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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
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Paying drivers $50 a week? Enrolling in a good school? - July 2nd 2017, 12:37 AM

I'm really trying to make this year better and my home situation is bad.. I've decided to start working and with what I make, i can spend $50- $100 I'm transportation a week to get to my school of choice ..... there's lyft and uber, but I was wondering about tips or ways to find people closer to my age who can drive me to school and Home? I have to get there at 7:25 and school ends at 3 but dont have to leave exactly at 3. Any tips?

Also.. my mom isn't keen on her kids happiness, iv e taken care of paying for my own dance classes, transportation, school supplies and clothes, etc... all she has to do is register me at a school I'll be happy at.. Any tips? Keep in mind that she knows its important to me but its not about me, its about her... Like I said she's not a good parent and I can't just call cps...

If you want more detail on my budgeting plans for school and such or my home situation feel free to PM me.

Last edited by Storyteller.; July 2nd 2017 at 01:35 AM. Reason: Moving to a more specific forum. :)
  (#2 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Paying drivers $50 a week? Enrolling in a good school? - July 2nd 2017, 04:08 AM

In my state, there is a whole process involve regarding going to a school that isn't in your district. Have you contacted the school you are interested in to make sure that they will accept you?

If you do end up going to a different school you need to make sure that the amount of money you set aside to get there is enough. I know that Uber and Lyft are cheaper than a taxi but you want to be certain that you have enough money each week to get to and from the school. I suppose you could look into public transportation as well.

If your mom will not help register you there really is nothing you can do. You need a parents help registering. I believe that most schools will not allow a child to register unless their parents are there. So, all you can really do is talk to your mom about it and see if she will agree to it and then see if you can get her to go. Maybe you can tell her that you will pay gas or pay the fee for uber to get the both of you out there.
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$50, drivers, enrolling, good, paying, school, week

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