Hello everyone. Thank you for clicking on my post it's lovely to know some one wants to read it.

I would like to apologise if this does clash with another one of my threads I don't think it will but just in case it does I'm really sorry.

In this post i will be covering a few factors and would appreciate a nice detailed response which will then allow me to decide which way I should take this thank you.
Well, lets get to the point.
I'm currently on a ICT course. I like ICT it's something I'm interested in I guess. Im very stressed over the current course. Im struggling to make friends on the current course I would like to ask if i can move but it's December and if i went in a new class it would feel awkward because by now everyone in that new class would have their friendship groups. I'm really smuggling because they expect me to binary which i struggle with because i suffer with learning disabilities. The teacher (the main one) Has left because he has to have a heart operation I wish him the best of luck. My current personal support tutor is leaving this week not that he ever did anything to help me. Im very concerned because one reason that I'm at college is to make friends. I don't have a lot of friends sadly I have 2 friends I sometimes wonder if they are even good friends sometimes. Another option would be to get a job. I don't mind that option my mental health has improved a lot and I'm very close to being able to work. One thing that i feel worries me is that if i left how would i make friends and meet girls and stuff have a social life get my point? I have never had many friends and it gets me down knowing i don't have many. Thats one of my key objectives to make friends. I have a couple of people who i talk to in class but they don't feel best mate material. Not being nasty to them I'm sure they are great people. One of them is Jack I often chat to him about phones and stuff he's all right but he's not the sort of person who i would go out with on a night out. Then there Adam he's not really that great of friend if I'm honest he's okay to talk to. I sometimes have joke with Jordan he's a decent lad i think but he hangs around with all the (cool) kids in our class who stand out the front of the college smoking. I have nothing against people who smoke or anything against smoking it's just that i don't smoke and it would feel awkward to stand there while they all smoke wouldn't it. I don't really speak to all of the (cool) kids that much because i find approaching people in real life hard because I was constantly bulled during my high school years and it really effected and brought down my self esteem. I sometimes get ashley say alright mate ? When i see him but if I'm honest i don't how to take him because he kept giving me dirty and nasty looked when the course first started I think he wants to rob my phone or something or he might want to use me. I find it hard to trust people because i was used a lot during my high school years but it just feels weird how he's gone from giving me nasty looks to hey mate how are you but he does it with a few people who knows perhaps he's being friendly. Im going to try and end this around here because i don't want to exhauset the reader. Here I'm going to add the end part to this thread. I really don't know what to do because i want to make friends and maybe meet girls and stuff and have social life because I'm 18 it would mean the world to me to have social life if i leave college and get job what happens if I'm not meeting people I'm so worried and i have to have made my mind up by tomorrow. Another point is that if the college did allow me to move what would I do? Course wise I would like to work for samsung or apple which falls under ICT which is the course that I'm on and really struggling with. It's not that I can't do it it's the fact that the college refuse to give me the correct support. I really don't know what to do because i really want to make some friends i hate being a loner having no life it gets me so depressed and i have just come out of a real hard time with my mental problems. Now that I'm stronger and more fit mentally I'm looking to hit the nail on the head when it comes to life and do well for myself because I'm fed up of struggling i have had enough and want to be happy for a change and doing well for myself. Im planing on going to a different college next year cause i have not been treated correctly at my current one.
I would like give you. ( the reader) a big thank you for reading this whole post it means a lot. Once again if this post gets removed for being a bit like another one of mine I'm very sorry guys but it's about something different so it should be okay.
Take care of yourself
