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Dust and Ash
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Where should I work? -
September 26th 2018, 09:15 PM
So I have a variety of places to work at, from retail to food chains. But I'm not sure where to work. Here are some places I could work at-
- Teriyaki Madness (fast food)
- Shopko (retail)
- Thriftway (Grocery)
- McCalister's (Deli food)
- Country Club
- Sonic (fast food)
So as you can see, there is quite the selection for someone my age. But I'm not so sure as to which would be the best option. I'm currently looking at the wages and so far the highest payment (and most popular choice) in high school is Thriftway. But I could easily work at Shopko or McCalister's because both are ran by family members, and the wages are also pretty high. Shopko is more laid back and relaxed while McCalister's is more fast paced. I don't know which would be a good, a relaxed environment or a fast paced one. I have applied to work at Teriyaki Madness, and so far have received no news on my application. (Keep in mind that I applied in the middle of August.)
And Sonic, well, aha, funny thing is that I could work as a carhop, but the manager is sort of a creep and my mom does NOT want me working there at all for that reason.
I know that I want a job so I can earn my own spending money and not have to worry about wanting a new outfit or snacks, just, it is a hard decision on where I should work and I'm not exactly sure where would be a good starting job for me. At the moment I'm walking my aunt's dog for money.
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Re: Where should I work? -
September 27th 2018, 12:25 PM
If you haven't heard anything from Teriyaki Madness it may be that you didn't get the job. Is it possible to chase up your application to see what's going on?
Since these places are quite similar with similar wages, it seems to be that your main issue is figuring out whether a fast paced or relaxed environment is better for you. There isn't much you can do about this until you've experienced both environments as they'll both have their pros and cons. But if you generally don't mind the hustle and bustle of fast paced things and can multitask well under pressure, then a fast paced environment might be a good option. If you're not sure, you could always go for a more relaxed environment first.
Only you can decide. But it's good to see that you want to work to gain a bit of financial independence!
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Re: Where should I work? -
September 27th 2018, 05:09 PM
The real world doesn't really revolve around you picking the place you want and for sure getting said job. Trust me, you often have to apply for numerous jobs and hope you get the one you really want. If these are the places you want to work, I'd apply for all of them, follow up on the ones you already applied to, and skip the one where the manager is a creep cause, seriously, you're 15, unless you have bills to pay for or need a savings account for university, or something that would make you desperate, don't work for a person you know is a creep (actually, never work for a creep if you can help it!), it's not worth it. See who interviews you, work the place you get hired at
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Dust and Ash
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Re: Where should I work? -
September 27th 2018, 06:49 PM
Thanks guys. Really appreciate the advice.
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Re: Where should I work? -
September 28th 2018, 05:01 PM
I say, why not apply at all of them and see who calls, chances are you pick your favorite and they don't hire you. If none call, call for follow ups. Sometimes none of these will hired. Being a first job, its likely they'll only pay minimum wage for your state.
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