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Angry Im looking for break from college so i can sort myself out mentally and physically - November 9th 2013, 03:43 PM

Anyway im having abit of a dilemma recently i finished high school and started college september time

And i wanted this to be kinda like a new start /new me

Well i have been there for a few months now i havent really made any friends im seriously struggling i dont really get on with anyone

I also feel like i have made a terribke impressio because i have gone looking like a twat for the past month aswell :/

Im struggling to befriend with my class i dont really get on with anyone there all twats j just donno what to do

I seriously need a break i need to sorrt myself out my life i need to refuel myself i cant do that aswell while having the stress of college i need to sort my self out i just need a break

Im mentally weak
Im depressed alot i need to sort that out i need time

But i don’t want to tell the teachers that i want to kill myself its nothing to do with them!

I really feel like im not gonna get anywhere in college am i?

What i wanted to achieve

Friends (must)
A girlfriend would be a bounes i havent had one in years i really want some one to learn on

I personally feel that i have made a terrible impression

I know i havent met everyone at the college yet but i have been there a while!

September its november now

Its my birthday on the 16th
I honestly have to say 16 has been the worst year of my life so far i really hope 17 is gonna be something going in the right direction

But i need a break i need to sort my life out im still learning who i am i need to sort my mental state out please all i want is a break then ill be ready to face the world and give it a shot :/

Im really down

I dont reallly like my class we have 3 boys one said he didnt wanna be my friend
Another jumps around on tables and acts like a duck

And the other is disabled and i find it hard to be his buddy

At college no one really comes up to you and randomly says hi the world don't work like that most people keep them selfs to there selfs to be honest

Im really worried incase i cant get a gifriend now because i have messed my impression up of who i am

I seriously looked stupid with my long emo styled hair which i could t be asked to get cut

Im also worried that im not gonna make friends i donno :/

Iam not going to any social groups i dont have many interests

Leta just say college isnt what i thought it would be

And if you asked me in may what my life would of been like by now
I would of said amazing

But it isn't
I guess i need to sort my head out and sort myself out phically i need a break

Please dont suggest social clubs thanks
  (#2 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Im looking for break from college so i can sort myself out mentally and physically - November 13th 2013, 03:47 AM

This member has been banned, so keeping his thread active in the Mental Health forum seems pointless. He won't be able to see the advice we provide, and the information will probably be outdated by the time he returns (if he returns). I've decided to move it to the Trash Bin. If he comes back to TeenHelp and would like to have this decision reversed, he's welcome to submit a dispute. If he would like to re-post this material, he's welcome to do so.

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break, college, mentally, physically, sort

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