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College students/freshman, in television shows set in highschool, do you still find a way to relate to the series? -
February 21st 2016, 11:18 AM
Well not through the past, I mean in the present day would you still be able to relate with the series?
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Re: College students/freshman, in television shows set in highschool, do you still find a way to relate to the series? -
February 21st 2016, 02:06 PM
I'm a college student and I watch some TV shows set in a high school setting. Personally, I can somewhat relate to it because high school doesn't really feel like too much of a long time ago(only 2 years back). But I'm sure once I start to get older, I'm probably not going to want to watch TV shows set in a high school setting since I tend to watch them less nowadays and prefer mature content.

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Re: College students/freshman, in television shows set in highschool, do you still find a way to relate to the series? -
February 22nd 2016, 01:18 AM
I've been out of high school for ages and still love those TV shows.
For one, I find that these "teenagers" don't have real teenager problems. Take a show like Gossip Girl for example (which I've recently been rewatching) - Chuck buys or manages or does something a strip club that his dad technically bought when he's 17 years old and his dad is all like "yo, you should take more respionsibility at your strip club". No, just NO, he's 17 and should be worried about writing his SAT's or his chemistry final NOT worrying about managing a strip club. So much of the stuff that happens is "adult" stuff, so that keeps one element relatable. There are a TON of shows like this where the characters (and I mean most of them, not 1 or 2 of them) actually act like they're in their 20's. Plus, most of the actors are 25 and claim to be 16-17. It's not as dramatic for women, but a 25 year old man is WAY older than a 16 year old man (eg. more physically bulky, more facial hair, face is older) cause men finish maturing so much later than women.
Plus, a lot of these teeny shows have a nostalgic feel to them. Like they're still enjoyable, even when the kids do still act like normal kids.
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Re: College students/freshman, in television shows set in highschool, do you still find a way to relate to the series? -
February 24th 2016, 02:09 PM
I relate to them more than shows about adults, probably because I still feel like a kid lol. Although I've technically grown up, I really don't feel like I have and although I'm three years out of school I still feel like it was only yesterday.
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Re: College students/freshman, in television shows set in highschool, do you still find a way to relate to the series? -
February 26th 2016, 03:51 PM
I've been out of high school for ten years, and I don't watch TV programs featuring characters in high school. I just can't relate to them at all, seeing as I'm 31 and they're in their teens. It's a bit odd if I did, in my opinion.
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Re: College students/freshman, in television shows set in highschool, do you still find a way to relate to the series? -
February 26th 2016, 04:36 PM
I recently graduated college and I still watched shows set in high school while in college. It's true that I couldn't relate to them and I definitely lost interest in high school shows like Degrassi. I stuck with shows like Pretty Little Liars because the show wasn't realistic. I watch the 100 because even though most of them are high school age, it's such a different setting. I don't think going to college means you need to stop watching things set in high school but as you get older you'll likely start losing interest.
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Re: College students/freshman, in television shows set in highschool, do you still find a way to relate to the series? -
March 5th 2016, 08:41 AM
I've been out of high school for quite some time now and I can't relate to TV shows with high school settings anymore (90210, Gossip Girl, Degrassi, Melrose Place, etc.). They just seem... like a whole other era in my life. One that I'd like to not look back on xD.
More unrealistic TV shows are different like the 100.
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Re: College students/freshman, in television shows set in highschool, do you still find a way to relate to the series? -
March 6th 2016, 08:04 AM
It depends on the show and how well done it is.
I've watched episodes of switched at birth and liked it. I've watched re-runs of degrassi and some of the newer episodes and liked it. But, then there have been shows I couldn't get into.
But, in general I don't watch a lot of shows that feature teens as the main cast. But, I never really have. When I was in junior high I used to watch degrassi and when I was in high school I watched one tree hill but those eventually bored me and I went back to my favorite adult shows.
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