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Exclamation I suck at school? - September 19th 2016, 03:40 AM

So I started school just a couple weeks ago, and I'm really concerned. Before I go too into detail I can't get tutoring. No one willing to take me, and I can't go on my own. I'm not allowed. So anyway, I'm taking Algebra 2, physics, English 3, and some other classes. Recently, I took a diagnostic test that was a kindergarten level (it was the only one available) I scored an 80% first time and 79% the second time....I honestly don't know why the hell this happened as I really tried and literally don't understand how I got a shit score on a KINDERGARTEN diagnostic test! On top of this, my teacher (a stereotypical nerd),asked me if the test was hard, jokingly I presume. I said "I dunno...." because I knew my score and he hadn't checked it yet. Then he just said "well the answer is no because you took a test at a kindergarten level." And then he said earlier how he'd make fun of people who failed the kindergarten level test. Also, physics is fucking weird. I study, I read, I do what my teachers tell me, I can't stay after school, but I do all I'm supposed to. I also complete my homework. I can't switch classes anymore. Why am I so stupid? Please help me, i've even tried looking online for educational videos that DO NOT HELP. I pay attention in class, i ask for help, i still don't understand why i don't get anything. Please help me, I HAVE to get good grades! I'm a junior and I need to work as hard as I can. Idk what to do. I'm really scared.

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Re: I suck at school? - September 21st 2016, 03:38 AM

Plz give me advice

  (#3 (permalink)) Old
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Re: I suck at school? - September 21st 2016, 11:09 AM

Hey there,

Really sorry you haven't got a reply sooner! And sorry to hear that you are finding school hard. What that teacher said was rather inappropriate. Regardless if it was meant as a joke (without him realising you hadn't done well on it), he should be more careful about what he says, as you could potentially report him for that.

Have you been in school before? If you haven't, and you were home schooled, it may be that the curriculum you studied previously doesn't match what was taught at the school....so it would appear that you are behind. I'm also wondering what the diagnostic test was for, and how the results would be used? In theory, tests can help pick up when students may have learning difficulties, so if a teacher thinks that you may be struggling a bit, they should talk to you (or you talk to them) so that you can get the right help.

I know it's really hard when you study and you try hard, but at the same time, don't do well as you hoped (that's happened to me before too!) but at least you are trying. It doesn't make you stupid though! Is it possible to talk to a teacher and let them know that you feel you are trying really hard and not getting anywhere? Perhaps ask them if there is anything you are doing wrong, or could improve on? Teachers do want to help, but sometimes you might have to approach them first in case they don't realise that things are bothering you.

Try not to criticise yourself or stress so much about school (easier said than done, I know). I find that when we feel negative and stressed, it does make it harder to remember things (which is needed for learning). Also, I'm not too sure about your education system, but are there any resources online which can offer interactive quizzes and tests? It would be good if you can try to revise the subjects you are learning and then test yourself and get feedback straight away. If not, perhaps you can ask your teacher for some practice and answer sheets?

Hope this helps a bit

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Re: I suck at school? - September 21st 2016, 10:37 PM

Hey Meredith, so I wouldn't worry about your diagnostic test. The similarity in your scores probably assumes there was a trick question, or something you misread. If you didn't KNOW the information, there'd probably be a greater deviation. Irregardless of the reasoning, I wouldn't worry about it.

As far as physics goes, it's very important to understand the beginning information by any means necessary. I am good with numbers, and physics. However, I will tell you that physics is probably one of the most difficult courses in high school (harder than calculus -- despite not needing it, presuming yours is algebra based since your in algebra). In fact, most people will tell you that physics is one of the hardest classes they ever took.

I highly recommend using KhanAcademy for physics along side of Doc Schuster on YouTube. Doc Schuster will be an invaluable resource in intuitively understanding what's happening. I'm not sure what part your on, but presuming Kinematics, the easiest way to think about this is just substituting values for the variables in your kinematic equations, and solving for what you DON'T know. You also need to establish a coordinate system. Typically in algebra based this simply means having an x & y axis, where anything that moves UP is +y and down is -y, and right is +x and left is -x. This is critical and may be a huge source of your problems.

