, I sent out a handful of other applications and already have responses wanting interviews, so I don't think getting another job will be super hard, and at that point, a pay cut is a pay cut, a job is a job. My mom suggested that I could accept it if offered, and then keep looking, so that's an option too.
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
~One Skittles Minion~
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Holly
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Re: Work is about to go one of two ways -
April 25th 2022, 10:31 AM
I don't blame you for checking the jobs daily, when the general manager has told you before that she makes the decisions so she doesn't have to tell you anything. She may well make the decisions but it's not fair to not let those who are interested know about the job...and obviously isn't good for relationships between staff either.
It's a shame that HR has been called two faced as ideally it would be a good idea to talk to HR. But as you say, you may be wasting time if you don't know whether she can be trusted to take your side.
Totally understand why you would want to walk out in view of the big manager! I still can't get over how you have been treated in the past, with your hours being cut, let alone not being told about a job opening. Definitely worth taking a stand, even if that means showing her up. Glad to know that you already have a reference from someone who knows you and your work, so there won't be a problem there. I understand's easy for managers to think that managing others means telling people what to do and then criticising when things don't go as planned, more so if they get to stay in the back office and not know how things are in reality. Totally not what managing others is about at all. But you are right, at least when she's in, then she's away from you so you are left alone to do your work. Would be a different story if she was hovering around! Yeah, it looks like everyone would be on your side...there really isn't any other side to take as the gm's behaviour towards you has been deplorable.
Good to know that you've already sent out other applications have even received responses wanting interviews. That's a good sign. And what your mom said is true too!
Outside, huh? **********
Name: Katie
Age: 36
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Re: Work is about to go one of two ways -
April 25th 2022, 09:54 PM
The manager was unavailable all day so I left a note in her mailbox. Which is actually better because I didn't have to actually face her, I didn't do or say anything impulsive or stupid, and I was able to put in writing that I changed my availability, applied and wanted to confirm my interest in the job with her. That was Saturday.
Now it's Monday, the post is gone, but there's no new schedule yet and I don't work again until Thursday. So, now I wait. I'd say they have to inform me either way, (especially because going from PT 20 to PT 30 is a change in job category and slightly affects benefits), but we know that they won't tell me a damn thing. I wait for the schedule and hours are cut further, I talk to them and they admit it, or I walk in to a new person doing my job, I walk right back out; period.
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
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