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Going back to college ? -
December 18th 2012, 09:41 AM
I'm really struggling to find a job, there seems to be no jobs in child-care any more. And I am stuck in a dead end job that's going no where and don't have much chance of an increase of hours any time soon but really need a change of job with more hours. I've discussed this with my mum and we think it might be an idea for me to go back to college and do a college course, we've looked at options course options in prospectuses - and one that seems to be interesting me is doing an Apprenticeship in Health and Social care or something similar. The only Issue I have is the problem of affording the course - I'm not receiving any financial benefits from the government as I earn £1.25 over the thresh-hold so cannot get help with the funding for the course, there's an open day coming up in March which I'm going to go to with mum - the only problem I have is funding the course. Is there any sort of funding out there that I could get or apply for ?
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Re: Going back to college ? -
December 18th 2012, 10:04 AM
Hi Lydia,
You MAY be able to receive a Bursary Fund through the college but I think that may depend on how much income you're receiving in your household. If you do end up having to pay for the whole entire course you've applied for you can do this in installments over the years you attend the course. It may also be helpful to find out information from the DirectGov website and maybe e-mail or phone them up and see whether you are entitled to any benefits to pay for your course or if you are entitled to a discount.
I hope I have been of some help to you.
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Re: Going back to college ? -
December 19th 2012, 12:18 AM
Hey there,
I don't live in your area, I am here in the USA, so I know things are different but it might help to contact the school that you want to attend and see if they can direct you on where to go to get more information about funding? Also, check the school website and see if they have any links to scholarships or funding options. I know that most schools have things like this and it can be helpful.
Also, would it be possible for you to take out a small loan to pay for this course? I know that might not be something that you want to do but it might be a way for you to take the course you want.
I realize this is probably not all that helpful but I figured I would throw out the few thoughts that popped into my head. I am wishing you the best of luck!
Voldermorts Stalker
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Re: Going back to college ? -
December 19th 2012, 09:29 AM
I've looked in the prospectuses I've picked out and I know I'd like to go do a course in Health and Social care and do maths and english to get better grades in those. I'm going to look round on the open day , there was something in the Bursuary Fund but it said that unless I was claiming certain things I couldn't get it. There's also a course in play-work I'm considering doing at my old college too. I know where I want to be it's just well getting there that's proving hard, I told my friend about my college plans and shes told me I can't start a course till she's finished hers.
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Re: Going back to college ? -
December 19th 2012, 07:00 PM
You'd be surprised at support available. I don't know everything about your situation so I advise you to go to the open day, talk to the college about any funding and I would also talk to your local job centre because they should have some information too. Or you can go online to websites like connexions or get connected and if you explain your situation, they should be able to pass on websites etc that can help you find any funding you're eligible for. I know that if your in a mental health service, you might be able to get money to help towards things like college if going to college is going to help improve your mental health too.
Basically, ask everywhere that seems logical and get their advice.
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