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Going to school after the hospital? -
February 17th 2014, 02:31 AM
So I have to go to school on Tuesday.. And I was gone for like a week and a half. So it's noticable I was gone. teachers said I was off the roster and my friends grew really worried about me becaus I wasn't at school for a week and a half, I wasn't answering my phone because I'm not allowed to have them there. They know I'm home now, but they don't know why I left and wasn't answering my phone for that time, I always answer the phone and stuff so they know something is up.
Also another question is in my health class they were talking about depression and suicide and the teacher made a comment saying that there was 2 people in the school are at the hospital for attempted suicide. My friend said that she said that so that's how I know about it. I'm afraid it's obvious to others on what I did because she made a comment. So it's gonna be harder to hide it you know? I don't know if being really sick can pull it off to others. Because I didn't seem to be sick. I'm not comfortable saying what I did. I know others will ask why I was gone though. Even when they know nothing.
One more question is why was I taken off the attendance stuff. Like I never went to school or something? I'm really confused on that. People thought I transferred schools or something, which I would rather have them think that!! but I don get it.
I'm really scared for school in couple of days.. And I don't know how to say and what would happened when I go back to school.
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Re: Going to school after the hospital? -
February 17th 2014, 02:41 AM
If people ask, it's none of their business. Just say something vague like, "I was sick" or "Family emergency" or "Something came up." If they keep asking, it's none of their business, and you can tell them that. And if someone asks why you didn't answer your phone you can say you lost it or didn't feel like answering.
As for health class, that does sound like an issue. But again, if someone asks if you attempted suicide, you can always go with "none of your business" or even just tell them straight out that that's not what happened. I feel kinda bad telling you to lie, but it's your life and people shouldn't pry into it.
You can ask a teacher or guidance counselor why you were taken off the attendance list. I'm not sure why you were but I think someone at school could probably tell you. It might just be because they knew you would be out for a while.
Good luck with everything
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Re: Going to school after the hospital? -
February 17th 2014, 02:42 AM
Hey there.
I missed two weeks of school once for a similar reason to yours. Going back to school was tough, but I got through it, and I know that you can too. Just remember that you don't owe anyone whatsoever an explanation of where you were or any details of what happened that you're not comfortable mentioning. If people ask, you could tell them that you're not comfortable speaking about where you were.
Do you have a note from the hospital? If so, you can present that to the staff in the main office and it should be kept confidential. However, the school may or may not want a follow-up. When you get back to school, don't be afraid to ask for help on assignments or information that you've missed.
Best of luck!
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Re: Going to school after the hospital? -
February 17th 2014, 03:08 AM
First, you don't have to "seem sick" to be sick. You can tell them that you were sick and they shouldn't know if you were or not. And they probably just didn't call your name for attendance because they knew you weren't there. If anyone asks if you were one of the two you can tell them that you weren't. If you're upset that the teacher made that comment you can try to talk to him/her and say that maybe in the future it'd be better to not mention it (I'm sure the intentions weren't negative, probably trying to make it easier for everyone to relate).
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Re: Going to school after the hospital? -
February 17th 2014, 03:16 AM
I'm not that upset about the comment, but I was surprised on how she knew about it (cause she is just a teacher) and it got me off guard. I hope everyone forgot she made it or if she wasn't referencing it to me. But it gotten my friend more worried about me and stuff.
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Re: Going to school after the hospital? -
February 17th 2014, 03:19 AM
Well, generally, teachers do get notified so they can keep an eye on you. I hope going back to school goes well for you!
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Re: Going to school after the hospital? -
February 17th 2014, 03:25 AM
Hi, Angie!
Sorry to hear you attempted suicide. I hope you're doing okay now. If you aren't comfortable sharing the reason with your friends, you can always say that you weren't feeling well (which would be the truth in some way). Or that you were sick.
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Re: Going to school after the hospital? -
February 17th 2014, 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by Enchantment
Well, generally, teachers do get notified so they can keep an eye on you. I hope going back to school goes well for you!
Well she isn't my teacher though I don't have her in any of my classes though.
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Re: Going to school after the hospital? -
February 18th 2014, 08:01 PM
When I was in the hospital my mom emailed my teachers and told them that I have depression and that I was hospitalized. I missed 5 days of school, and I was extremely stressed but my school counselor told me that my teachers would work with me to catch up. My teachers are very understanding about my stay in the hospital.
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Re: Going to school after the hospital? -
February 20th 2014, 12:28 AM
Who knows the teacher could have been talking about other students and not even known about you! I just told people I was sick however other people in the hospital told people they went on vacation! Hey if you're not in the country it would be too expensive to use your phone anyway right?
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Re: Going to school after the hospital? -
February 22nd 2014, 08:37 PM
Hey Angie!
I am so sorry to hear about your attempted suicide. I'm glad that you got the help you needed and that you're still around. Thank you for sticking with us! Going back to school after such an experience can be really tough, especially since your peers might be curious as to why you were gone. As stated before, this is nobody's business if you don't want it to be. If somebody asks you what happened and you don't feel comfortable telling them, you can leave it at short, blunt responses. You don't need to feel obligated to tell anyone.
I also suggest you stay in contact with a school counselor. If anyone begins to give you too much trouble, you can always let your counselor know. I'd also communicate with your teachers since they seem to know what happened.
Best of luck! You seem like an incredibly strong person and I just have a feeling that you're going to be okay! 
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