Hello there!
You need to have a goal while studying to not lose focus. Whether you're reading or writing, set a goal for yourself at the end of each week to ensure you are on pace to meet your deadlines. Moreover, you should not study incessantly for 6 to 7 hours. Do not study for more than 30 consecutive minutes. Take small breaks. Get out of your chair and take a round of the house. Then, continue. Try putting away your mobile phones. These are the biggest distractions these days. Whenever I try to study, my mind is focused completely on my phone’s notifications. Moreover, a good night's sleep is essential for staying focused and learning effectively. Here is a blog you can read for motivation
https://mytutorsource.hk/blog/best-w...n-to-learn/You might assume that staying up all night working will help you stay on track with your studies. However, pulling all-nighters and working when sleep-deprived might harm your health and, as a result, obstruct your work.