The last thing I recommend is getting a Schaums book on physics. It gives example of EVERY physics problem you will encounter and HOW to solve the majority of them (step by step instructions). Physics isn't something where you can just go to class, read the text, and get a good grade. You HAVE to do problems. And you HAVE to do them more than once. Typically, the first time you attempt a problem, you'll get it wrong. I remember my first physics course. I'd spend hours on a problem, getting it wrong, time and time again. Eventually, I'd get it write. And as I started to get them right, I started to understand HOW the problems worked.

The thing with physics is it doesn't work like math. There isn't a simple algorithm you can use to solve the problem. You have to know how to model the problem since every problem is unique. The only way to do this is to do problems until you understand it.

Physics is a hard ass class, that requires a lot of work. Don't expect to get it first try, second try, or even the third try. It's going to take time and dedication. The most important thing you can do for yourself is understand Newton's laws. After that, physics will make sense. Newton's laws appear easy, but applying them is difficult. This may take you all semester to grasp.

Lastly, if worse comes to worst, talk to your professor. I'm not sure how you're taking Physics without having trigonometry (depending on the physics your doing). Are you taking conceptual physics or physics?

Anyways, good luck. I'd also like to mention, try not to think that you 'suck' at school. Some people just have to work harder than others. I did terrible in highschool. Now I'm going to a good university in one of the most difficult majors. The difference is I had to work a lot harder than my counterparts. But let me tell you something. Physics is to date one of the hardest courses I've ever taken. So don't feel discouraged. It's a huge hurdle to get over, but once you get over it, you'll see that what you were stressing about wasn't so bad after all. But until you get over that hurdle, it'll feel like hell.

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Re: I suck at school? - September 21st 2016, 11:02 PM

Originally Posted by merideth7 View Post
So I started school just a couple weeks ago, and I'm really concerned. Before I go too into detail I can't get tutoring. No one willing to take me, and I can't go on my own. I'm not allowed. So anyway, I'm taking Algebra 2, physics, English 3, and some other classes. Recently, I took a diagnostic test that was a kindergarten level (it was the only one available) I scored an 80% first time and 79% the second time....I honestly don't know why the hell this happened as I really tried and literally don't understand how I got a shit score on a KINDERGARTEN diagnostic test! On top of this, my teacher (a stereotypical nerd),asked me if the test was hard, jokingly I presume. I said "I dunno...." because I knew my score and he hadn't checked it yet. Then he just said "well the answer is no because you took a test at a kindergarten level." And then he said earlier how he'd make fun of people who failed the kindergarten level test. Also, physics is fucking weird. I study, I read, I do what my teachers tell me, I can't stay after school, but I do all I'm supposed to. I also complete my homework. I can't switch classes anymore. Why am I so stupid? Please help me, i've even tried looking online for educational videos that DO NOT HELP. I pay attention in class, i ask for help, i still don't understand why i don't get anything. Please help me, I HAVE to get good grades! I'm a junior and I need to work as hard as I can. Idk what to do. I'm really scared.
I am also a Junior and really have only been an average student since high school. This is my 2nd year of doing online school since having my baby in July of 2015 and some things are great and helpful with online school compared to regular school and other things are not. But back to you, somethings come harder to others than other people. Your nerdy teacher seems like an idiot because he/she should know that because they are educators and should know that some people have strengths in one area and not in others. Physics may be one of those classes that you may never fully grasp and that is O.K. I know you want to get good grades and everything,but still give it your 100% and participate in class and hopefully you can at least pull a C. You definitely seem to write well from your post so maybe your strength is writing and English. The main thing you need to do is to keep you head high and don't let idiot teachers bring you down. Do you have a School Guidance Counselor you could talk to about this cuz I think that might help some.Good Luck.
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