Im looking for jobs and im facing a psychological barrier because a big part of me just keeps saying to myself "you can't do that job","you will be terrible at it, be fired and embarrassed"," you can't do anything right and you won't succeed on that job or even the interview" and thoughts along those lines. I have been trying to ignore them, but it seems that is such a part of my mentality now, probably because i grew up with people telling me that i didn't do anything right(even if it was the first time i did it) and so im straggling with overcoming this lack of self confidence.
Don't get me wrong, my problem is not with working and i would gladly take a full time job(im looking more for full time) if it was something that instantly knew i could do and i have worked before in a store and at the end i really enjoyed it(although it was before my depression got worse), but im having trouble channeling those memories and experiences for the present because all i keep thinking is that i can't do what the job requires
Any advice or anyone in the same situation or that was in the same situation but was able to overcome it?
Everyday that passes i feel more like a loser because i struggle to just making the mindset to apply to work in some places and the fact that i haven't applied for as many places as i could have.
Sorry about the long post and thank you for you time.