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Coming out to my school? -
September 1st 2015, 11:18 PM
i just started school yesterday
i take online school and we have a lab uptown where we can seek help if needed and also take our state tests there
i only started going there in February which was when i was still coming to the conclusion that i was trans and learning about what i meant to be trans, etc.
well now that ive learned i want to come out to my school, especially since i have an assignment that's due Sunday which requires you to tell the teacher about yourself
obviously, i dont want to introduce myself as someone im not
any suggestions?
Last edited by shotaboy; September 3rd 2015 at 04:03 PM.
Re: Coming out to my school? -
September 2nd 2015, 12:27 AM
You could always address it to your teacher first in the assignment via writing. Just write in your assignment that "hi i am name, I am x years old and I am trans gendered." You could always tell a little story about how this acceptance of being trans has impacted you (like about how you've explored the trans community and such) and go from there.
Do you have to present it to your class too? Because you could always just start with certain people as it comes up (such as your friends, the teacher with this assignment), and then people will talk so people will just know after a while.
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions
Re: Coming out to my school? -
September 3rd 2015, 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Always *
You could always address it to your teacher first in the assignment via writing. Just write in your assignment that "hi i am name, I am x years old and I am trans gendered." You could always tell a little story about how this acceptance of being trans has impacted you (like about how you've explored the trans community and such) and go from there.
Do you have to present it to your class too? Because you could always just start with certain people as it comes up (such as your friends, the teacher with this assignment), and then people will talk so people will just know after a while.
Luckily, my school is online so I don't have to read it in front of anyone or anything. After doing research coming out has seemed a bit easier (?) for me because I found laws and such that protect transkids' identities at school and such. 8')