Hey there

In Semtember I will be starting my second year in high-school, so I have to start thinking about University. Luckily (Or not? I don't know if this is good or bad...) I basically spend 80% percent of my time daydreaming and thinking about my future, and since high-school is going by so fast I have especially been pondering about University.
I already know that if I go to University I will either choose to do a course in Literature (which I have already looked into) or some kind of Fine Arts degree. As I want to study in Scotland (and preferably in or near Glasgow), I have checked out various courses offered in Glasgow School of Art, and I have found three which interest me: "Suclpture & Environmental Art", "Painting & Printmaking" and "Communication Design".
I was just wondering if any of you did/ are doing/ want to do a Fine Arts degree, and if you could share what you know of it (what I would need for a portfolio, skills I would have to obtain, or just anecdotes about what a Fine Arts student's life is like).
When it comes to art, my strong points are: sketching (with a regular pencil, a pen, whatever), drawing with charcoal, and drawing with water pencils which I use as an alternative to painting because I'm not that great with paintbrushes. I am better at drawing from my imagination than copying an object or scene. I have already tried scculpting, and I'm not bad at that either.
Unfortunately I am in a high school which does not offer the option to take Art classes, so for the past year I have only been doodling at the side of my jotter... I am, however, going to be challenging myself more and start a project where each week on Facebook I post one new drawing I have done accompanied by the music i was listening to whilst doing it (the music is what inspires me) and how long it took me to do it. I might also post this on TeenHelp if some of you are interested. Hopefully this will push me to learn new techniques and styles. I might try setting up an Art Club at school as well.
Anyway, it would be much appreciated if you'd share anything you know about Art School with me! Thanks