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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
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Unhappy Anxiety attacks at work - September 25th 2012, 03:57 PM

I have to go to work at 12 and i dread it so bad because I always have anxiety attacks when I have to work with B, E, D or M. there is like 20 other people i could be scheduled with that dont bother me but no I have to always work with these people. B yells all the time for no reason. E never shows up on time and texts non stop instead of working when she is there. D takes 5 million smoke breaks and talks to E when she is actually "working" not smoking. and M well M cleans all the time instead of working. and i work in a pharmacy which has its on stress because if u screw up u can kill somebody its so stressful trying to pick up the weight of the E,D,and M while B yells it causes me to have panic attacks

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  (#2 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Anxiety attacks at work - September 25th 2012, 07:53 PM

Hey Tonya,
Have you talked to your boss about this? Maybe he/she can schedule you at different times so you wouldn't have to deal with this. When it comes to panic attacks though, you need to learn to breathe. I know it sounds stupid now, but trust me, it works magic! There are tons of different techniques but the most common is close your eyes and count to 5 as you breathe in then 5 as you breathe out slowly. Focus on your breathing and nothing else. Also try bringing a squishy ball or something to fiddle with to keep your hands busy. You can also try listening to music before work to calm you down. Breathing is the best solution though. At first you'll probably think it doesn't work but once you teach yourself enough times you can calm down. Remember to do it slowly because breathing slower FORCES your heartbeat to slow when it's racing because you're panicking. It literally forces your body to calm down. No, it won't make it go away, but every little bit helps. Remember too, you can always go take a break for fresh air, do breathing exercises in the bathroom, get a drink of water, etc. Hang in there, you'll learn to get through them I know how tough it is though.
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  (#3 (permalink)) Old
hopefuldreamer Offline
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Re: Anxiety attacks at work - September 25th 2012, 11:23 PM

the lady that makes the schedule doesn't care that I have trouble working with them she just doesn't want to have to work with them herself. But I will try the breathing exercises next time thank you.

Buddy since 11/17/12 Live Help Operator since 1/27/13 HelpLINK Mentor since 6/30/13
Email: tgentry7712@gmail.com send me an email if you want to.

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