I'm in such a dilemma and I'm aware I'll probably come across as a bit of a tit in this post and I feel like one.
Basically, last December I came out at school as gay. Everyone was fine and accepting, even my lad friends. However, I've been closer to girls and have no close friends that are guys. This bugs me, because I'm sure its not because of the way I act. I like football, I'm far from camp, etc.
There is this one girl who I am really, really close to. We Skype all the time and we are best friends. She is also joining the same sixth form as me. However the past couple of months I feel like I want to distance myself from her. There is no doubting she has been there for me and really supportive, but she honestly does my head in at times. She is too politically correct, you cannot say anything she doesn't agree with it etc. - I said at Christmas that ''men are pretty crap at rapping presents
'' and she caused a big argument saying I'm being sexist towards Woman, saying that I basically mean that they should do it.
I feel like I need to distance myself from her. I think part of the reason I'm not close to many lads is because people see me and her as a duo and she relies on me too much, therefore others are scared to come close to me as they know how close me and her are (supposedly) - But I don't know what to do when I start Sixth form, I can't just stop talking to her. But I don't want to be known as a duo with her and having her relying on me for 2 years.
I really want to make some guy friends, I enjoy typical lad sports, I like playing my Xbox, I enjoy going out drinking and I miss things like this. I'm constantly tied up with this girl and hardly get out ever since me and her have got close.
My questions are basically, how do I go about telling people I'm gay when I start sixth form? I've already ''came out'' at one go and I really don't want it to be an issue when I start. - Should I tell people at first when I talk to them or leave it a few weeks? But then it may become increasingly harder to tell people. I just fear that lads may not want to become close to me as I'm gay, and how do I go about distancing myself from this girl? Am I right too?
I'm just sick of how I feel. I feel like I have no friends because of her. I just want to fit in lads and I feel due to my sexuality and this girl Its going to be hard.