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Work? -
August 5th 2021, 08:14 PM
Okay so I’ve like been out of paid work for a number of years now... however I’m now working at a kids club over the summer break - it’s paid but not minimum wage if that like makes sense, it’s also cash in hand and not paid into my bank etc, but it’s got me thinking I get what you could call welfare allowance/benefits from the government and I’m not sure if I should like actually be declaring it or if it’s below minimum wage etc and it’s part time I don’t need to? Also how do I deal with the early mornings like 630am alarm going off etc... it’s the first week and I feel like I’ve ran round the world like 500 times , does it get easier also there seems to be some conflict at work between a few people and I’ve been trying not to get involved but it’s so hard not to etc...,
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Re: Work? -
August 6th 2021, 01:10 PM
Regarding your welfare benefits and your income, I believe you need to report it to the government so they can adjust your benefits in accordance with your income. It also depends on if you have a maximum amount allowed in your bank account. I know when I worked, I had to report my income to social security so they could adjust my disability benefits. It's probably different in England, and is something worth looking into.
Perhaps someone else could give better insight into that. 
As for waking up at 6:30 am and feeling tired; are you going to bed at an early enough hour? I know it's hard to get back into a routine after not working for so long — I know it'll seem like a rude awakening (no pun intended) for me when I get back to work! — but try to work out a schedule. For example, you eat your dinner, then do your chores, then brush your teeth and shut off electronics. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to unwind before going to bed, and you'll probably fall asleep quicker.
As for drama and other issues with the people you're working with, unfortunately that's how it is in most work environments. If someone tries to engage you with gossip or tries to stir up drama with you, ignore them and walk away. It's so easy to engage, whether that's gossip or drama; but you can step back and realize that these people are probably lacking something in their lives. Turn away/walk away from them and focus on your work. If it continues, no matter how much you ignore them, report them to your supervisor. It's possible they're also targeting you because you're new to the environment; and hopefully that'll pass.
Wishing you the best of luck, feel free to keep us updated if needed.
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Re: Work? -
August 6th 2021, 03:55 PM
J gave you some amazing pointers above, I do want to add my input as well.
Since there's a difference between government funding by country we can't give an accurate answer. However, does your work take taxes off? I'm concerned that if they don't you might get taxed badly when you claim them. However, this again might just be a Canadian thing, and I'm not sure if it's the same, where ever the coffee is. Ultimately, I would claim it as it might turn out badly if you don't.
I'm not the best person to help with the 630am thing as I am the WORST morning person on the face of the earth!
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Re: Work? -
August 6th 2021, 04:39 PM
Thanks both of you the wages aren’t minimum wage and it’s not long term work just till September I don’t think the wages are taxed as it’s not minimum wage nor is it lkke enough for it to be taxed. Yeah I’m usually asleep by lkke 1030pm.
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Re: Work? -
August 6th 2021, 06:28 PM
According to this article, it's best to notify Department of Work and Pensions any time there is a change relating to your income and you claim benefits. Who you need to report changes to income to depends on what benefits your claiming, but you can see the list of changes and who to contact here If you are unsure, you can always contact Citizens Advice who will be able to help answer any questions or concerns regarding benefits and chances to your income.
As for early mornings, it's definitely a good idea to go to bed earlier (I think 10:30pm is fine) and ensure that you eat breakfast to help keep you going. If you aren't used to getting up that early then it may take some getting used to it. Try to do things the night before as well, like if you need to take things with you or bring a packed lunch then it might be worth ensuring you're all packed the night before just to make life a little less stressful in the morning.
Conflict is difficult to avoid but it's best not to get involved. Try not to pick sides, and if asked just say that you don't want to get involved or that you don't know what's going on and don't want to know either. Try not stay anything that could be used against you or spread as gossip either.
Hope this helps a bit
Voldermorts Stalker
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Re: Work? -
August 6th 2021, 08:51 PM
Ahh I see I don’t think I need to inform them as I get PIP. And the article says I can still claim PIP and work and lkke for any other benefits coz it’s under 16 hours etc and is less than 143 a week etc it won’t like affect anything . Yeah I’m like trying to stay out of like all the Bitching etc but it’s like so hard when I am hearing gossip and bitching etc I’m like trying to keep myself to myself like as much as I possibly can.
'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''
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