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What happens if i tell someone at school that i have a suicide plan? -
February 5th 2015, 09:11 PM
I know that they have to report it to my parents, but what will actually happen? I have everything I need to do it, I've done my research into quick and effective ways, I have my suicide note written out, I know where I'll go to do it. It's now just a matter of waiting, until one night I decide that I've had enough.
Does anyone have any idea about what will actually happen to me once i tell someone, what will the school do, will I get sent to hospital or maybe just be told to go to a doctor? I kind of want to be fully prepared for when I tell someone, if I decide that I'm going to.
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Re: What happens if i tell someone at school that i have a suicide plan? -
February 5th 2015, 09:54 PM
I think it's different for every situation. For me, I was kept in adult supervision at all times, then I was taken to the hospital. I do want you to know though that everyone here cares for you every much and that we are here to support you. If you need someone to vent to feel free to PM me anytime you need anything. I'm more than willing to listen. I truly care about you. You don't need to face this alone.
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Re: What happens if i tell someone at school that i have a suicide plan? -
February 5th 2015, 10:44 PM
I can only share my experience of what happened when I told someone at school I wasn't eating. I was deemed a danger to myself, so it was passed on to the delegated child protection officer in my school. What she did with that information I don't know, but I was told I had to inform my parents or the school would have to inform them.
I don't know what the school would do if you said you had a suicide note. Maybe something similar to my experience, maybe something completely different. I just thought I'd share my experience.
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Re: What happens if i tell someone at school that i have a suicide plan? -
February 6th 2015, 02:35 AM
Like the others have said they usually make a decision based on whether you're a danger to yourself or to others. Danger to yourself includes:
having a plan
having an intent to carry it out
having the materials required to carry out the plan or access to materials required to carry out the plan.
Also if you are badly injured as a result of Self Harm or overdose. Whether those were intentional for suicide or not, if a lot of damage is done you'd at least have to go to the emergency room to get you the medical care and if you told someone the paramedics would ask to see your arms and legs for any sign of self harm.
After that they might transfer you to the psychiatric unit. Until they find you can go home.
Well that's more or less what happened to me. At the hospital the stay is on average two weeks but can go up to months. The staff will keep an eye on you till they decide you can be discharged.
I know for myself I wouldn't want to go back to a hospital but really if you're this close to hurting yourself, I suggest to reach out to someone.
Even if they decide to take you to the hospital and you absolutely hate it there and find it unhelpful and time wasting, you may have a chance to gain some self discovery and you'll have a lot of time for reflection on how to improve your life for the better.
I wanted to ask if the environment you're in now is contributing to your suicidal. If you stayed over a friend's house, or relative for a while would that change your outlook on life?
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Re: What happens if i tell someone at school that i have a suicide plan? -
February 6th 2015, 03:01 AM
I never told anyone that I was suicidal, but someone else told someone instead. I had to meet with the guidance counselor who went through a few questions relating to suicide and self-harm. My parents were called. The school were involved in my self-harm numerous times and I had to remove my clothing for the school nurse to document my injuries and I was not allowed to attend school until I was seen by someone and cleared to go back. I was seen a few times and I had to answer questions to help determine whether or not I needed to be hospitalized.
Each school probably has their own policy. If you're suicidal without having intentions or the means to do it, action might not be as intense as it would be with a plan or the tools to do so but action will be taken either way. Please do consider telling someone about what you're going through and be honest with people so they can get you the help you deserve.
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