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Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 19th 2013, 02:54 PM

Hey..im just bout to start college and will be sharing a room for the 1st time in my life so i have an odd but serious 2 part question- do you wear bra/panties under pj's? And did that change when you shared a room 4 the 1st time or when you went to college? (Hopefully I'm not a weirdo but I don't wear panties under pj's except for period time and def don't wear a bra..)
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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 19th 2013, 03:36 PM

This is totally up to you. I've never been to college, but I did have to share a room (and a bed) with my sister for a long time before she moved out. I hate wearing bra's and panties to bed, and even though our situations are slightly different, they aren't by much.

If you're comfortable, don't do it. Get to know your roommate before move in day. That's what a lot of Freshman do.

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 19th 2013, 03:51 PM

yeah i have to agree with the above user, communication is the key, if you feel comftorble do it, if not no, i dont wear bras, but sometimes panties

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 19th 2013, 03:57 PM

I'm the same, totally commando in my PJs I can understand the discomfort of not wearing them with a roommate in the same room. I don't think underwear are a big deal unless your wearing boxer-short typed PJ bottoms (just be careful if you do and don't want to risk a crotch shot)... As far as bras go, it shouldn't be a big deal either BUT if you are feeling insecure you could always wear a bra until you crawl into bed and then just take it off, that's what I've done before.... But I've also never had to share a room with anyone before, I just know what i've done when having sleepovers or what ever

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 19th 2013, 04:01 PM

It's not really a big deal. Before going to college, I never wore a bra/underwear under my pajamas. Now, in college, sometimes all I wear is a bra and pajama pants. I've literally walked around campus in just my bra. No one cares. I've definitely changed a lot since coming to college, and I'm a lot more confident about my body. Before college, I was very insecure. I personally don't like to walk around campus without a bra under my T-shirt. I've done it, but it's not a preference. I agree with wearing it until you go to bed then taking it off. I've done that several times, too..

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 19th 2013, 05:30 PM

I don't go college or share a room with anyone but you should just sleep in what your comfortable sleeping in. Just because you aren't wearing underwear underneath your clothing, doesn't mean they'll notice or anything and it's not like they'll see anything either.
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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 20th 2013, 05:28 PM

I slept however I felt comfortable on a particular night. I didn't get to talk to my roommate until the day before move in and we actually didn't speak the first weekend either (it was super awkward). I still slept how I usually did (without a bra). I mean, I wouldn't sleep completely naked with a roommate but that's just me. Other than that I'd say go for it.

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 20th 2013, 11:35 PM

I say go with what you're comfortable with. I had to share a bed with a friend of mine during spring break because we were on a school trip in another state and I usually just sleep in a shirt and underwear. Granted yes it was a friend, but not one that I've hung out with outside of school and we were sharing a bed. I just got into bed with my bra on under my sleep-shirt and my jeans on, then under the blanket I took off my jeans and took my bra off from under my shirt and I was fine.

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 21st 2013, 12:18 AM

In college it never even occurred to me to wonder about that. I just wore my regular stuff. However when I got a summer jobs and had to share a house with guys I would wear a sports bra until I was actually going to sleep.

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 21st 2013, 03:32 AM

Generally I sleep in a bra and underwear, but that is just what I am more comfortable doing. If you feel the most comfortable sleeping without them, sleep without them. You can do what others suggested and crawl into bed and then take off the undergarments, or you can just leave them off. It is all up to personal comfort. Unless you're wearing something too short to bed where there can be accidental slips, your roommate may not even notice.

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 22nd 2013, 01:56 AM

College people are typically really chill. It also depends how close you get to your roommate. I'm sure within a month you will both be sleeping without bras under your pjs or that you'll both just be sleeping in your bra and underwear.

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 22nd 2013, 02:00 AM

I don't think you should if it's more comfortable not wearing anything underneath. I hate wearing a bra to bed. Just do whatever is more comfortable for you.
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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 24th 2013, 11:24 AM

I sleep nude or in boxers, my whole family pretty much has no standards of dress when it comes to in the house. So there's that occasional awkward instance where anemone brings a friend over and "there goes a person in their underwear".

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 25th 2013, 06:07 AM

I didn't wear a bra in my pajamas in college (but I wear underwear-just preference!), still don't when I walk around my community complex. Most people don't care. I think my male coworker notices...don't think he minds. Hahahaha! But in all seriousness, most people don't care, they know you're sleeping, they understand you need to be comfortable. Good roommates won't mind.

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 26th 2013, 04:35 AM

Depends on your roommate I'd say. Who knows how open she will be or how comfortable with nudity / sexuality you two might be. You just have to get to know here and set your own limits on those things as you go along.
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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 27th 2013, 02:40 PM

Do whatever is most comfortable for you! I personally wear panties, but no bra with my pj's. But it is all personal preference. I bet your room mate will feel the same as you are and be thinking about it too. Maybe you guys could have a chat about stuff like that sometime? Though I honestly don't think it's necessary. Providing your pj's cover your areas, then it doesn't matter what you wear underneath as people probably won't see or notice

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Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice - April 28th 2013, 02:42 AM

Lol...girls. I sleep in boxer briefs and nothing else every night, don't care who else is around.

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