Hi there! I'm about to graduate and I'm basically in the same boat. However, what I learned and what can possibly help you to figure things out, is to do whatever job according to what you think you want to do. So, you want something in math and analytic, then research jobs and apply for EVERYTHING. You can even go to your college's career services office (they must have one) and ask for guidance. They will help you develop an outstanding resume and point you in the direction of jobs that suit you.
I'm in entertainment management, and it's not easy to find jobs. But I've done a bunch of little things along the way and it has helped me to get closer to figuring out what I want to do. You also figure out what you don't want! Like, I did a Sales internship and I know that I do not want to do Sales
I did a job shadow in a box office and I kind of liked it. So you have to just go for anything and everything you can find related to your field of study and gain the experience to figure out what you like and what you don't.
All the best!